There's quite lot of retardation going on in this thread...

There's quite lot of retardation going on in this thread...
Ghost in the Saul
Saul the King's Men
Just another brick in the Saul
Better Saul Saul
Wow, me and you buddy. Is all this waiting turning us into the same person, locked on the same one purpose?
This is the best thread on the internets!
What is this from?
SaulliSaulli2?So how about those OlliOlli2 reviews.
Ghost in the Saul
Saul the King's Men
Just another brick in the Saul
Aaaaaaaand .... It's a Helldivers trailer.
Thank Mr. PS Plus
hahahahah helldivers
Saulmao, it's Helldivers
I forgot this GIF existed. I needed it back in my life. Thank you.
What is going on in here?
And Krishna said:
Grace Chen time I am, destroyer of worlds, and I have come to engage all subscribers.
The next blog post is gonna be about Helldivers :/
what does this mean? they finish work at 5pm, no announcement until the announced games are released on the day of the announcement?