Someone continued his work and made a new thread for it.And... the dude got banned ;_; someone take over for him
Someone continued his work and made a new thread for it.And... the dude got banned ;_; someone take over for him
Someone continued his work and made a new thread for it.
Was locked though
Modbot doesn't like lists.
Why is the Transformers game listed as XBO only? It's coming out on PS4.not sure what is wrong with list wars.... I just like lists and comparisons, never intended for it to be used for shitting on people.
Mad Max and Madden 15 are Xbox One exclusives?
Why is the Transformers game listed as XBO only? It's coming out on PS4.
not sure what is wrong with list wars.... I just like lists and comparisons, never intended for it to be used for shitting on people.
not sure what is wrong with list wars.... I just like lists and comparisons, never intended for it to be used for shitting on people.
not sure what is wrong with list wars.... I just like lists and comparisons, never intended for it to be used for shitting on people.
Take it down until you fix all the error and omissions.
The whole point though is that its a crowd sourced project, if someone spots an error I eradicate that. I'm not trying to pretend to be all knowing nor am I saying the list is the know all end all. Im just using wikipedia games lists so far. Thats where the future games came from too, kicked everything beyond april out for now though.
And... the dude got banned ;_; someone take over for him
But no Gamez! heeehehehehe
I'm sure the PS4 is very close to 8M at the moment if it hasn't hit it yet.
I expect an announcement of 8 million for E3.
That's solid.
I expect an announcement of 8 million for E3.
That's solid.
I suspect it would be higher than that.
E3 is 2 months after April 6th and they've been selling around a million a month.
9 million seems more likely. Too bad they couldn't get enough systems out there for 10 million.
I think sales have slowed down from a million a month status though.
They are still seemingly selling completely through the stock that has been allocated to most regions. So while sales may have slowed, its only been by a modicum.
What regions are those? It has been in stock online at all major retailers in the U.S. for several weeks
I wouldn't be surprised if they announced 10 million shipped at E3.
It depends whether or not they think announcing double digit at E3 is worth losing the high ground.
I wouldn't be surprised if they announced 10 million shipped at E3.
It depends whether or not they think announcing double digit at E3 is worth losing the high ground.
Wow a standard non bundle PS4 was $271 at Sam's Club today. Not sure what that was about. I already got a PS4 but was tempted to buy it just to resell it. Saw someone else looking at it though and then he took the case it was in and walked over to compare it to the $500 bundle they sell too and just like that he went to the registers lol. I don't know why it was marked down, I know they did somethings similar with the WiiU a while back too, so check your stores??
They will probably announced 8m sold through with a specific date in may or a total tally on E3 date.
$271? That has to be a mistake. Just like the Navy Exchange came out with a flier that had Wii-U Mario/Luigi bundle marked down to $199 and this was last year. I definitely took advantage of that and they said it was a mistake. They stopped honoring the ad pretty quickly.
To be honest I'm expecting an 8.4M announcement at E3
Supply has stablized mostly, no large new markets have been entered and demand seems to have waned a bit with the NPD results
Oh yeah, Sony loves talking numbers when they have the lead and they have reason to brag a bit.
I could see them stating they " have shipped 2x more consoles then the X1 " and then talk about software sales and how strong the indie titles have done and the overall digital sales and new PS+ accounts. It will paint a very rosy picture for the future.
Then after that, they put on a 2 hour display of gaming goodness not seen in our lifetimes.