It is extremely well reviewed on Quest and according to the devs it will be a much upgraded version with Foveated rendering, 120 fps native and full haptics usage (they will patch the headset rumble after launch tho).It really does! It might be a VR sleeper hit
Another topic I already spent 10 hours in Legendary Tales and damn that game is amazing! The first contact was terrible, as the UX and controls are stupid AF (It took me ages to understand how to equip/unequip, loot and many other simple actions like that), but damn once you know how to deal with that the game really shines.
I am completely addicted, the game is basically a mix bewteen King'd Field/Dark Souls and Diablo 1. You can still feel its indie with its jank and lack of variety, but its so immersive and interesting to play that its not really a problem.