PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup for January: Back 4 Blood, Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition, Life is Strange and more.


Any month with Devil May Cry: Special Edition is always a hot month.

Also downloading Hot Shots Golf 2. Will check out Sayonara Wild Hearts as well.
Does the basic PS+ give you anything anymore? Or is that what Extra is?

. . .maybe the better question is, which of those games are the games that ALL users will get?
I believe the Essential games are announced the last Thursday of the month and come out the first Tuesday. We already got the January games. It's Jedi Fallen Order, Fallout 76 and Axiom Verge 2.


. . .whoof. This is really important to you huh?
Yeah, somebody could just easily answer the question, instead of being a snarky dick about it, one could imagine. That's a world I'd like to live in, bitches and bastards.
mister rogers middle finger GIF


I believe the Essential games are announced the last Thursday of the month and come out the first Tuesday. We already got the January games. It's Jedi Fallen Order, Fallout 76 and Axiom Verge 2.

Yeah that clears that up; the infographic they use for both was way too similar and I literally was thinking "Wait a minute, didn't we JUST have this thread."

. . .also doesn't help that I'm falling "out of love" with console gaming in general.

Please tell me this isn't deepfaked.


Awww man I thought this was low-key a sort of announcement for next gen just cause 4 when I saw the systems underneath


Solid offerings, disappointed to not see Life is Strange True Colors on the service. Almost pulled the trigger on sale a few times but been waiting it out.
Hoping they’ll start releasing classics more regularly now on. Also happy to not see yet another Ubisoft dump this month.
Will check out Jett, Sayonara and Omno
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Does the basic PS+ give you anything anymore? Or is that what Extra is?

. . .maybe the better question is, which of those games are the games that ALL users will get?
PS+ Essential, the basic one, gives you a few games every month to download (if you add them to your library, they are available to play if you are subscribed), online play required for most paid game (not needed for F2P and a few paid games), cloud saves and extra discounts to buy games.

PS+ Extra gives you what is included in PS+ Essential in addition to >400 PS4 & PS5 games to download (if you are subscribed), and every month they add (sometimes also remove) a few more, like the ones mentioned in this thread.

PS+ Premium gives you what is included in Extra and Essential, plus adds >400-500 games more that are remasters/remakes/crossgen/ports of previous generations, plus emulated PS1, PSP and PS2 games to both download in PS4 or PS5 or to stream from the cloud in both console and PC. They also have more PS3 games outside the remastered/remaked/crossgen ones but they are only playable -on PS or PC- streamed while they run in the server on original PS3 hardware.

Premium continues to be a joke.
Not if you're interested on some of the 400-500 titles it includes, or in cloud gaming.
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While I am happy that PS plus lineup is amazing, its been making me regret sometimes for game purchases during sales even. Just purchased DMC 5 a few months back, and it wasn't as amazing as I hoped it would be...and now its free.

I hear Back 4 Blood is pretty good these days, looking forward to try that one out.


AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
So many games I've brought has ended up in PS plus ... I am definitely done with buying old /ps4 games lol
While I am happy that PS plus lineup is amazing, its been making me regret sometimes for game purchases during sales even.
Glad I stopped buying PSN games in 2019 and refunded my last digital purchase (from 2019) which consisted of 5 games that all eventually made it to PS+/Extra.

Just signed up for Extra for 1-year, time to finally put this PS5 to use :goog_upside_down_face:

Hopefully I can get my $60 worth for a year, already downloaded 5 games.


Seems like they’ve removed Sayonnara Wild Hearts because of it being ”inncorrectly included”.
Now I already own the game but for anyone thinking about buying it now keep in mind that this might be an indication that it will be included in next months Essential tier.
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He's right. Read before asking dumb questions.

I'm so sorry this is happening to you. . .

Fun is certainly subjective, but I had fun with the game. Anyone going into it expecting to relive their "experience" with previous Turtle Rock games are probably going to be disappointed, but as a "daily" quick run while killing zombies game. . .I think it works. Especially as a freebie if you're into mindless shooting.

Also, it looks like the game has a proper solo mode, like a mode specfically tailored to solo-play; it also allows you to bring your solo save online - so you can learn the game properly, and then team up online for the more difficult content after (when I played this was a major annoyance I had, same with getting into L4D late: everyone knew where everything was or wanted to rush and not understand what we were doing (in the case of B4B).

. . .for free it seems like an easy try.


Now that they completed the catalog with all Ratchet & Clank games, I only care about Sony finally adding Killzone and Resistance series.

Those are the first party exclusives, why in the blue shitting fuck aren't they in the service already?


Now that they completed the catalog with all Ratchet & Clank games, I only care about Sony finally adding Killzone and Resistance series.

Those are the first party exclusives, why in the blue shitting fuck aren't they in the service already?
Beggers belief really. They had resistance 3 available to stream for years, but never fall of man or 2.

Some nincompoop decided what they put on ps now and i'm convinced that person has been moved to decide what goes on ps plus premium.
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Lol, somehow i missed this thread and forgot the games are added around middle of each month, so i was surprised and confused to see DMC5 in the PS+ Cathalog. Downloading it now.


I've spent the better part of the day playing back 4 blood and I really enjoy it. I've just been playing solo to learn the ropes. My only complaint at least so far is, the text on shit lie card is pretty small with no way to enlarge it.


Back 4 Blood is on GP, so I won’t waste the space But I’m interested in DMC5.
I think I own Life is Strange too.
Still putting GwG to shame.
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