The NA server has been down for an hour or so. Darnit what am I supposed to do, sleep?
Should be up now.
The NA server has been down for an hour or so. Darnit what am I supposed to do, sleep?
Fuck this game!
Narrowly escaped a guy stalking me down. Almost had me. Ducked behind a rock to heal, then peaked my head over it to kill him. Then had a 3 headshot kill streak. 2 people left. Play area restricted to a tiny circle. I guess the first guy that moves loses and I should have stayed put. But I started running and boom... headshot out of nowhere. Should have just tried to outheal the final blue circle damage with my tons of medkits and bandages :(
i don't understand how it's possible to win at this game
i've seen streamers do it, i have friends who have done it, obviously there's a winner in every match i've played
but i still just can't fathom it
I feel like I get most of my solo wins in the rain. Everyone just seems so much less aware of their surroundings and I'm constantly catching people off guard.
And it's glorious 👐 👐Big part is that rain is obnoxiously loud (I always need to lower game volume so I can play without discomfort to my hearing) and renders all other, but close range unsuppressed shots unhearable.
Does anyone know a way to see times for US for the PUBG gamescom tournament?
people are willing to pay 3.30 for the gamescom crate keys...
Huh, that market crashed then?
how was there ever a market to begin with? they only cost 2.50 lol
Yeah, I'm confused why people are paying more for the keys instead of buying cheaper directly. What's the benefit?
My friend let my share his Steam library to try this so I'm downloading it now, I'm intrigued to see what all the fuss is about honestly, overtaking Counter Strike is pretty huge.
Is the game pretty solo friendly at all? Not sure if I could get friends on board to play but I've seen enough streams to know I'd probably have a lot of fun with this game.
Didn't try it but I guess with market key you don't have to wait to sell the items you get in crate.
It's. Tons of people do only solo queue. Also if you really want to you can queue into Duo and Squad as solo, get randos as teammates or play solo against teams.
You also can join GAFBG Discord and join our whacky team up trains.
I'm down for that. And this had two modes of 3rd person and 1st person?
crouch walking through a building with 10% health right on the outside the circle
I'm down for that. And this had two modes of 3rd person and 1st person?
I've played solo exclusively and it's addicting as hell.Is the game pretty solo friendly at all? Not sure if I could get friends on board to play but I've seen enough streams to know I'd probably have a lot of fun with this game.
It took CSGO 3 years to reach 500K concurrent players
It took PUBG 5 months
Nothing can stop this train
And it was trash.To be fair, CS: GO had to compete with previous versions of CS that still had a huge player base.
Third time I enter a game and it looks like only the far lod models have loaded in, when that happens is it the same for everyone on the server or only the player?
I came in second twice today. Feels bad.
crouch walking through a building with 10% health right on the outside the circle![]()
And it was trash.
Curious why you think it was/is trash. Thought I saw you on the CSGO community thread fairly often.