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PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Early Access Thread: This Is Battle Royale


Good news from the PUBG Community Manager regarding hackers:

A few things to keep in mind: just because there's a video on YouTube showing someone using a cheat, doesn't mean it still works or that we're necessarily unaware of it. We too use Google search. Please do not panic at the first sign on danger. By the time you've discovered a cheat, it may already be ineffective.


Crate costs reset!

Wow, that's weird.

No announcement of it anywhere either.

I can dig it though.


What I dislike most about this game is that the map is so large, that you'll spend a whole lot of your time rust running across the landscape. I really wish it had small compact maps with different settings. I wouldn't mind a small jungle-like setup like in that Hunger Games movie.


What I dislike most about this game is that the map is so large, that you'll spend a whole lot of your time rust running across the landscape. I really wish it had small compact maps with different settings. I wouldn't mind a small jungle-like setup like in that Hunger Games movie.
You'll start to find common areas where vehicles usually spawn so that will start to help. Of course getting to the vehicle first might be another story...


They do it every week on Sunday.

Interesting... Never heard about this being announced anywhere. Did somebody at Bluehole mention it at one point?

What I dislike most about this game is that the map is so large, that you'll spend a whole lot of your time rust running across the landscape. I really wish it had small compact maps with different settings. I wouldn't mind a small jungle-like setup like in that Hunger Games movie.

When the game is fully optimized, they're going to make all the assets publicly available and provide the tools necessary to support a healthy modding community in the same vein of what Bohemia Interactive did with ARMA 2/3 that made DayZ and the original BR mods possible.

So you can expect to see some creative, player-driven mods like that once the game is fully released.


I'm torn between using the grab stuff and hide strategy and getting top 5-10 regularly or being one of the first ones out but learning to shoot properly.

Go at it man. Hiding is a waste of time. I've been taking encounters head on and I definitely feel that I'm improving.


Honestly looting and riding the forcefield with 2 painkillers is the best strategy.

Rather than out aiming everyone just out position them


A PUBG player in its natural habitat 😂


Hot damn, took me I think a dozen games but I got a win under my belt (only 4 kills though). Game's intense.

I needs me some optimization though. I'm not sure what's hangin' me up. My CPU is ancient (i7 860 @3.3), but my utilization for it and my GTX 970 both stay pretty low at 30-60% depending on location. Seems odd to be sitting in a building by myself at 54 FPS with 35% CPU and 50% GPU usage.

Oh well. Some day I'll justify that upgrade. :D


Hot damn, took me I think a dozen games but I got a win under my belt (only 4 kills though). Game's intense.

I needs me some optimization though. I'm not sure what's hangin' me up. My CPU is ancient (i7 860 @3.3), but my utilization for it and my GTX 970 both stay pretty low at 30-60% depending on location. Seems odd to be sitting in a building by myself at 54 FPS with 35% CPU and 50% GPU usage.

Oh well. Some day I'll justify that upgrade. :D
Noice 👍

Yeah it's not optimized but it's CPU heavy atm and don't utilize GPU all that well. Soon a patch meant to improve this stuff.


I'll buy it as soon as it's optimized and when they'll hopefully have added some more maps. The beta threw me off.

Honestly, for an EA game this is one of the best optimised games so far. And it's not even optimised yet. I'm running at 1440p with a gtx1070, and aside from the occasional case of 'marshmallowfication' at the beginning while my game takes 3 minutes to load the textures, I've mostly been fine.
What bugs me above all else isn't framerate.

It's these buildings taking a minute to load during the valuable initial rush. I'm basically reliant on landing somewhere isolated and hiding outside until the buildings switch out of their LOD models.


I think it's to limit grinding for them.
Is the cost initially low and then gets higher as you buy more crates? Because that sounds kind of genius to me. It lets the players decide what's too expensive for them. My main issue with pretty much all loot box systems I've come across is that the fixed price is way too high even at the highest bulk discount. If PUBG lets you buy a few boxes a week at an actually sane rate, then I'm all for it.

edit: I was accidentally comparing real money loot box systems to a strictly in-game currency one so this is mostly irrelevant. It's till an interesting system but for different reasons.


Is the cost initially low and then gets higher as you buy more crates? Because that sounds kind of genius to me. It lets the players decide what's too expensive for them. My main issue with pretty much all loot box systems I've come across is that the fixed price is way too high even at the highest bulk discount. If PUBG lets you buy a few boxes a week at an actually sane rate, then I'm all for it.

Yes its because of that so those people who play 12h per day cant buy tons of boxes and market will be full of items that make them not worth anything.


Picked up the game on the weekend after hearing about the OCE servers. Sunk 3-4 hours into it yesterday and it's pretty damn fun. Excited to get back in there next weekend now.

Playing purely solo at the moment. Best run I got was 13th with 4 kills. Stupidly got greedy looting my 4th kill when the play area was tiny and in an open field, got sniped pretty quickly. Had enough BP to buy a crate thing, got one blue shirt, cool I guess?

I am having issues getting my FPS right though. I see people stream it with very few FPS drops but mine are crazy. I actually died yesterday because my FPS dropped to about 20 and I couldn't shoot properly. I followed a guide linked earlier in the thread that involved editing a bunch of.ini files but all it did was make the game look like it was running on ultra low with the same FPS drops. Need to go hide in a corner of the map for a few rounds this weekend and work on it.

My CPU is kinda weak though. GTX1080, 32GB 1600 DDR3, i7 2011 4930k 3.4ghz. Need to get on my DDR4 build asap.

Oc that cpu if you havent.


Yes its because of that so those people who play 12h per day cant buy tons of boxes and market will be full of items that make them not worth anything.
For some reason I assumed the crates can be bought with real money but apparently it's just in-game currency. Regardless, it's a pretty smart system.

Damn, now I really wish games like Overwatch and Hearthstone used something like that.


holyshit, i had so much fun in my last duo game, me and my friend dropped to Pochinko, a lot of other players were going there too. We make our way to the 3 story building that allows you to jump on the roof and we do that, lie there in wait for a little bit when the fighting starts, and as soon as that happens we pinpointed the closest fight and dropped down, and started sneaking around and killing the people who were having firefight across the buildings. We cleared 3 or 4 houses like that until the whole town was silent. Sadly we didn't win, but the beginning of the match was so fun that i couldn't 'care less.

What i most hope out of this EA is that they will introduce those melee takedowns since it would be amazing to reliably sneak up to and kill people without a lot of sound and dynamic weather and maybe night and day cycle.


I hate it when the game closes over an open field. I never know what to do in that situation.
Highly situational considering where you are coming from. Typically look for any defilade you can. Keeping your back to the barrier when you're 100% sure no one is behind you is pretty important. Quickly survey the area and pick out where someone could be/will be. Prone might be the best option until you figure out where the last person is. Picking when to engage is really important when you're a 3rd party in a fight.


Solo triangle of death again.

You are sneaking up on guy in front of you, but there is a guy behind you sneaking on you!
Guy behind you chooses to attack the guy you are sneaking onto.
Guy behind you gets killed and is running for loot while you are circling behind the tree to get the kill, still invisible to the guy.

You kill and get killed by fourth guy somewhere.

I love it.
I really dislike how these games are just about hiding behind cover and watching people come out of their cover. I wish games like this were first person where smart peeking and holding angles while exposed was actually important.

Kind of cheapens the whole experience to me and makes kills not feel very satisfying.


I really dislike how these games are just about hiding behind cover and watching people come out of their cover. I wish games like this were first person where smart peeking and holding angles while exposed was actually important.

Kind of cheapens the whole experience to me and makes kills not feel very satisfying.

There will be HC servers, 1st person only.
I will play there only for sure. Hope they come out fast.
I really dislike how these games are just about hiding behind cover and watching people come out of their cover. I wish games like this were first person where smart peeking and holding angles while exposed was actually important.

Kind of cheapens the whole experience to me and makes kills not feel very satisfying.

Yeah that's coming, there's a reason the game has a head turn and a lean feature.


I really dislike how these games are just about hiding behind cover and watching people come out of their cover. I wish games like this were first person where smart peeking and holding angles while exposed was actually important.

Kind of cheapens the whole experience to me and makes kills not feel very satisfying.
So like Rainbow Six Siege but more focus on the actual surviving and rescuing? That would actually be cool. Siege is all about angles and leaning.


I really dislike how these games are just about hiding behind cover and watching people come out of their cover. I wish games like this were first person where smart peeking and holding angles while exposed was actually important.

Kind of cheapens the whole experience to me and makes kills not feel very satisfying.
Hardcore aka first person servers are coming "when it's ready".
There will be HC servers, 1st person only.
I will play there only for sure. Hope they come out fast.

Yeah that's coming, there's a reason the game has a head turn and a lean feature.

So like Rainbow Six Siege but more focus on the actual surviving and rescuing? That would actually be cool. Siege is all about angles and leaning.

Hardcore aka first person servers are coming "when it's ready".

WOW I didn't know that! I'm back in baby!

Thanks lovelies

I'm so glad to hear that. Seems like this dev is really thinking things through. I just hope that HC servers don't end up being really hard to queue for...like in every game it seems.


I picked this up yesterday with a few peeps and played a few matches. I really like some of the new additions like weapon attachments and choosing where you jump out at spawn.. but I already own H1Z1 KotK and I didn't feel like it did enough different or new to justify me owning both so I've refunded :(

It seems like this has much more of an active development so I may dip back in the future. I do love me that dune buggy...


I picked this up yesterday with a few peeps and played a few matches. I really like some of the new additions like weapon attachments and choosing where you jump out at spawn.. but I already own H1Z1 KotK and I didn't feel like it did enough different or new to justify me owning both so I've refunded :(

It seems like this has much more of an active development so I may dip back in the future. I do love me that dune buggy...
PUBG is to H1 what BF used to be to CoD, I guess 🤔
Ended up refunding the game due to the price. I very much enjoyed what i played and would definitely play it more, but £27 seems very expensive to me regardless of that and i couldn't convince any of my friends to get it to play with me either (because of the price).


Ended up refunding the game due to the price. I very much enjoyed what i played and would definitely play it more, but £27 seems very expensive to me regardless of that and i couldn't convince any of my friends to get it to play with me either (because of the price).

The one thing I don't get about refunding/not buying this game is due to the price.

Like its $29.99. Do you never buy new AAA games?

Not really my place to say as each to their own but I think the price very much fits the offering and its 50% of a normal game these days.


Junior Member
The one thing I don't get about refunding/not buying this game is due to the price.

Like its $29.99. Do you never buy new AAA games?

Not really my place to say as each to their own but I think the price very much fits the offering and its 50% of a normal game these days.

I agree, you are also helping in the development of the game, I think it's a win-win situation
The one thing I don't get about refunding/not buying this game is due to the price.

Like its $29.99. Do you never buy new AAA games?

Not really my place to say as each to their own but I think the price very much fits the offering and its 50% of a normal game these days.

I used to buy games at launch but now i tend to wait until a sale, unless it's something that's already cheap enough to not really be worth waiting to get (e.g. £10 - 15 isn't too bad). I'm sure i could get 20+ hours from this so it's not so much a case of not thinking i could get my moneys worth, just that i think £27 is a lot regardless of how much i'd play it. It's not about the quality of the game or something like that, if i had any income other than birthdays and things like that or more friends to actually play it with I'd probably be alright with getting it anyway. I'm assuming there's no way to get the game cheaper at the moment?

I've never played any of the other games in the same genre and what i played of this was great so i'll definitely be getting it if it's on sale at some point, though.


This game has been one of the most polished multiplayer early access titles I've played at this stage of development.

The problems I have seen, the lag early game, the rare rubberbanding I've experienced, the delayed actions are actually quite minimal compared to other Early Access games.


Damnit! Got 2nd. The game ended on a goddamn field and the last enemy was just prone in the grass. Does minimum graphics help with seeing through vegetation? Running on ultra now and I feel like there's too much stuff rendered.
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