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PlayStation Trophy Club

Mr Hyde

#211 - Dead Space remake

Absolutely loved every minute and one of the most fun trophy lists in a while

Is it the same list as PS3 or did they create a new list like in Demon's Souls? I platinumed Dead Space on PS3 so a new set of trophies would be preferable.



#212 - Ragnarok

I know I’m the last one on earth to post this one but better late than never.

Not as high as everyone else. This really dragged for me. God of War just can’t justify 40-50 hours of gameplay for me, but that last round of cleanup and collectibles/fetch quests really dragged me down.

The gameplay itself is better in basically every way from 2018 tho. Give me Ragnarok gameplay but with 2018’s smaller scope/scale and I’m all in, but I was just ready to be on to the next one by the end of this. Good not great.


Gold Member

Never expected this would take me 6 months to finish - for the past 6 months my gaming time pretty much was decimated due to having my first newborn and increased work responsibility.

Nevertheless, I still enjoyed the game. Definitely one of the superior open world games out there, and the moment to moment good writings are still on par with CDPR standard.

That being said, my affection is nowhere near one I had for The Witcher 3. 2077 in my opinion suffered a lot from the main story being rushed and short. Many characters never fully developed the personalities and their bounds with V. All the endings are pretty well-thought and executed, but like I said, because of the character building is flat and shallow (compared to W3), I didn't get very sentimental, that is definitely a pity.

The overworld is quite fascinating, but the story and the people in the world need a better crafting to be truly memorable.

Out of all the endings, Temperance is my favorite and I consider it the true ending.



Never expected this would take me 6 months to finish - for the past 6 months my gaming time pretty much was decimated due to having my first newborn and increased work responsibility.

Nevertheless, I still enjoyed the game. Definitely one of the superior open world games out there, and the moment to moment good writings are still on par with CDPR standard.

That being said, my affection is nowhere near one I had for The Witcher 3. 2077 in my opinion suffered a lot from the main story being rushed and short. Many characters never fully developed the personalities and their bounds with V. All the endings are pretty well-thought and executed, but like I said, because of the character building is flat and shallow (compared to W3), I didn't get very sentimental, that is definitely a pity.

The overworld is quite fascinating, but the story and the people in the world need a better crafting to be truly memorable.

Out of all the endings, Temperance is my favorite and I consider it the true ending.

I’ve been working on this off and on for a while but this is my next plat. I keep putting it off because I’m always so paranoid about missable trophies and this has several. I’ve got a handful now so going full steam ahead one way or another.


Gold Member
I’ve been working on this off and on for a while but this is my next plat. I keep putting it off because I’m always so paranoid about missable trophies and this has several. I’ve got a handful now so going full steam ahead one way or another.
Haha, I know, I've been on the same boat all the time. But for this one you actually don't need to worry much, as many side quests marked as "missable" only when you insist on failing it. The only ones that need a bit more attention are the trophies tied to attribute investment. They need some planning before hand and use some save/load tricks to pull them off all in one playthrough.


Haha, I know, I've been on the same boat all the time. But for this one you actually don't need to worry much, as many side quests marked as "missable" only when you insist on failing it. The only ones that need a bit more attention are the trophies tied to attribute investment. They need some planning before hand and use some save/load tricks to pull them off all in one playthrough.

I've got the Master Crafter one, which leaves V for Vendetta and Ten Out of Ten.

I'm not especially high level and I've got a handful of points to spend. I see a lot about easy work arounds and glitches to take advantage of, but I can't really tell what works and what doesn't on the current patch so I'll take any advice you may have to knock them out easily!


Gold Member
I've got the Master Crafter one, which leaves V for Vendetta and Ten Out of Ten.

I'm not especially high level and I've got a handful of points to spend. I see a lot about easy work arounds and glitches to take advantage of, but I can't really tell what works and what doesn't on the current patch so I'll take any advice you may have to knock them out easily!
For V for Vendetta, it is pretty much following the trophy description: you just need to save up enough points, make a manual save, then level up your body to 16, go to buy the second heart implant, then go to a NCPD scan or any enemy groups, clear them but leave one alive. Trim down its health and then let the enemy kill you, you will get revived by the second heart, then just kill the enemy to pop trophy, using a shotgun or katana is pretty efficient. Don't for get to reload to get your points back, like a said, most build won't invest 16 points into body.

For Ten out of Ten, I found the easiest way is just to level up your tech skills - since you already got master crafting, meaning you should have 18 tech attributes already (most build will require 18 tech points as it is when you can craft legendary gears). Just make a save and invest 2 more points to max tech attribute. Also, make sure you have several ability points as well. To level technical skills to 20 is very simple and quick: First, make sure you obtain the following crafting abilities (I forgot the names so I am showing you the descriptions):
1. 20% chance to craft an item for free;
2. Gain more components when disassembling;
3. Reduces component cost of crafting items by 30%.

When you have all those abilities, just start to spam crafting the frag grenade, craft all of them, then dismantle all of them. Both crafting and dismantling will give your technical skill XP - and the best thing is that you will get more and more materials because of the 20% chance of free crafting. So you can just repeat this process till you reach level 20 for technical skill. Then you can reload your save to get all the points back.

Feel free to ask me if you have more questions, the trophy hunting for 2077 is pretty fun!


For V for Vendetta, it is pretty much following the trophy description: you just need to save up enough points, make a manual save, then level up your body to 16, go to buy the second heart implant, then go to a NCPD scan or any enemy groups, clear them but leave one alive. Trim down its health and then let the enemy kill you, you will get revived by the second heart, then just kill the enemy to pop trophy, using a shotgun or katana is pretty efficient. Don't for get to reload to get your points back, like a said, most build won't invest 16 points into body.

For Ten out of Ten, I found the easiest way is just to level up your tech skills - since you already got master crafting, meaning you should have 18 tech attributes already (most build will require 18 tech points as it is when you can craft legendary gears). Just make a save and invest 2 more points to max tech attribute. Also, make sure you have several ability points as well. To level technical skills to 20 is very simple and quick: First, make sure you obtain the following crafting abilities (I forgot the names so I am showing you the descriptions):
1. 20% chance to craft an item for free;
2. Gain more components when disassembling;
3. Reduces component cost of crafting items by 30%.

When you have all those abilities, just start to spam crafting the frag grenade, craft all of them, then dismantle all of them. Both crafting and dismantling will give your technical skill XP - and the best thing is that you will get more and more materials because of the 20% chance of free crafting. So you can just repeat this process till you reach level 20 for technical skill. Then you can reload your save to get all the points back.

Feel free to ask me if you have more questions, the trophy hunting for 2077 is pretty fun!

Okay I did think of one - how do you get Rogue’s quest line to start? I can’t seem to get that first job - Chippin In - out of her, and when I call her she just says she doesn’t have any work?


Gold Member
You'll have to progress the main story. I believe it was
after you see Hanako Arasaka
, Johnny then will ask you to go to Rogue.


Gold Member
I’m on Search and Destroy, which I think is the next to last mission :(
Yeah, exactly, after this one you will get Chippin In. Make sure in Search and Destroy you save Takemura for the Devil ending, this one is missable if you don't save him.

Finishing Search and Destroy will not enter the point of no return, you will need to proceed the next mission to certain point to trigger that and the game will warn you that you are at point of no return.


Done with Hogwarts Legacy. Good game, but could've been better.


Bought this game but have avoided starting because of all the trophy issues. I have a friend who it sounds like this patch today still didn’t fix his problem. I’m not going for 600+ collectibles only to get locked out of the plat.


Bought this game but have avoided starting because of all the trophy issues. I have a friend who it sounds like this patch today still didn’t fix his problem. I’m not going for 600+ collectibles only to get locked out of the plat.
One field guide bugged for me. So I had 149/150 in Hogwarts, but it still popped the Collector's Editon trophy. Weird, but I'm fine with it lol
Currently, tackling/attempting Amplitude. Its probably going to take a month or more then so be it. Could use a partner on the team co-op trophy though.
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I've gotta be honest, I started out with good intentions with regards to trophies but ended up not being particularly bothered. Having said that, I will download one of those utterly shit £1.29 games just to get one platinum and then never bother again. 😄

I can defo see why folk dig trophies tho.


Gold Member
I've gotta be honest, I started out with good intentions with regards to trophies but ended up not being particularly bothered. Having said that, I will download one of those utterly shit £1.29 games just to get one platinum and then never bother again. 😄

I can defo see why folk dig trophies tho.
Everyone is different. I only trophy hunt games I like.

I now have a gaming PC too but I struggle with gaming on it because i’m often like “man, I could plat this game on PS.” First world problems.


Gold Member
I've gotta be honest, I started out with good intentions with regards to trophies but ended up not being particularly bothered. Having said that, I will download one of those utterly shit £1.29 games just to get one platinum and then never bother again. 😄

I can defo see why folk dig trophies tho.
Just play how you want, man. Maybe one day there will be a game you are so drawn to and then the Platinum just naturally comes. Like Bloodborne did to me, :)


Busy with platinum number 142 now. Playing Nier - Replicant on PS5. I have the platinum for Nier - Gestalt on PS3. So I know what I am getting myself into. It's actually a pretty easy platinum. Material grinding is just a pain, but since I've done it before on PS3, I know what I need to farm. Plus the DLC weapons are easier to upgrade so I can skip the 4 weapons that need the super rare drops.

On a different note:

I have been asked many times why I do platinums on all my games. And to be honest, you see parts of games and interesting quests and places that most people won't in games. And it's very rewarding.

P.S. Shame on those that buy these 2 pound games that take 1 minute to get the platinum. It devalues your platinum count. Because in my opinion, each platinum trophy represents an achievement that not many other have. (YAKUZA 3 I am looking at you. You gave me grey hair to get your platinum on PS3 and PS4. But it was worth it! )
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P.S. Shame on those that buy these 2 pound games that take 1 minute to get the platinum. It devalues your platinum count. Because in my opinion, each platinum trophy represents an achievement that not many other have. (YAKUZA 3 I am looking at you. You gave me grey hair to get your platinum on PS3 and PS4. But it was worth it! )
my man denzel GIF

Word. Whenever I notice someone brag about their amount of plats, with a tonne being almost-instant pop platinums, I write them off almost immediately. If that's the case, then they better have a ridiculously hard ass or demanding plat among those.
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#37 - Deliver us the Moon

For many years I've read a lot positive opinions. Finally played, beat and... this is one of the best indie title I've ever played. Maybe even the best.
Marvelous game from start to the end. Fantastic and brilliant title.
I need physical edition.


my man denzel GIF

Word. Whenever I notice someone brag about their amount of plats, with a tonne being almost-instant pop platinums, I write them off almost immediately. If that's the case, then they better have a ridiculously hard ass or demanding plat among those.


Gold Member
my man denzel GIF

Word. Whenever I notice someone brag about their amount of plats, with a tonne being almost-instant pop platinums, I write them off almost immediately. If that's the case, then they better have a ridiculously hard ass or demanding plat among those.
Anyone who does this is completely written off on my books. Show me real plats- not shovelware ones where you did not actually really earn it.
#37 - Deliver us the Moon

For many years I've read a lot positive opinions. Finally played, beat and... this is one of the best indie title I've ever played. Maybe even the best.
Marvelous game from start to the end. Fantastic and brilliant title.
I need physical edition.
Been on my backlog forever. Gonna try it after Chorus.



#214 - Vice City

These games just don’t hold up, sorry. The number of missions I failed and had to start over due to some completely random RNG outside of my control was maddening. Made me put it off way longer than I would have otherwise. A lot of nonsense and you really forget how far modern controls have come, the third person stuff just handles horribly (cars still feel good though).

The presentation though is still great. The radio stations as funny and relevant as ever.

But the 100%? Woof. No thanks. Passing on 3/San Andreas after this one.
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I just platinumed Sackboy on ps5. Fuck me that knight trial was torture. About 25 hours playing the game until that point then at least an additional 10 just on that.

Anybody platinumed Arkham Knight? I heard the 69 trials stars are easier if you have the scare crow dlc?

Also I thought GTA 4 servers were offline on PS3? How did Nick AR achieve the platinum a few months ago?I tried platinuming GTA 4 year's ago but a bug prevented me from getting 100% lol.


I just platinumed Sackboy on ps5. Fuck me that knight trial was torture. About 25 hours playing the game until that point then at least an additional 10 just on that.

Anybody platinumed Arkham Knight? I heard the 69 trials stars are easier if you have the scare crow dlc?

Also I thought GTA 4 servers were offline on PS3? How did Nick AR achieve the platinum a few months ago?I tried platinuming GTA 4 year's ago but a bug prevented me from getting 100% lol.

If you see plats after the server shut down on any game, just means that they had the online stuff prior. Their final trophy was an offline one.

Congrats on Sackboy, struggled with the trial myself but finally got it.


Gold Member
I just platinumed Sackboy on ps5. Fuck me that knight trial was torture. About 25 hours playing the game until that point then at least an additional 10 just on that.

Anybody platinumed Arkham Knight? I heard the 69 trials stars are easier if you have the scare crow dlc?

Also I thought GTA 4 servers were offline on PS3? How did Nick AR achieve the platinum a few months ago?I tried platinuming GTA 4 year's ago but a bug prevented me from getting 100% lol.
If you buy the season pass then it becomes trivial. The season pass added loads of new challenges that all count towards the 69 stars. Also, if you want to test yourself, do the community challenge trophies, they are hard as hell but man earning them does feel very rewarding.


If you buy the season pass then it becomes trivial. The season pass added loads of new challenges that all count towards the 69 stars. Also, if you want to test yourself, do the community challenge trophies, they are hard as hell but man earning them does feel very rewarding.
Thanks bro. Yeah I got the pass on black Friday sale for like €2 lol.


Gold Member
I haven't had this much fun for a long while. Dishonored 2 is the type of game that reminds you the original joy of this type of media when you first played video game at 5.

It gives you bunch of rad powers and tools, it tells you a goal to accomplish, and a delicately crafted playground. As for how you use your power and how to achieve the goal, it's all up you. I absolutely love this design philosophy!

Given all the dumpster fire out there for Redfall, I really hope they can get together and make another dishonored sequel. I am craving for more!

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I haven't had this much fun for a long while. Dishonored 2 is the type of game that reminds you the original joy of this type of media when you first played video game at 5.

It gives you bunch of rad powers and tools, it tells you a goal to accomplish, and a delicately crafted playground. As for how you use your power and how to achieve the goal, it's all up you. I absolutely love this design philosophy!

Given all the dumpster fire out there for Redfall, I really hope they can get together and make another dishonored sequel. I am craving for more!


Great plat. The insane amount of missable trophies always put me off of this one. I should probably try it one day, but it’s pretty intimidating for that reason.


Gold Member
Great plat. The insane amount of missable trophies always put me off of this one. I should probably try it one day, but it’s pretty intimidating for that reason.
Thanks bud. Only a handful of trophies are truly missable and need a guide and planning. Majority of the missables are doing special actions in specific missions, which can be replayed after you beat the game. But this game is famous for its replayability, I normally just move on after platinum, but I played another playthrough just to test out different powers and it was super fun.
Most recent platinum was “Learn Hiragana” , got the game on sale for $0.09 and because I already am familiar with hiragana, it took roughly 4 mins to get the plat. For what ever reason “Ru” just wouldn’t come up. But then it did! And the plat popped!

This is a 100% true story, this it not a joke post.

That was plat #9
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Gold Member
the pfp really speaks for itself i died of cringe

Most recent platinum was “Learn Hiragana” , got the game on sale for $0.09 and because I already am familiar with hiragana, it took roughly 4 mins to get the plat. For what ever reason “Ru” just wouldn’t come up. But then it did! And the plat popped!

This is a 100% true story, this it not a joke post.

That was plat #9
Haha, I too also couldn't resist the 9 cents plat.
Good work! The remastered version takes effort and skills to play.


Gold Member
Just couldn't stop, couldn't get enough, lol.

Dishonored 2 and Death of the Outsider are included in this month's ps plus extra. Folks give them a shot!

Now since the director has left I don't know if Arkane can pull off a better Dishonored 3, but I surely hope this series live on!



Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
#90 - PowerSlave Exhumed

This was a lot of fun to play especially because it's so responsive with a controller in this particular version. Given that the original game is over 26 years old i was quite surprised of its qualities. There is not a single thing i would criticise. I loved every second!

As for the Platinum Trophy this is pretty straight forward. Just play the game and try to do and see everything it has to offer. 2 missable trophies. Collectables where insanely well hidden and i had to use a guide to find most of them. Trophies for the difficulty settings don't stack so 3 playthroughs are needed. First one took me 6h, second 3 1/2h and the third 2 1/2h. Pharaoh difficulty had some nasty sections but the first playthrough on normal was the hardest for me since you don't know the layout and the enemy placement.

Highly recommended if you're into oldschool shooters.

I think i need to play another one of these straight away.


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Dr. Claus

#90 - PowerSlave Exhumed

This was a lot of fun to play especially because it's so responsive with a controller in this particular version. Given that the original game is over 26 years old i was quite surprised of its qualities. There is not a single thing i would criticise. I loved every second!

As for the Platinum Trophy this is pretty straight forward. Just play the game and try to do and see everything it has to offer. 2 missable trophies. Collectables where insanely well hidden and i had to use a guide to find most of them. Trophies for the difficulty settings don't stack so 3 playthroughs are needed. First one took me 6h, second 3 1/2h and the third 2 1/2h. Pharaoh difficulty had some nasty sections but the first playthrough on normal was the hardest for me since you don't know the layout and the enemy placement.

Highly recommended if you into oldschool shooters.

I think i need to play another one of these straight away.



I HIGHLY recommend Ion Fury and DUSK if you haven't tried those two out. They both should be on consoles (or at the very least both are on switch).


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
I HIGHLY recommend Ion Fury and DUSK if you haven't tried those two out. They both should be on consoles (or at the very least both are on switch).

I played Ion Fury. Still want to get the Platinum for it but the game is so long that i haven't dared to yet. Dusk is in my wishlist but so are many others. :messenger_grinning:

I tend more towards Turok since the Nightdive version of PowerSlave was so good. But then Chasm: The Rift also found its way into the PS Store. Not sure which one it will be next.



#216 - Humanity

May honestly be my game of the year.

Completely blown away by this game. It was all I thought about for a week and I wish there was more. Some of the puzzles are just ingenious. I’ve never had such fun working them out with almost zero temptation to look up solutions (I looked up the answers to 6 out of 100 or so).

But even beyond that the style, the presentation, the incredible soundtrack. Just a total masterclass IMO.

Also, fortunate enough to play in PSVR2. Looked really great. Did both, played more standard than VR but both are excellent.

Also - free on PS+ Extra.



#217 - Moss: Book 2

This game was just incredible. Probably my favorite VR game and first PSVR2 plat! Hope this finds an audience now since it was initially dumped to the first PSVR years after everyone had boxed theirs up.
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