Playstation Meeting trailer: See the Future. Feb. 20th [Will Be Livestreamed]

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Can anyone do my avatar? It isn't the best for Kazifying, given that the Cyberpunk character is looking away from the screen, but hey, Kaz doesn't have to, I guess. :)

Haha he sure is! :) For me this is one of the best scenes in the film. I love what you did with it.

One of the best scenes out of one of the best movies ever created, seems fitting for Kaz.
Maybe I should use it as a reaction when MS reveals the Durango ;-p


So more or less we know that Evolution (twit comments, site getting rebuild) and GG (biggest year since 2004 thing) will be there on 20th most likely.


So more or less we know that Evolution (twit comments, site getting rebuild) and GG (biggest year since 2004 thing) will be there on 20th most likely.
Looks like it,I'm also expecting new IPs from SSM,Sucker Punch and MM to be shown off there.


Looks like it,I'm also expecting new IPs from SSM,Sucker Punch and MM to be shown off there.

they have to save something for E3 so I doubt they are going to show 5 first party titles. Maybe 2-3, then some 3 party. This will be mostly about hardware


they have to save something for E3 so I doubt they are going to show 5 first party titles. Maybe 2-3, then some 3 party. This will be mostly about hardware
I think most of the third party and some first party stuff will be saved for E3 along with updated builds of the games shown here.
I think most of the third party and some first party stuff will be saved for E3 along with updated builds of the games shown here.

If you expect all that I think you're going to be severely let down, I'd love to be wrong though as more is always better than less.

You should expect a live demo of 1 first party title, some third party chatter on development tools, a handful of tech demos and a sizzle reel. The rest will be focused on the most important thing during a console reveal - hardware and features.

By E3 the hardware will be out of the way and it'll be about games, games, games.


If you expect all that I think you're going to be severely let down, I'd love to be wrong though as more is always better than less.

You should expect a live demo of 1 first party title, some third party chatter on development tools, a handful of tech demos and a sizzle reel. The rest will be focused on the most important thing during a console reveal - hardware and features.

By E3 the hardware will be out of the way and it'll be about games, games, games.
I'm expecting all of that for E3,just 1-2 third party games will be announced and 2-3 first party games will be demoed here along with the unveiling of the console,controller and specs IMO.
I'm expecting all of that for E3,just 1-2 third party games will be announced and 2-3 first party games will be demoed here along with the unveiling of the console,controller and specs IMO.

I hope so, the more announcements and demos shown off at the event the better. I think they may have one big game related announcement. A third party partnership or something just to get hype up even further and give people a reason to go Playstation. This is speculation on my part entirely though.


Can anyone modify this with WiiU/Nintendo theme?

Maybe with Yoshida's face and "Let him dream" sign on train, hitting WiiU themed bus.
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