Nothing in the patch notes about default to as server yet lol.
I am mildly incensed about this.
Nothing in the patch notes about default to as server yet lol.
I think the huge uptick for the game in the Chinese market has started a spiral that will end my time with the game, every second game on the Asia server now involves someone headshot cheating or speed cheating or some other nonsense.
And I don't mean salty 'haxxorz!!' accusation stuff, I'm talking solo players wiping out the entire server and downing entire squads in <3 seconds, outrunning vehicles while on foot, punching you down instantly with zero attack animation etc. They aren't even remotely trying to hide it.
Game is completely fucked and when you waste 30 minutes only to die to the solo cheater at the end you feel robbed in a very special way.
So it looks like no vaulting / desert map in live version until they launch 1.0 and leave early access. But it'll be on test servers instead until then. Sounds like the live version isn't getting anymore updates until 1.0 after the small patch this week.
This game will not be 1.0 on 1/1/18, there is no way they will be able to iron out the bugs / optimization in 1.5 months considering they told us in MAY that optimization would be out by summer end.
The reality is that PUBG is too big of a game for bluehole, and other BR games will be popping up within the next 6 months i bet. They are missing the cash cow by being willfully lazy / ignorant.
I love this game, and as far as EA goes, i'll play it until 1.0 and beyond, but Bluehole strikes me as a company that thought PUBG would max out at MAYBE 3 million copies, and the growth they've gotten is beyond what they're capable of.
I would like to add that hitscan uses linetraces (or raycasts) not "bullets". Also, most modern shooter games use projectile systems (aka. bullets), Battlefield being the biggest name that uses them.
It's gonna be great when vaulting comes out and turns to be just as janky and glitchy as what we right now.Wait are we not getting vaulting until the end of the year?
how fucking long am i gonna have to wait, i'm tired of this janky ass movement.
Hmmm, so we haven't had a substantial patch and in ages and now we won't see a patch to live servers for another 11 weeks, that's disappointing.
Yeah those rushed 6 month copygames gonna be so good.
Also to me it seems like they are not lazy and just milking, why do you think there is no crates all day now if they were milking?
Its true they did not expect game to get this popular, im sure they are doing their best to make the game launch as fast and as good as possible but $ just doesnt do it alone.
There have been optimization updates for both the client and servers in several updates. There isn't going to be one big optimization update.The longer they push back updates / make us wait, the longer publishers / developers have time to make a better BR game.
Realistically, we wont have AAA BR games until maybe 2019, with them being showcased in 2018, but even then, PUBG ruling for 1.5 year before being taken down in relatively short in a games lifespan.
Look i love PUBG, i have 350+ hours with 700+ games, but there are issues that need to be solved. In the beginning of the games life they were super "we're working hard hard hard to get you the best release we can" and now it's "wait and see, depending on testing, we may push the release on official servers back until JANUARY, 6 months past our first expectations of when we would release it"
There is still no server / game optimization, there were not supposed to be MTX until AFTER 1.0. I feel like PUBG is going to turn out like every other EA game, just with a better start.
Guess I'm eating crow. I was expecting bigger improvements, but doesn't look like they're coming soon.
But that won't stop me from calling people out when they're saying things that are factually incorrect:
We had the most substantial patch in terms of content added ever in last months patch with the addition of Kameshki, the fog weather type, the addition of the mini-14 and tommy gun to the world.
Still, most shooters releasing these days are hitscan with a few exceptions. Battlefield has always used bullets as projectiles dating as far back as Battlefield 1942. But it's rare that shooters have maps large enough to make that ballistics model a necessity.
very interesting stuff.Yep, the vast majority of games use hitscan because implementing ballistics is a huge pain, and probably doesn't actually make a large difference.
In the Red Orchestra/Rising Storm games, there's a ballistic model, but barely anyone actually zeroes their guns because (just like in real life) most infantry engagements take place within 200m.
Some Battlefield games, funnily enough, artificially increase gravity's effect on bullets - it's 15 m/s^2 in the Bad Company games, I think, instead of 9.8 m/s^2.
There is still no server / game optimization, there were not supposed to be MTX until AFTER 1.0. I feel like PUBG is going to turn out like every other EA game, just with a better start.
In the beginning of the games life they were super "we're working hard hard hard to get you the best release we can" and now it's "wait and see, depending on testing, we may push the release on official servers back until JANUARY, 6 months past our first expectations of when we would release it"
Im not game dev, coder or anything like that so I dont know how all those things work but I think to make patch and all that they need to "bake" or whatever the game and all that just takes extra time.
There is still no server / game optimization, there were not supposed to be MTX until AFTER 1.0. I feel like PUBG is going to turn out like every other EA game, just with a better start.
Yeah those rushed 6 month copygames gonna be so good.
Also to me it seems like they are not lazy and just milking, why do you think there is no crates all day now if they were milking?
Its true they did not expect game to get this popular, im sure they are doing their best to make the game launch as fast and as good as possible but $ just doesnt do it alone.
Except before it used to default to your region?Hmm
So the whole 'default is AS server' not a bug and a feature since every region has the same client
Rushed games won't be good but I'm waiting for a AAA dev/pub team to put together basically an exact copy.
I know the game is EA, but I expect there to be bugs and glitches in the game. I don't expect it to be Sunday night and I want to get on Discord with some friends and play for a few hours and find out the game won't even load and when it does after 20 minutes there is constant network lag.
Except before it used to default to your region?
Optimization needs to happen, and quickly.
I had to resort to .ini tweaks to get my FPS back to what it was in August, which already wasn't good (45-70FPS on very low).
In comparison, higher resolution same (all lowest) settings in fortnite gets me about 2-3x the FPS of PUBG.
This game will not be 1.0 on 1/1/18, there is no way they will be able to iron out the bugs / optimization in 1.5 months considering they told us in MAY that optimization would be out by summer end.
The reality is that PUBG is too big of a game for bluehole, and other BR games will be popping up within the next 6 months i bet. They are missing the cash cow by being willfully lazy / ignorant.
I love this game, and as far as EA goes, i'll play it until 1.0 and beyond, but Bluehole strikes me as a company that thought PUBG would max out at MAYBE 3 million copies, and the growth they've gotten is beyond what they're capable of.
I still think people are going to turn against vaulting when they see how much it affects the moment-to-moment gameplay. Getting over an annoying fence or barrier that's waist height? Yeah, that makes sense.
But just being able to treat any window in any building is a viable entrance/exit is going to completely dismantle the risk/challenge/debate/reward of hiding in a building as it currently stands. Just a one-off example, I can't count how many times me and a buddy have Rainbow Six'd our way through a building that we KNOW an enemy is residing in. Knowing they can just jump out and run from wherever they are changes everything.
Not saying it can't be good or I won't end up liking it even more. I just believe it is going to be a monumental change to what we're used to.
What? You can already exit a building by crouch jumping.
Sooo people hiding in houses won't be as safe? And you're acting like this is a bad thing?That's tricking the animation system and even good players probably only successfully pull it off 75% of the time on their first attempt.And it's a methodical process instead of an action prompt.
Also, that's only on the way out. You can't jump into a 2nd floor window. I've never once had an enemy jump in a first floor window to get the drop on me as I hide inside. I anticipate with this update it will happen quite a bit.
That's tricking the animation system and even good players probably only successfully pull it off 75% of the time on their first attempt.And it's a methodical process instead of an action prompt.
Also, that's only on the way out. You can't jump into a 2nd floor window. I've never once had an enemy jump in a first floor window to get the drop on me as I hide inside. I anticipate with this update it will happen quite a bit.
Just my guess but I bet we see the early access xbox version some time in Nov. because MS is going to be pushing hard for those holiday $ as well as being able to market PUBG to move their new Pro console. Then I expect the PC 1.0 release in late Dec and the xbox 1.0 release some time 1Q 2018. The PC 1.0 release isn't critical for cashing in holiday $ as it's already making more $ then they ever imagined in early access.
Bolded: no, plenty of people can do it consistently. I can do it just fine (like, 90% of the time on the first try) and I'm not that great. It's not even a methodical process, it's just holding crouch and jump at the same time while moving toward a large window.
And you can jump into first story windows on buildings that actually have large enough windows on the first floor; military apartments and school, for example, if you decide to drop ground level you totally can crouch jump into first story rooms to grab loot from the room and then jump out before anyone looting down the hallway can catch you.
Audio equalization in my sound card control panel is the only way I can pay it without being unable to tell sound directions AND deafened.No word on sound balance?
This game is a legit threat to my ears.![]()
Guess I'm eating crow. I was expecting bigger improvements, but doesn't look like they're coming soon.
We had the most substantial patch in terms of content added ever in last months patch with the addition of Kameshki, the fog weather type, the addition of the mini-14 and tommy gun to the world.
Wow... those patch notes are fucking nothing. I sure picked a good time to put this game on hold.
Most shooters are still hitscan.
Call of Duty (all of them) = Hitscan
Destiny = Hitscan
Rainbow Six Siege = Hitscan
Overwatch = Hitscan
Titanfall = Hitscan
CS:GO = Hitscan (tis a stretch to call this "modern" though)
Still, most shooters releasing these days are hitscan with a few exceptions. Battlefield has always used bullets as projectiles dating as far back as Battlefield 1942. But it's rare that shooters have maps large enough to make that ballistics model a necessity.
Not every hero in Overwatch is hitscan. Only some of them are.