I have little doubt the XB1 will beat out the PS4 handily in the US for the month of March. It was already pretty close in February, and MS had Titanfall bundles and price cuts all over the place. I would expect MS to post probably better than 200+ more than Sony in NPDs sold for the month just for those reasons.
The surprise for me would be if the PS4 was within 100k of the XB1 sales wise for the month. Maybe I'm giving the Titanfall launch more credit than I should though?
I have little doubt the XB1 will beat out the PS4 handily in the US for the month of March. It was already pretty close in February, and MS had Titanfall bundles and price cuts all over the place. I would expect MS to post probably better than 200+ more than Sony in NPDs sold for the month just for those reasons.
The surprise for me would be if the PS4 was within 100k of the XB1 sales wise for the month. Maybe I'm giving the Titanfall launch more credit than I should though?
Sony posted their number, which is fantastic, ahead of the NPDs. I take that as a confirmation that MS will have beaten them handily and overtaken them in the US.
We'll see what happens later but usually the person who gets out there first to blurt out a number is the one in the weaker position (see MS the past few months after winning America in December).
That was really helpful. So in a sense they (Nintendo, MS, Sony) are just given the raw data and they work with it from there. That makes sense. Always thought NPD did that for them.
Already been answered correctly too many times.
Money is... unfortunately, a simple but effective short-term strategy.
Undercutting the competition, creating value through additions of 'extras', etc have quantifiable improvements to a product's sales performance in the short-term.
It's a common strategy for a company to try to get ahead of potential bad news with good news of their own.
And be drowned out by the competitor's narrative? Seems ineffective. Sony also benefits by knowing exactly when this information will be released, so they can plan accordingly. I imagine the inclination to get out ahead of bad news occurs in an environment where time and speed is of importance.
Why not announce after NPD? Steal a little bit of Microsoft's wind, so to speak.
If the price normalises after a period of being lower all they will have succeeded in doing is bringing forward a few sales. Only a permanent price cut to $399 will have a lasting effect. Putting in all of this effort to "win" a single sales month is going to create problems down the line as they have altered the value perception by allowing the unit to be sold for $449 including a game. Once the TF bundles run dry and the green box editions come back and are selling for $499, it will again be seen as overpriced, however, the perception will be magnified because stores seemed happy to sell it for $449 including a game just a month back.
That's also without going into sustainability issues. Xbox as a division is supposed to be standing on its own two feet, subsidising a loss making unit is not the best way to ensure the new management retain the confidence of the board and investors.
As always, I believe far too much emphasis is put on this phoney sales war by the hardcore fans. I do not believe that Shu or Spencer stay up late and concoct plans to "win" an NPD sales month. This idea that there are winners and losers from the NPD sales seems ridiculous.
I forgot about that, different rules elsewhere.
Maybe this whole bunker thing is just that Infamous outsold Titanfall (excluding bundles/codes).
And be drowned out by the competitor's narrative? Seems ineffective. Sony also benefits by knowing exactly when this information will be released, so they can plan accordingly. I imagine the inclination to get out ahead of bad news occurs in an environment where time and speed is of importance.
Why not announce after NPD? Steal a little bit of Microsoft's wind, so to speak.
Maybe this whole bunker thing is just that Infamous outsold Titanfall (excluding bundles/codes).
I think that only happens when they want to reframe the story. This type of announcement from Sony isn't new - its a previously established narrative. Worldwide sales is what Sony always talks about. I'd expect, if they had lost, that any preemptive announcement would include some new narrative to traipse around, much like how Microsoft resorted to the Xbox* family reference, or the 'fastest selling console using questionable math' announcement. Or vague numbers like "thousands of players".
Furthermore, what benefit is it to announce this prior to NPD if they're expecting a loss? The good news would just be drowned out by Microsoft's PR. If they really wanted this to have an impact while expecting a loss, I think it would have been better to announce it after NPD, that way it lessens Microsoft's win and continues the narrative of Sony's success worldwide. If MS wins (which many seem to expect here), that will be the ongoing story, and Sony's 7 million announcement will fall by the wayside.
Sony announced this in the same way they did last month and they won NPD there despite worldwide supply constraints impacted primarily by the production pause and a new territory launch. Its certainly a really small sample, but I don't see any reason to expect this to be any different than last month.
I can't find Bishop's post about the bunker, could you please link?
Personally, I doubt that inFamous:SS sold nearly as much as TF. It barely had any advertising, just word of mouth, versus the massive marketing hyperbole in place to push TF.
And be drowned out by the competitor's narrative? Seems ineffective. Sony also benefits by knowing exactly when this information will be released, so they can plan accordingly. I imagine the inclination to get out ahead of bad news occurs in an environment where time and speed is of importance.
Why not announce after NPD? Steal a little bit of Microsoft's wind, so to speak.
I think its much more likely (and natural) to expect a slight downturn in sales by mid-summer going into early Autumn. I expect such a deficit will be more than made up for during the holidays. That downturn would also create a situation where supply is stockpiled for the holiday season without any alteration in production.
Do we take this news as early proclamation of victory in NPD, or do we take it as an effort to try to combat MS pr if x1 took March?
I'm guessing Bish took a look at this thread and realized, whatever happens with March NPD, the best thing to do is to head for the bunker.
It's a way for Sony to control the message and soften the blow.
Do we take this news as early proclamation of victory in NPD, or do we take it as an effort to try to combat MS pr if x1 took March?
Or it could mean absolutely nothing and Bish was trolling.
Not near where I live, I've checked..Why is that so difficult to believe? Your gif does nothing to reinforce your point, it just makes you look obnoxious.
And Amazon doesn't have any in stock (excluding their third party sellers).
Do we take this news as early proclamation of victory in NPD, or do we take it as an effort to try to combat MS pr if x1 took March?
But that's exactly my point. Increasing sales of their product is more important than "winning" a sales month. Really what difference does it make to a company like MS or Sony if they sell 20k more units than the other in a given month. What matters is their absolute sales performance, not whether they sold more or less than their competitor. If the Bone sold 500k in March and PS4 sold 510k over the same period does that suddenly mean that Spencer should be fired and that Titanfall is a failure? Of course not. If the opposite is true does that mean Spencer should be promoted to the BoD and MS declare victory in this "war"? Again the answer is no. What matters is that MS will have sold 500k units of their box.Why would execs spend any amount of time figuring out ways to make their product sell better in the biggest market for their products? That's just silly. Especially Phil Spencer right, since the Xbox One is doing so incredibly well worldwide.
Wouldn't surprise me in the least if both were in top five. Especially Titanfall.
But that's exactly my point. Increasing sales of their product is more important than "winning" a sales month. Really what difference does it make to a company like MS or Sony if they sell 20k more units than the other in a given month. What matters is their absolute sales performance, not whether they sold more or less than their competitor. If the Bone sold 500k in March and PS4 sold 510k over the same period does that suddenly mean that Spencer should be fired and that Titanfall is a failure? Of course not. If the opposite is true does that mean Spencer should be promoted to the BoD and MS declare victory in this "war"? Again the answer is no. What matters is that MS will have sold 500k units of their box.
That's also without going into sustainability issues. Xbox as a division is supposed to be standing on its own two feet, subsidising a loss making unit is not the best way to ensure the new management retain the confidence of the board and investors.
Because if MS gets their message out first the mainstream articles are already written at that point. Sony releasing this info after the fact won't net near as many headlines as the mainstream will only dedicate so much to the 'console wars.'
So by getting out ahead of this every article that props up MS as "winning in the U.S." will also include Sony's 7 million figure inside the article.
It's a way for Sony to control the message and soften the blow.
Have we heard any sales numbers from Titanfall yet? I know Infamous was pegged by Sony at a million units for March, but Titanfall was on the market for ten more days than Infamous. Microsoft has been pretty quite since January.
You wouldn't happen to know at what time (EST) they're going to release the numbers?It's NPD day... I hope Microsoft gives us WW numbers today too.
Shesh, Bish posts a picture of his house, and everyone goes nuts.
You wouldn't happen to know at what time (EST) they're going to release the numbers?
You wouldn't happen to know at what time (EST) they're going to release the numbers?
Sorry for the late reply. Yeah, not a peep from MS regarding TF as of yet. This evening we should get the 4 million sold across the xbox family stuff.
Software sales:
9.7 million on December 31st
13.7 million on March 3nd
20.5 million in April 13th
Hahaha. You are so patient.It hasn't been said on nearly every page or anything... ;-)
It hasn't been said on nearly every page or anything... ;-)
I dunno how legitimate this is
It hasn't been said on nearly every page or anything... ;-)
I dunno how legitimate this is
But that's exactly my point. Increasing sales of their product is more important than "winning" a sales month. Really what difference does it make to a company like MS or Sony if they sell 20k more units than the other in a given month. What matters is their absolute sales performance, not whether they sold more or less than their competitor. If the Bone sold 500k in March and PS4 sold 510k over the same period does that suddenly mean that Spencer should be fired and that Titanfall is a failure? Of course not. If the opposite is true does that mean Spencer should be promoted to the BoD and MS declare victory in this "war"? Again the answer is no. What matters is that MS will have sold 500k units of their box.