Ok, so serious prediction time, as we have around 5 days left.
This is pretty much what I expect to see:
- Opening sales talk, graphs, 10 minutes of crap no one really cares about. Aside from the investors in attendance.
- Talk about innovation and the industry changing, leads into the unveiling of the PS4. Console and controller shown on stage.
- Tech talk, in very non specific terms, to outline what the system is capable of. Eg. Motion control, social features, high end graphics.
- A look at the interface (especially if it has changed from XMB).
- A look at the touch pad controller and camera for motion tracking.
Now game announcements and showings.
- First game demonstration. Evolution Studios new IP.
- Announcement - EA - Battlefield 4 on PS4 with trailer.
- Tech demo from Kojima of Fox Engine running on PS4.
- Announcement - UBI - Watch Dogs on PS4. Trailer.
- Tech demo Square Enix. Luminous Engine on PS4.
- Final game demonstration. Guerrilla Games (KZ4 or new IP)
Presentation wraps up with a bunch of other 10-15 second game clips in a sizzle reel. Sony announce that price and release date will be disclosed at a later date.
About the same