RE: Demon Gaze 'stalemate' end-game boss battle.
Honestly, it sounds like a little bit of changing your party/weaponry/tactics around should fix this. I don't remember any stalemates post-game and I never grinded till after I beat everything, and that was only for the Muramasa. Auto-battle is good for mobs, but against a boss you should probably be putting a bit more thought into it, especially if autobattle simply results in stalemate.
But it sounds like you're just burnt out on it... so if you're not going for the plat, just move on.
I think this is a no, but out of curiosity. So if Profile2 downloads a PSP game on a PS3, and you switch over to Profile1 on the same PS3, it wouldn't let you copy that PSP game onto Profile1's Vita, right?
No, games are linked to accounts.
This hurts me, since I was a moron and bought all my PSP games on a separate psp-specific account. I don't know why I did this... but once the IGC and ps+ discounts came out, I was forced to choose my primary account for my vita, leaving all those old purchases orphaned.
Thankfully (and painfully) I've rebought 95% of the games on sale over the years, though there are a few I'm still waiting on [Eye of Judgement, I'm looking at you].
Sony, please put EoJ on sale, thanks!
EDIT ___
Wait, P5 has fixed dungeon design like a traditional DRPG????????
Dammit, I don't want to have to be interested in it.