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PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Early Access Thread: This Is Battle Royale


Just had a game where my friend and I didn't have to leave the building we went into in the first circle all the way until the final circle where it slowly closes in. ezpz games
Just had a game where my friend and I didn't have to leave the building we went into in the first circle all the way until the final circle where it slowly closes in. ezpz games

So you just stayed in that building? Did you at least get to defend it against waves of enemies? I'd never want to sit in 1 building all game because I'm basically a loot goblin until I'm happy with my weapons and armor (which is rare).


So you just stayed in that building? Did you at least get to defend it against waves of enemies? I'd never want to sit in 1 building all game because I'm basically a loot goblin until I'm happy with my weapons and armor (which is rare).
We had all of Severny to ourselves and I got an airdrop that had a level 3 vest, 8x scope, AWM and ghilliesuit in it. Let's just say I was pretty content with chilling in the barn on the south side until the end. And yeah, we ended up fighting a fair amount of people.
We had all of Severny to ourselves and I got an airdrop that had a level 3 vest, 8x scope, AWM and ghilliesuit in it. Let's just say I was pretty content with chilling in the barn on the south side until the end. And yeah, we ended up fighting a fair amount of people.

Jesus. That's... quite a drop. Yeah, I'd sit pretty with that too.

Fuck this fucking piece of shit fucking fuck.

I drop into a place. I'm the only one apart from a guy who pulled their shoot waaaaaaaaaaaaay too early and is drifting down. So I go looking for a gun to kill him when he lands.

Three full buildings AND NO WEAPON AT ALL and he lands right on an M16 and kills me with it.

Seriously, is there something I need to do to get a gun when I land and there is someone else planning to land somewhere near me in 1 minute? Because every single fucking fucking fucking time anyone lands within a million miles of me I get NO GUN and they get a fucking arsenal.

Also, is there a way to stop matchmaking after you click the button in frustration and forget to reset all the settings?

EDIT: Welp, decided to play at AS Solo game (instead of EU Solo (FPP) ) and got my first chicken dinner (after 89hrs).

LOL! That's nothing. I get shot while I'm still landing my parachute. Happened to me twice last night.


Got really lucky on one of my games over the weekend. Started matchmaking then had to go afk to start Netflix on my Mum's TV. 5 minutes later I realise the game has probably already started. Come back expecting to be dead but I'm in the water and still in the circle. Managed to get #6.


God why are there so much cheaters over the past few days? I can handle the insanely high amount of bugs, the horribad netcode, and the shitty physics. But what i can't handle is hackers ruining any attempt legit players have at chicken dinner. Bluehole deal with this shit.


God why are there so much cheaters over the past few days? I can handle the insanely high amount of bugs, the horribad netcode, and the shitty physics. But what i can't handle is hackers ruining any attempt legit players have at chicken dinner. Bluehole deal with this shit.
250+ hours in the game and haven't had a single cheater or hacker. Is it really that big of a problem?


Late to the party with this game but I finally decided to give it a try and I can see why this game is so popular! I definitely feel like a noob right now though, I've only played a few games to be fair, and the first game of this kind that I've actually played. I need to find the balance between how defensive I should be playing while staying within the required playing zones without dying.


250+ hours in the game and haven't had a single cheater or hacker. Is it really that big of a problem?

The top of the leaderboards for NA and AS are 100% cheaters and I'm sure it goes well beyond the top 10. Get a high skill rating and you're liable to get stuck in a match with one of them. I've been playing on the EU server the last couple nights just to avoid them.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
The last 2 weeks have been awful for cheating, there are sites selling stolen keys for $2-$5 so people are buying them, cheating freely for a few days before Steam pulls the key and then they just buy another one.


The last 2 weeks have been awful for cheating, there are sites selling stolen keys for $2-$5 so people are buying them, cheating freely for a few days before Steam pulls the key and then they just buy another one.

Various posters on Reddit have said that a BattleEye exploit was released recently so it could get even worse before it gets better.

I wish Bluehole would just manually ban the most eggregious cheaters. I get the reasoning behind banning in waves but this is getting ridiculous.


Why is the Kar98 in this game over the Mosin Nagant?

Mosin Nagant:
  • Soviet service rifle, just like the SKS and AK-47
  • Fits in with the 'abandoned Soviet military island' theme
  • Uses 7.62 rounds
  • Real-life muzzle velocity of 800 - 860 m/s, which brings it in line with the other sniper rifles excluding the VSS
  • Pretend you're Jude Law Vasily Zaytsev from Enemy at the Gates

  • Used by actual Nazis
  • Uses 7.92 rounds
  • Real-life and in-game muzzle velocity of 760 m/s; have to compensate almost as much as when using an AK-47
  • When someone says "I found a car/kar" you don't know if it goes vroom or boom
  • Ed Harris shoots a boy with this gun in Enemy at the Gates so if you use it you're probably a child murderer


Neo Member
Man got my third solo win at 145 hours, spent last 5 minutes in the water north of the milbase island with 20% health, got an M249, and last guy didn't see me when I was swimming around so he had no idea where I shot him from. Hit him from long range with the LMG. Weird game. I'll take it!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I feel like I'm getting inconsistent performance on my i5-6500/1060 6GB/16GB RAM at only 1050p.

Switching from ultra to medium settings does very little if anything for my fps. The game is generally above 60 even on ultra settings but it stutters a fair amount, something I haven't experienced with any other game on this system.

Is there a setting I should turn down for a more stable framerate?


I think his point still stands.

If you get stuck in a building, you simply failed the landing. You can still cut the parachute though.

I've had times where I was on point with my landing and the parachute was still stuck, F wouldn't cut it either. Maybe the servers or maybe a bug but it's not always up to the user.

Kinda like you can land perfectly in the middle of nowhere and still take damage.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Buddy and I had all of Georgia's Pool to ourselves, hit up probably 30+ buildings. DECKED to the brim - 8 first aid kits, 10 energy drinks. AK. Sniper. Ammo for days. Level 2 helmets, level 3 vests. Level 3 bags.

Not a single magnified scope. Not one.

We ended up in second place - had to climb a fucking hill with our holo sights on last circle while we got picked off from 200 yards away :(


I've never experienced that, but yeah that would be the result of a glitch or server lag.

The point was that if you often get shot while landing your parachute [normally], you're probably doing something wrong.

Yeah sure, I agree if it happens regularly. But at times you will die from things you have no control of due to the servers shitting themselves or glitches.


I once got stuck in mid air with the parachute. Like, not even near a building, in mid air. I had to press F and died from the fall.


I feel like I'm getting inconsistent performance on my i5-6500/1060 6GB/16GB RAM at only 1050p.

Switching from ultra to medium settings does very little if anything for my fps. The game is generally above 60 even on ultra settings but it stutters a fair amount, something I haven't experienced with any other game on this system.

Is there a setting I should turn down for a more stable framerate?

Find the executable for the game, right click, got to Compatability, disable high-dpi scaling.

Should boost you up about 20-30 fps with no noticeable downside.


Why is the Kar98 in this game over the Mosin Nagant?

Mosin Nagant:
  • Soviet service rifle, just like the SKS and AK-47
  • Fits in with the 'abandoned Soviet military island' theme
  • Uses 7.62 rounds
  • Real-life muzzle velocity of 800 - 860 m/s, which brings it in line with the other sniper rifles excluding the VSS
  • Pretend you're Jude Law Vasily Zaytsev from Enemy at the Gates

  • Used by actual Nazis
  • Uses 7.92 rounds
  • Real-life and in-game muzzle velocity of 760 m/s; have to compensate almost as much as when using an AK-47
  • When someone says "I found a car/kar" you don't know if it goes vroom or boom
  • Ed Harris shoots a boy with this gun in Enemy at the Gates so if you use it you're probably a child murderer
Was probably cheaper on the Unreal asset store :^)



We would like to start off with an apology to all users who have been waiting for the leaderboard reset.

We were planning on starting a new season on October 11th at 11AM KST / 4AM CEST / October 10th at 7PM PDT as mentioned in a previous announcement. However, our concurrent users have been increasing rapidly, and we are genuinely concerned that we may not be able to provide you with a comfortable and seamless gaming experience by starting the new season immediately. In order to deliver a more reliable service, we would like to make some back end improvements.

Leaderboard Reset Schedule
Current leaderboards season ended: October 10th at 11AM KST / 4AM CEST / October 9th at 7PM PDT
New leaderboard season begins: October 17th at 11AM KST / 4AM CEST / October 16th at 7PM PDT

Users can still play the game until the new season begins, but the game results will not be recorded
There may be server maintenance before the new season and we will keep you updated with more details

We sincerely apologize for this change in the leaderboard reset schedule. Thank you for understanding that we are implementing these changes to make the long term gameplay enjoyable for our users.

The PUBG Development and Community Team


They aren't saying it but something tells me it's the rampant influx of cheaters thay is making them delay the next season.

Kind of bummed stats won't be recorded for a full week. At the same time, chicken dinners will be easier to come by with unranked matches.


They aren't saying it but something tells me it's the rampant influx of cheaters thay is making them delay the next season.

Kind of bummed stats won't be recorded for a full week. At the same time, chicken dinners will be easier to come by with unranked matches.

The TPP leaderboards have been looking so crazy this month lmao, they better figure out their BattleEye before Fortnite eats their lunch. Although they have their own problems with cheaters as well. Shame, the main reason I migrated to PUBG from CSGO because it seemed like cheating was more under control, hope they can sort it out.


I feel like I'm getting inconsistent performance on my i5-6500/1060 6GB/16GB RAM at only 1050p.

Switching from ultra to medium settings does very little if anything for my fps. The game is generally above 60 even on ultra settings but it stutters a fair amount, something I haven't experienced with any other game on this system.

Is there a setting I should turn down for a more stable framerate?

What about put everything to very low?


Are the weapon models really from the asset store?

What exactly is?

Many of the early gun models in the game are from the Unreal store. The trees are made using a plugin bought from the Unreal store. I'm sure there are other examples.

As for the explanation, in interviews Greene has said they expected 300k sales by the end of the year and the growth of the game has exploded exorbitantly since then. I don't think it's unreasonable that they haven't gone back and replaced the stuff from the store just for the sake of not using Unreal store assets.

I mean, at some point I hope they do go back and touch up assets that need some polish, but when people bring up the Unreal store thing as some kind of attack on the game or Bluehole, I just don't see it as anything worth taking seriously.

Obviously the poster you're responding to was just making a joke, but yeah.

I feel like I'm getting inconsistent performance on my i5-6500/1060 6GB/16GB RAM at only 1050p.

Switching from ultra to medium settings does very little if anything for my fps. The game is generally above 60 even on ultra settings but it stutters a fair amount, something I haven't experienced with any other game on this system.

Is there a setting I should turn down for a more stable framerate?

Shadows, Effects, and Post Processing make the biggest impact on performance in that order. AA and Textures make barely any difference. All of this is just my experience, mind you.
Had some great games last night despite no wins. Closest, in duos, my partner made a big mistake with like 15 left and got herself killed. It ended up being 2v1 for themast 3 and rnjesus was nice to the 2.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
This might sound dumb, but the gun sounds in this game are scary realistic to me. At the risk of sounding morbid or offensive, the unseen gunfire crackle reminds me so much of all the Las Vegas shooting videos. More so than any other game I've played. It's a little freaky.
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