Really hard for me as I love almost all my games, for different reasons. Have a Tier list instead
GT7: Do I need to explain why?
RE8: great game in flat, terrifying and awe-inspiring experience in VR
Moss 1&2: visuals, mechanics, aesthetics, etc... this game does everything right.
Tetris Effect: this is a piece of art, period. I live in Paris and I've done dozens of hipster art exhibition about light and sound, and nothing impressed me more than the theater mode in this game. Smoke a joint, relax, launch that mode and get ready to travel in another dimension. (damn that sounds cringe AF)
Rez Infinite:
FEAR IS THE MIND KILLER. Intemporal masterpiece.
A Tier :
Horizon: great introductory game to VR, great climbing (first climbing game in VR for me, so that felt really "fresh" and immersive to me)
After The Fall : Left4Dead game design + House of the Dead level of gory fun? Well, yes !?
Thumper: that game hates you. That game really hates you... And I fucking love it. (yes I'm weird... I'm French)
Puzzling Places: Downloaded the demo for my girlfriend, and was instantly blown away. Great game to play from time to time, amazing concept.
The Light Brigade: great gameplay, great game design, awesome atmosphere and a game that promises to evolve a ton in the coming months. Already spent 20H on it and I know I will play dozen and dozen of hours more. Might become S-TIer if they add great content.
Townsmen: Black and White in VR with a 15-20h campaign? Absolute no brainer for me, and it plays really well!
Regret Tier :
KayakVR: I'm terrible at this game, it makes me feel dizzy (and I have no problem with motion sickness anymore), and it seems like an "experience" more than a game. I wanted this to be a nice showcase for VR to my friends, but no one is interested to try it and it will make them sick anyway so...
Pavlov: great game, surely, but it's impossible to play seated (my bad, I should have known) and there are no ranked or "main" mode, which is quite a flaw for a competitive FPS like this one (imo). Browsing lobbies with what looks like an excel sheet to get into a game? Too lazy for that, sorry.
Saints and Sinners (only played 1h)
Tentacular (only played a few levels with the lady, I like it tho, really charming)
No Man Sky: please patch the terrible IQ, thanks!