it's been a sad reflection of a huge part of the gaming community for a while, their reaction to indies. treating indies like their less of a game or some shit, or that they're somehow poorer quality. even though so many of the indies we've been getting are amongst the best games in their respective years
It's fucking regressive behavior that needs to be stopped.
I know there's always a bit of luck with Plus when it comes to getting games that people have already played but for me at least this would be a really good month. That's without including DriveClub which I've already paid to upgrade to the full game.Someone posted this in a spanish forum (EU Europe PS+ October games)
it's been a sad reflection of a huge part of the gaming community for a while, their reaction to indies. treating indies like their less of a game or some shit, or that they're somehow poorer quality. even though so many of the indies we've been getting are amongst the best games in their respective years
It's fucking regressive behavior that needs to be stopped.
Well, you are free to think what you want, but I can assure you they are not "hardcore" gamers and they play all the games they buy.
If they are buying every humble bundle and such on PC and playing every single one of them, they are definitely the definition of "hardcore".
I'd like a more interesting indie title than Spelunky. Please no.
The indie game stuff is fine, I don't mind it a bit. But if AA is really part of the PS+ package for october then the program has official jumped the shark. That's a 5 year old retail game that has had 2 direct sequels and one side game, of which one of those games already made it to the service.
I'm not asking for a game that came out two months ago, but fuck that noise if they're really going to give us games that came out in retail the last decade and pass it off as a value.
just treat them all like just games and it won't matter. I don't care what the damn budget it is on a game. is it good? yes? awesome!
The "drop" in AAAs is expected for PS4 in its first year; but PS3 has been getting AAAs so I don't know what you're talking about on that score.
I think they already gave out Arkham City.That would be a decent month for me. Would be better if it was Arkham City instead of Asylum.
I think they already gave out Arkham City.
I think I don't have to tell you that budget aside, they are different kind of games. Look what they gave for PS3 last year, look this past three months. Look also that they cut IGC so there are even less games, even less if you just jumped into PS+.
I think they already gave out Arkham City.
Yep they did indeed.
Octobers games suck imo
I'd have liked dust on my vita rather than PS4 and spelunky will probably be X buy so i'll play that on vita instead
They really should have kept plus optional, these threads show a lot of people are not finding any value in it.
I think I don't have to tell you that budget aside, they are different kind of games. Look what they gave for PS3 last year, look this past three months. Look also that they cut IGC so there are even less games, even less if you just jumped into PS+.
And there is the quality, the last three AAA games for PS3 this past months are the worst in their respective series, so no, there is a lack of that too. And there aren't many awesome indies either. Velocity 2x is one, and is for Vita/PS4, great adition! But, Proteus? Seriously?
Again, Vita is getting the good stuff, and I'm good with that since I have that console. PS4 is understandable that there aren't other games than indies, but PS3 lacks quality and quantity. Four months in a row.
it's been a sad reflection of a huge part of the gaming community for a while, their reaction to indies. treating indies like their less of a game or some shit, or that they're somehow poorer quality. even though so many of the indies we've been getting are amongst the best games in their respective years
It's fucking regressive behaviour that needs to be stopped.
I have a bit more games, but I completed more then 30. If I buy a game, I will play it. One day. Eventually. If I buy a bundle, I generally play the game I was itnerested. If there are interesting games, I MAY play them.
Spelunky was already PS+ on Vita, I'd be surprised if it's not cross-buy, but it would also be weird if they gave PS+ for a cross buy game that was already on +, I guess it wouldn't be too crazy because PS4 owners are the most likely to not have any other Sony consoles though.
I for one am happy PS+ is slowly turning into the humble bundle. Looking forward to when they add each game's soundtrack to the mix as well. And the ability to gift games you already own. Steam keys wouldn't hurt either. And free online. PS+ will be great one day
If all we got was that D&D brawler this month I would still walk away happy.
PS4 games are two titles I've tried and didn't like. Oh well.
Spelunky was never PS+ on Vita... I caved and bought it during a sale after waiting for it to debut on PS+ for many months
No, they are not. Indies are games just like any other. Sorry that you create imaginary lines in the sands between games.
August PS+ (PS3)
Crysis 3 (76 metacritic "generally favorable reviews")
Dragon's Crown (82 metacritic "generally favorable reviews")
July PS+ (PS3)
Dead Space 3 (76 metacritic "generally favorable reviews")
Vessel (no metacritic; but reviews range in the 80s)
September PS+ (PS3)
Hoard (75 metacritic, "generally favorable reviews")
Sportsfriends (81 metacritic, 'generally favorable reviews")
So your metric now is - must be AAA, must be the highest rated games in their respective series. What other ropes you want to tie around PS+ neck? If you don't like the games, that's fine. But this shit is nonsense already. The service is not tailored for just you. Some months you'll like, others you won't. Some months you'll have games you've already played, others you won't.
Sony has done a phenomenal job at mixing things up.
It wasn't? I could have swore it was, maybe it was just crazy cheap. I own it for some reason but don't really care for it, I thought it was because of +
Again, look the year before. Higher rated games, IGC, etc.
The thing is that if you look at all the excuses it mostly boils down to 2 types of gamers:
1) A hard-core gamer who buys hundreds of games on Steam/IOS etc. and probably hasn’t even played all their games.
2) Someone who can’t afford many big games and as such tops up their list with +.
3) An idiot who decided to buy the latest new shiny toy without doing any research or using any logic on how PS+ would work on PS4 or what the landscape would be like for the first year games wise.
For the person who can’t afford many games, if the £40 you spent for at least 12 PS4 games (Plus any cross buy ones and PS3/V games too) is so much money for yourself that you regret it after the 12 months then I would dare you to try and get more value spending that money at GAME etc. and see how far you get.
It was super cheap on a PS+ sale in the summer, IIRC.
Yeah it went down to $3.74.
When do we usually find out the new months games? I'm curious what well be getting alongside drive club.
Yeah it went down to $3.74.
Again, look the year before. Higher rated games, IGC, etc.
I would tell you that you're right and my subjective opinion doesn't matter, but just take a look at this thread, is a general opinion that quality has decreased for PS3 titles. Shouldn't a general opinion matter instead of a minority that thinks that anything is okay?
And yes, indies are quite different. Some of them gives you more content that AAAs, other gives you far less, but just looking at them, you know they are different. I think that you are way too into defending indies, even if I have already said that I, personaly, like them, and enjoy them for Vita, some of them even in PS3. And also haven't said that every PS+ game should be AAA. But it is not just me that thinks that the mix quality has decreased for PS3, and the price hasn't decreased.
I found Dust to be super boring, but I can see why people like it.
Someone posted this in a spanish forum (EU Europe PS+ October games)
Another weak month.![]()
There was like, one dude that was kinda ok with Arkham Asylum being a freebie. Anyone who loves playing games has played it already, or they played its sequel as it went free in april.Last year was the same, a mix. Some games were really high rated, some games were rated just decently. All of them are games that matter to some people.
Quantify it. Some people don't like it, some people do. The quality of the complaints are what matters. Complaining because they are indie just makes the individual saying it look silly.
The only difference is that they are games without major publishers and on average they have smaller budgets. They come in all shapes and sizes - every genre, every visual type, every content type, every length... just like AAA.
Again, you can draw lines in the sand if it makes you feel better. But for those of us who just love games, period, it just comes across as regressive nonsense.