Quote the op and look for it.Where can I find the discord?
is there a way to make it so that you have to hold rmb to scope in instead of toggle?
I have the exact same rig as you (2500k oc'd 4.2ghz) and it runs well enough with a mix of low-medium settings (along with high view distance+texture quality). I've found that some of the other settings at high and ultra tend to result in unstable/inconsistent performance, but that's just my experience.
In the last monthly patch they added a section under Control options where you can toggle Hold for certain actions.
There are no depths to which blue line huggers will not sink.yeah no option there. guess it's not in the game
got to top 4 a few times in singles. always get shot in the back when fighting someone else though. maybe i need to stay closer to the blue line
How new player friendly is this game?
Had some friends talking about it, but couldn't give me a clear answer. Never played a battle royale style game/mode before.
This is important since I'm wondering whether I should buy 10 of them to sell later.So are Gamescom keys going to be buyable after the events over?
This is important since I'm wondering whether I should buy 10 of them to sell later.
They obviously can't be used to finance the event after the event is over, so it's a weird situation.
So are Gamescom keys going to be buyable after the events over?
Once Gamescom is complete, on August 27th, the Gamescom Invitational Crate will be no longer available and can only be obtained by being purchased on the Steam Community Market.. We will then return to the free-to-open system. Keys for a Gamescom Invitational Crate purchased on the Steam Community Market will still be available to purchase in-game.
Fix it in what sense? It seems to work normally for interactions.Anyone know if they fixed the F key yet? Didnt work when i bought the game so i refunded it
Fix it in what sense? It seems to work normally for interactions.
I wish. I only noticed them occasionally until last night, and then I was seeing these giant garish pink sprays.Is there a mod that removes the spray paints from every other building
I wish. I only noticed them occasionally until last night, and then I was seeing these giant garish pink sprays.
is there a way to make it so that you have to hold rmb to scope in instead of toggle?
Check out this little rescue mission with a Gaf Squad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFGKUMJh4eE
At this point I just consider shotguns RNG.There seems to be something consistently "off" about shotguns in the early game...
I and many streams I have witnessed numerous ocassions where you lay into people without a helmet or armor with a shotty and then die to something lesser.
Is this a known bug or is it just de-sync lag BS?
Also, the AK is objectively worse than nearly ever other AR. The only advantage it has is close range spraying. The little bit of extra damage is not worth the stupid recoil pop and general innacuracy imo.
I'm hoping they allow for a hold bind in the future, with FPP being my go-to mode now, it's a bit clunky having to ADS with either of those methods.Probably not what you're looking for, but by default, if you double right click, ADS becomes a hold action.
AK is easily my favorite AR in the game for everything but mid-far range (300+m)
At that range I prefer the M16.
I will take a completely kitted M416 over either if it has every attachment.
But yeah, I love the AK, I'm very used to the kick on it and it's my most consistent gun.
Dearsomeone: PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS - Early Access Highlights Week 20-21 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-O_2_eZ5uk
Ever start a game and immediately know it's going to end horribly?
That's a great story.It goes both ways, i had a game where i landed onto the mountain eith one other dude and a fist fight ensued, i had music playing from the speakers and for some reasn the bond theme had started and just as i do the explosive jump punch the guy goes down from my punch and the bond theme starts to play in full force. I knew that the game was special from that moment and endes up winning the game, drove around on a motorcycle doing crazy jumps and tricks the whole game.![]()
Anything notable anticipated for this patch?Waiting for patch notes...
Anything notable anticipated for this patch?
I've been watching streamers play this. Looks great. Will my rig run this?
i5 2500K
...I have pretty much the same system (except the CPU is OC to 4,2 ghz) and I get constant 60 fps minimum even with pretty much every single setting maxed.I have a 4670K (albeit at stock speed currently) with my 1070 and get a constant 60fps (locked) with all settings at their lowest. When I first started playing I got like 40fps with everything at ultra...but that was a couple months ago, so the game might perform better at higher settings now.
...I have pretty much the same system (except the CPU is OC to 4,2 ghz) and I get constant 60 fps minimum even with pretty much every single setting maxed.
I also installed the game on a SSD, but I'm not sure that plays any significant role here.
I wish. I only noticed them occasionally until last night, and then I was seeing these giant garish pink sprays.
They are Team logos and organisation logos for the Gamescom tournament. (There is an ESL logo in there for example)
How new player friendly is this game?
Had some friends talking about it, but couldn't give me a clear answer. Never played a battle royale style game/mode before.