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Please post thoughts on this picture



Deku Tree

I doubt those guys stood there like that for more than 30 seconds.
Looks like a picture that was taken soley to post on message board forums.
All I see is two guys who need a shave holding up a sign that says something that's been said 4513451346134513461345 times before. Only this time it's being said by losers who need to shave.

I came into this thread expecting screenshots or scantily clad people.

I was decieved.


When Zelda:WW was released I saw a friend of mine on the streets with a cardboard sign 'The Apocalypse is nigh!'


Deku Tree said:
I doubt those guys stood there like that for more than 30 seconds.
Looks like a picture that was taken soley to post on message board forums.

I found this on CNet in their coverage of the Halo 2 launch.


And even i am moderately surprised

Maybe the farm they live on only has enough power for a PC or something?

Also, it looks like the "guy"(?) on the right is wearing a skirt, so i think what we have
here is :

a farmer *left* + his very ugly bearded wife and a mispelling of "tractor" (half life 2).

"Redeem your self, buy a tractor instead"

roit, that's thaaaaat done my little beauty, lets go and feed the pigs and shoot some tresspaaaaasers....

get orf moi laaaaaaand.
Can someone please explain to me why if you like one game, you have to automatically diss another that's somewhat like it? Hey, I don't like either game, but you won't hear any stupid bile directed at them from me.
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