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PlayStation3 to use OpenGL IT (?)

Translated Source: Gamefront.de

26.07.04 - Sony is to possibly use the OpenGL ES after a report of IT Media API for the PlayStation3.

OpenGL ES is a Applications Programming interface (API) and the Embedded version of the diagram interface OpenGL. The advantages of OpenGL ES are that it is an industry standard, costs no royalties and is easy for developers in application.

Sony did not confirm the employment of OpenGL ES for the PlayStation3 officially.




sonycowboy said:
Translated Source: Gamefront.de

26.07.04 - Sony is to possibly use the OpenGL ES after a report of IT Media API for the PlayStation3.

OpenGL ES is a Applications Programming interface (API) and the Embedded version of the diagram interface OpenGL. The advantages of OpenGL ES are that it is an industry standard, costs no royalties and is easy for developers in application.

Sony did not confirm the employment of OpenGL ES for the PlayStation3 officially.


Good to hear that. Smart move!
pcostabel said:
That should be PSP using OpenGL. OpenGL ES stands for "Embedded Systems".

"The Common Profile is intended for consumer entertainment and related devices such as telephone handsets, PDAs, set-top boxes, game consoles, etc. It addresses the broadest range of the market including support for platforms with varying capability.

* Minimum footprint full function 3D with texture-mapping
* Good gaming platform
* Implementable on cell phones"

The ES also targets dedicated gaming platforms.


It seems to be done deal.

"Sony will use OpenGL ES 2.0 for PlayStation 3. This is a big change. Sony has used their original API traditionally. Mr. Neil Trevett (President, Khronos Group; Chairman, OpenGL ES Working Group; Senior Vice President, Market Development, and 3Dlabs) of Khronos Group (Cronos group) as which saying that this time will become adoption of first standard API" decides upon OpenGL ES
SCEI -- PlayStation 3 -- OpenGL ES 2.0 adoption *web translated*


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Well, OpenGL is the 3D graphics standard for PC games... Unreal Tournament 2k4 was done in it I think.. So, it'll be a lot easier to develop with this than on PS2... that's one thing I can think of. This seems like a very smart move on Sony's part (especically since M$ will probably be tooting directX for Xenon).


"Sony will use OpenGL ES" sounds like mistranslating part if you just read a bit further. "If PlayStation 3 adopts OpenGL ES, the program which strikes the same API fundamentally, and the same SHIEDA can be made to run between PlayStation 3 and other OpenGL ES platforms. Naturally, the transplant nature of software increases."

Either way, it does seem like there's no reason for Sony to join the group if they had no plan to use it. But it sounds like they are sort of waiting on the development of 2.0 before they make final decision or at least influence the development of 2.0 that will fit for the PS3. And it's a good deal for everyone if it happens that they decide to use the API. Not that many people like to write directly to metal any more as we can see with PS2 awes. :p


Doom3 and NWN, for example, are OGL games. This could be a shot in the arm for the OGL standard in the wake of Direct X. Should be interesting.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
There are several reason why Sony has chosen Khronos and not regular OpenGL.

First, by the time the full OpenGL ES 2.0 comes out Sony has been inside the project long enough to influence it/add some of their own ideas.




Look at the list of promoters and contributors: I see no MS in there ;).


Third: It allows Sony to enhance OpenGL ES pre-2.0 with custom extensions (easier as it is a bit separate from regular OpenGL and its board)... like SCE_EXT_ caps.

These extensions would be used in the PlayStation 3 dev kits with OpenGL ES 2.0 being updated for a later revision of the PlayStation 3 SDK.

Third: OpenGL ES is low on memory usage, always a good thing :).
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