I caught the list when it was still in production... The full list has confirmed that I will no longer engage with Xbox fanboys any longer. The delusion is too strong this gen! They're like the Republican party of the Goddamn Gaming sphere for reason... Completely and utterly devoid of reality. Blindly following their great leader Phil, as he continually shovels bullshit after bullshit, straight to their ever open mouths begging for the excrement like they've been human fucking centipeded to the MS milking machine!
The fact that they will continue put their Xbox games, over anything else by Sony, as a fucking standard of what the Xbox is capable of shows the collective brain damage that they've all suffered.
They continually put down Naughty Dog and various Sony 1st party studios to confirmation bias their own ridiculous choices about how those games don't appeal and aren't any good, but that argument never holds water when Sony goes have sold fucking MILLIONS and always on the top 10 of lists and sales.
As well as having actual 'GAME OF THE YEAR' winners in TLOU and GOW.
I cannot name a single Xbox game that has EVER been good enough to win one of those.
They can crow about how the Gamepass is going to be the 'Netflix' of gaming... And that fine.
Sony are the the ones winning the 'Oscars' of gaming, something Xbox won't ever try and win.
So yeah... I'm keeping away from their complete detachment of reality, before their stupid kills my brain cells trying to understand the thought process... But then I realised Its because puberty kicked in for me and I stopped being a child 20+ years ago.