Playstation Meeting trailer: See the Future. Feb. 20th [Will Be Livestreamed]

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Angry Fork

Has anyone tweeted this thread to Yoshida yet? He answers tweets himself and checks fan stuff out it would be funny if he saw.


I talked with my Take Two rep who came by today in our store in Holland. He said PS4 is getting announced on the Feb 20th event and Take Two is showing a live demo for Mafia 3, which according to him looked amazing. Its also coming to the new Xbox and he said the new Xbox will release in October this year, and PS4 next year (in Europe I guess). He said its the only game they are making for next-gen consoles thus far. I don't think he'd lie to me about it so seems pretty legit.

Agent? :(


Junior Member
from reliable source (at least the last time he was reliable :D)

original quote

Le 20 fevrier prochain:
- Annonce de la "next generation playstation" : aucune annonce de nom
- Orbis ne sera pas le nom de la prochaine PS
- Le pad ne sera pas dévoilé avant l'E3
- C'est Guerilla qui aura le plus à dévoilé niveau software
- La video de présentation devrait dévoilé au moins 4 jeux d'éditeurs FIRST only (clip non finalisé)
- Pas de tiers visible à la conf
- Pas de jeux de tiers visibles à la conf
- Pas de présentation du PSN+ de la next PS qui sera dévoilé à l'E3 et qui devrait surprendre

quick translation

February 20 :
- Announcement of the "next generation playstation" no name announcement
- Orbis won't be the name of the next PS
- The pad will not be revealed until E3
-Guerrilla will show a lot of things
- 4 games will be unveiled first part only (clip not finalized)
- No visible third party publlisher
- no third party games at all
-PS+ for the next ps will be unveiled at E3 and should be suprising


Crystal Bearer
I talked with my Take Two rep who came by today in our store in Holland. He said PS4 is getting announced on the Feb 20th event and Take Two is showing a live demo for Mafia 3, which according to him looked amazing. Its also coming to the new Xbox and he said the new Xbox will release in October this year, and PS4 next year (in Europe I guess). He said its the only game they are making for next-gen consoles thus far. I don't think he'd lie to me about it so seems pretty legit.

I hope so. I know the game is in development and Mafia II was a really great game. Looking forward to the next one for sure.

Angry Fork

Please be true @ Mafia 3. I really liked part 2 it just could've used some side stuff to do. Did not deserve the low scores it got.


from reliable source (at least the last time he was reliable :D)

original quote

quick translation

February 20 :
- Announcement of the "next generation playstation" no name announcement
- Orbis won't be the name of the next PS
- The pad will not be revealed until E3
-Guerrilla will show a lot of things
- 4 games will be unveiled first part only (clip not finalized)
- No visible third party publlisher
- no third party games at all
-PS+ for the next ps will be unveiled at E3 and should be suprising

No pad huh? ;)


extra source of jiggaflops
Both rumors are incompatible with each other. This must mean February 20th will be the biggest show ever and E3 is canceled because Sony won next gen, they don't even need to release the console for it to happen.


Crystal Bearer
from reliable source (at least the last time he was reliable :D)

original quote

quick translation

February 20 :
- Announcement of the "next generation playstation" no name announcement
- Orbis won't be the name of the next PS
- The pad will not be revealed until E3
-Guerrilla will show a lot of things
- 4 games will be unveiled first part only (clip not finalized)
- No visible third party publlisher
- no third party games at all
-PS+ for the next ps will be unveiled at E3 and should be suprising

What was the source reliable on last time?
I ask because it seems like PS4 is the final name.

Angry Fork

Would be disappointed by a PS4 name, they need to get the Sega people to think of something new. Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, they know how to name shit.


Would be disappointed by a PS4 name, they need to get the Sega people to think of something new. Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, they know how to name shit.

No way. They need to keep the PlayStation 4 name intact. It's the easiest way to convey the 'next step.' Look what happened to the Wii U.
Would be disappointed by a PS4 name, they need to get the Sega people to think of something new. Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, they know how to name shit.

Calling it the PS4 is bland but gets the point across without any further explanation. Everyone will know that it's the forth Playstation. That's what's most important.
from reliable source (at least the last time he was reliable :D)

original quote

quick translation

February 20 :
- Announcement of the "next generation playstation" no name announcement
- Orbis won't be the name of the next PS
- The pad will not be revealed until E3
-Guerrilla will show a lot of things
- 4 games will be unveiled first part only (clip not finalized)
- No visible third party publlisher
- no third party games at all
-PS+ for the next ps will be unveiled at E3 and should be suprising
Damn, I really want this pad speculation to end, I'd rather have my expectations based on the mockups dashed sooner than later.


No way. They need to keep the PlayStation 4 name intact. It's the easiest way to convey the 'next step.' Look what happened to the Wii U.

Agree, keep it simple and to the point. PlayStation may not be as strong of a brand as it used to in the US or UK these days but in mainland Europe and many other places it is just as relevant as it always was.

PlayStation 4 sounds just fine, everyone knows what a "PlayStation" is. If they were to pick a new name they would have to spend god knows much money just making sure people knew what it was.
from reliable source (at least the last time he was reliable :D)

original quote

quick translation

February 20 :
- Announcement of the "next generation playstation" no name announcement
- Orbis won't be the name of the next PS
- The pad will not be revealed until E3
-Guerrilla will show a lot of things
- 4 games will be unveiled first part only (clip not finalized)

- No visible third party publlisher
- no third party games at all
-PS+ for the next ps will be unveiled at E3 and should be suprising

Killzone 4, Sucker Punch game, Guerilla new IP and Gran Turismo 6

Do eeeeeeee!


Damn, I really want this pad speculation to end, I'd rather have my expectations based on the mockups dashed sooner than later.

I think it depends on what they are planning to show at this event.
If they show the OS, it would be stupid not to show certain features like Share (and for that they have to show the controller)


from reliable source (at least the last time he was reliable :D)

original quote

quick translation

February 20 :
- Announcement of the "next generation playstation" no name announcement
- Orbis won't be the name of the next PS
- The pad will not be revealed until E3
-Guerrilla will show a lot of things
- 4 games will be unveiled first part only (clip not finalized)
- No visible third party publlisher
- no third party games at all
-PS+ for the next ps will be unveiled at E3 and should be suprising

That seems wrong.
Epic will be there, Square Enix will be there, Kojima will be there, Ubisoft will be there. And those are 100% locked.
Also the controller will be the main attraction, there's no reason not to show it.
We'll see though, he's right about original first party stuff though.


Junior Member
That seems wrong.
Epic will be there, Square Enix will be there, Kojima will be there, Ubisoft will be there. And those are 100% locked.
Also the controller will be the main attraction, there's no reason not to show it.
We'll see though, he's right about original first party stuff though.

He is?!


That seems wrong.
Epic will be there, Square Enix will be there, Kojima will be there, Ubisoft will be there. And those are 100% locked.
Also the controller will be the main attraction, there's no reason not to show it.
We'll see though, he's right about original first party stuff though.

You're saying this based on information you have?
February 20 :
- Announcement of the "next generation playstation" no name announcement
- Orbis won't be the name of the next PS
- The pad will not be revealed until E3
-Guerrilla will show a lot of things
- 4 games will be unveiled first part only (clip not finalized)
- No visible third party publlisher
- no third party games at all
-PS+ for the next ps will be unveiled at E3 and should be suprising



I talked with my Take Two rep who came by today in our store in Holland. He said PS4 is getting announced on the Feb 20th event and Take Two is showing a live demo for Mafia 3, which according to him looked amazing. Its also coming to the new Xbox and he said the new Xbox will release in October this year, and PS4 next year (in Europe I guess). He said its the only game they are making for next-gen consoles thus far. I don't think he'd lie to me about it so seems pretty legit.

This might be complete bullshit...but damn does it get me excited...loved Mafia 2
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