There was like, one dude that was kinda ok with Arkham Asylum being a freebie. Anyone who loves playing games has played it already, or they played its sequel as it went free in april.
Quantify it. Some people don't like it, some people do. The quality of the complaints are what matters. Complaining because they are indie just makes the individual saying it look silly.
There was like, one dude that was kinda ok with Arkham Asylum being a freebie. Anyone who loves playing games has played it already, or they played its sequel as it went free in april.
It's a bad choice for this. No one is complaining about Dungeons & Dragons and there are some saying that they already have Dust and Spelunky from previous deals or humble bundles, sure, but AA - while being a great game - is bottom of the barrel stuff, man. I'd honestly rather have another quality indie release than that, and it almost feels like it's there because they didn't want people to bitch about there being no retail releases in Oct.
Of course, it could still be that that image isn't legit. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
The reaction to PS+ these days is so different to what it was even just a year ago. Then it was all 'Thank you based Sony! I can't believe I'm getting all these games for free! Is this for real?' etc. Now it's very, very mixed, with many people feeling like they're not getting value. PS+ is one of the things that really built up goodwill for Sony before the launch of the PS4. I wonder if Sony is aware of the change in perception. I wonder if, at this stage, they care.
Kind of pisses me off seeing all the indie crusaders in here upset that people don't like the games they like. If someone doesn't like the games on offer, or thinks that they are poor value compared to what PS+ offered in the past, they are entitled to that opinion.
Remember, indies tend to be niche games in niche genres - that's what's great about them, without them these genres would die. But that means that by definition they will appeal to far less people. Your big budget AAA games can be bland as fuck, but it's by design - they must appeal to tons of people, and they tend to. So it's not surprising that more people will be happy with the non-niche games than the niche ones. For example: We got Velocity last month and Spelunky this month. Both are pretty niche and I strongly dislike both, from a couple of hours with them. I'd take almost any AAA title over either because I'd probably get at least some enjoyment out of it. But people who like those two games love them to pieces because they're right down their alley. That's great. But PS+ used to have a broader appeal.
Then there's the monetary argument. I originally signed up for PS+ because I felt guaranteed of getting 1-3 blockbuster games from 1 or 2 years ago for so little money. I was getting so many games that I had wanted to buy (but couldn't afford) that I actually stopped buying games. Many others did the same. It has been a long time since I saw a game like that on the service, really. A long time since I thought 'WOW! This is saving me so much money on games I'd otherwise have bought!'
People aren't comparing PS+ to how far their money would go in a normal shop, they're comparing it
a) To what PS+ was a year ago, and how much more monetary value those games had when they were put on the service
b) To steam, on which most of these indie games are dirt cheap.
It's still great value, but it was utterly ridiculous value before and it's hard not to be a little disappointed that those days appear to be over for the moment.
A horror game or Resident Evil 6 for Halloween would've been nice.
A horror game or Resident Evil 6 for Halloween would've been nice.
RE6 would have pissed some people off, since it was just on sale for ten bucks like two weeks ago.
Sony can include what they want, that's fine, and people can be vocal about their dissatisfaction as much as they like.Arkham Asylum sold six million copies across all platforms, in a world where there are over a hundred million gamers. Again, you guys are not the only people who exist.
There is no problem sharing your view that this month is not for you. That's cool. This month may have games you've already played. But to try to extrapolate that nonsense for everyone is bullshit. Arkham Asylum is a great game which most gamers have not played, by actual definition. There is no limit on how long ago a game came out that should be acceptable. There should be no limit on Sony to choose games that can maximize its impact for all gamers, period, no matter how experienced they are or not.
Just to be clear, I own arkham asylum. The fact is, its a digital copy which to me has value in itself.There was like, one dude that was kinda ok with Arkham Asylum being a freebie. Anyone who loves playing games has played it already, or they played its sequel as it went free in april.
It's a bad choice for this. No one is complaining about Dungeons & Dragons and there are some saying that they already have Dust and Spelunky from previous deals or humble bundles, sure, but AA - while being a great game - is bottom of the barrel stuff, man. I'd honestly rather have another quality indie release than that, and it almost feels like it's there because they didn't want people to bitch about there being no retail releases in Oct.
Of course, it could still be that that image isn't legit. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
The Simpsons Arcade Game 2/7
Final Fantasy V (PSOne Classic) 2/7
Hungry Giraffe (minis) 2/7
Gold Medalist (minis) 2/7
Sega Genesis Bundle 2/21
Altered Beast 2/21
Comix Zone 2/21
Golden Axe 2/21
Sonic 1 2/21
Sonic 2 2/21
Streets of Rage 2 2/21
Battle Fantasia 2/14
Fatal Inertia 2/14
Hamsterball 2/14
Inferno Pool 2/7
Mahjong Tales: Ancient Wisdom 2/14
Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars 2/14
Ever since the introduction of the Vita to PS+, it's always been 6 games a month. It just used to be 4 PS3 games and 2 Vita games. Now it's 2 PS4, 2 PS3, and 2 Vita games. The amount of games you get didn't really go up, but they do have to support one more platform so it's understandable that they take games away from somewhere else.The fact is, PS+ started as a service serving one device :- The PS3. Its "golden years" was really only 2012 and a chunk of 2013, when the PS4 didn't exist and the Vita wasnt getting all that much either.
Once Sony started to serve 3 devices evenly across the board, there was always going to be a dip for one platform. I dont understand how people cannot see this. 6 games is a better deal than 2.
Because you personally couldnt afford the games you were getting is neither here or there. The service was never meant to subsidise peoples gaming habits, its supposed to complement them.
The future if Plus is indies, niche games and the odd AAA title here and there. Its not going to significantly improve and people just have to accept it.
Yes, there are billions of people who haven't played Batman, there are a good seventy five million PS3 owners that haven't. Those people have chosen not to buy it though. It's not an missed gem, it's not a rare print classic that's expensive.
Yes, there are billions of people who haven't played Batman, there are a good seventy five million PS3 owners that haven't. Those people have chosen not to buy it though. It's not an missed gem, it's not a rare print classic that's expensive.
And if we're talking about the "golden period" of PS+, allow me to point out February 2012:
I mean, holy shit, what a fucking month.
Will we be getting Drive Club also this month?
Did I say they have no interest? No, I said they've chosen not to buy it. Did I give a reason why they didn't? No.Oh that's amazing that you know the minds of all the people who didn't buy it. How lovely you know their reasons for not purchasing it.
I mean, surely there's not about five trillion other possibilities for why they never got it; surely they just have no remote interest in every touching it. Every game that has ever sold and is old has sold to exactly the amount of people who ever had interest in it!
Also, I didn't know PS+ purpose was either a.) to only share 'rare print classics' or b.) 'missed gems'
You guys are hilarious.
Did I say they have no interest? No, I said they've chosen not to buy it. Did I give a reason why they didn't? No.
im sorry but you have too high of expectations. The fact that the console has come out in less then a year still, of course it won't give away triple AAA games but saying there are no triple AAA games coming out for plus ever is saddening.Sony can include what they want, that's fine, and people can be vocal about their dissatisfaction as much as they like.
I think Sony have done an embarrassing job of PS+ since PS4 launched. Initially there were debates and the frequent response was 'it's too early in the system's life', which I never really agreed with, but it was a reasonable point. Maybe the retail games were just around the corner, but they weren't, they're not, and there's no sign they will be. Vita's + was incredible from the first month, because the Vita is a bomb, PS4's a huge hit, you need + to play online, so Sony have absolutely no incentive to improve the offerings, in fact, as their dominance grows, they have good reason to make it even worse.
Yes, there are billions of people who haven't played Batman, there are a good seventy five million PS3 owners that haven't. Those people have chosen not to buy it though. It's not an missed gem, it's not a rare print classic that's expensive.
I think Sony have done an embarrassing job of PS+ since PS4 launched. Initially there were debates and the frequent response was 'it's too early in the system's life', which I never really agreed with, but it was a reasonable point. Maybe the retail games were just around the corner, but they weren't, they're not, and there's no sign they will be. Vita's + was incredible from the first month, because the Vita is a bomb, PS4's a huge hit, you need + to play online, so Sony have absolutely no incentive to improve the offerings, in fact, as their dominance grows, they have good reason to make it even worse.
Will we be getting Drive Club also this month?
And if we're talking about the "golden period" of PS+, allow me to point out February 2012:
I mean, holy shit, what a fucking month.
Someone posted this in a spanish forum (EU Europe PS+ October games)
And if we're talking about the "golden period" of PS+, allow me to point out February 2012:
I mean, holy shit, what a fucking month.
Kind of pisses me off seeing all the indie crusaders in here upset that people don't like the games they like. If someone doesn't like the games on offer, or thinks that they are poor value compared to what PS+ offered in the past, they are entitled to that opinion.
Aside from some generic FPS thing, I don't really see what that line-up would be missing as far as genres go. I mean, what more do people want? There'd be a great spread of stuff, especially when you include driveclub.
It's not really "I want better games," is it? It's just "I want more expensive games." It's the only reason people want Knack, it's because it costs $60 and Spelunky is $15 and so Knack is four times as valuable. It's also fucking shit, but that's not important, is it?
And if we're talking about the "golden period" of PS+, allow me to point out February 2012:
I mean, holy shit, what a fucking month.
...did I read "Chuchu Rocket on crack" somewhere?
I wish they'd still do PSX games and even minis from time to time. Given the amount of bitching a brand new indie causes these days I guess they don't think it'd be worth it though.
PS4's a huge hit, you need + to play online, so Sony have absolutely no incentive to improve the offerings, in fact, as their dominance grows, they have good reason to make it even worse.
Plus the games can't be too old! And they can't have sold too much, or else too many people played them! And they must be the highest rated games in their series.. wait, except if they're too old! And they can't be indies! Or they can, but those indies must be brand new!
.............Spelunky PS4?
That's making me shiver. So many hours played on the Vita. Not sure if I want to go through that again on the PS4. Man.
Vita EU launch, June ' sorry but you have too high of expectations. The fact that the console has come out in less then a year still, of course it won't give away triple AAA games but saying there are no triple AAA games coming out for plus ever is saddening.
Because paying to add something cheap to PS+, that few people want, is going to be massively cheaper than paying for a major game. Anyone who wants to play online needs + regardless, they can't abstain because they're not happy with the IGC, they're paying regardless, so the least of that money Sony has to spend on IGC games, the more they keep.What? How does this make any sense? How does it benefit them?
...did I read "Chuchu Rocket on crack" somewhere?