Shocking amount of hatred for heavy set people here.
Shocking amount of hatred for heavy set people here.
Shocking amount of concern for the health of morbidly obese people here.
Shocking amount of hatred for heavy set people here.
I recently lost about 100 lbs. Because of that I've been getting a lot of praise from friends and family.
It doesn't make me feel good. if anything it makes me pissed off. I am not entirely sure why to be honest.
That's not a plus-size, that's obese as hell.
because people were biting their tongue and now you know they value what you are more than you were?
that now you'll have to maintain else you'll now be aware that you're somehow lesser in their eyes?
I think it has to do with the lack of respect I had then. I fundementally feel like I am the same person. Yet people treat me differently.
It's like if I had won the lottery and people treated me nice once they Knew I had money rather than before when I was poor.
I kind of want to tell them all to fuck off.
Oh no.
I think it has to do with the lack of respect I had then. I fundementally feel like I am the same person. Yet people treat me differently.
It's like if I had won the lottery and people treated me nice once they Knew I had money rather than before when I was poor.
I kind of want to tell them all to fuck off.
These look much larger than plus size models.
Like this is actual obsesity
Thick isn't the right word. Thock. Has a ring to it.
I think it has to do with the lack of respect I had then. I fundementally feel like I am the same person. Yet people treat me differently.
It's like if I had won the lottery and people treated me nice once they Knew I had money rather than before when I was poor.
I kind of want to tell them all to fuck off.
I'm not mad about weight gain/BBW fetish but if you do that stuff, just say it, don't need to explain yourself.
Vicky Pollard?
And people who hate fat people should just say it, instead of hiding behind "I'm just worried about their health!"
I don't hate anyone simply because they are skinny, or fat. I don't know what "fat acceptance people" are worried about. People in this thread seem affronted that their beautiful idols have been caricatured into fat people, with an undercurrent of "fat people can never be considered sexy."So are fat acceptance people not worried about how unhealthy it is to try to have a body like photoshopped models or do you just hate skinny people?
It's a big change and they're proud of you for putting the effort in. Imagine this: you just finished buying this awesome house you've worked for years to afford and you bring them over. They're going to pat you on the back and congratulate you, partly for the house, but mostly because they know how hard you worked for it and are proud of you for putting that work in and achieving your goal. It's not about the lost weight, that's not what they're applauding, it's the effort you put into it.
I don't hate anyone simply because they are skinny, or fat. I don't know what "fat acceptance people" are worried about. People in this thread seem affronted that their beautiful idols have been caricatured into fat people, with an undercurrent of "fat people can never be considered sexy."
Lopera told the Daily News on Tuesday that he digitally alters pictures of some of the world’s sexiest celebrities because he wants to show that plus-size women “can be beautiful too,” and hopes to “change people’s mind about beauty standards.”
Ain't gonna lie. Don't dig on the fat chicks.
Don't dig on the rail thin or even athletic chicks either.
That's not to say I don't like them or their company, I'm just not attracted to those types.
I've seen these before.
Oh god, I went to his deviantart, and there are some odd photoshops. Like he turned them into blueberries.
And by that I mean like the girl from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Just why...?
I agree, feeder culture is dangerous. Unlike most fetishes, you can't simply pack it under the bed when you're done. It's something you have to take into the real world, where there are plenty of real problems. I've been turned on by weight gain my entire life, it's literally my only fetish, and as I've gotten older I've swiftly come to realize it's not sustainable.
I've been around the feederism scene since ~1998, and I've noticed several strong trends. The people actively championing not just body acceptance, but obesity acceptance, have always been under 30, long before any major health concerns are realized. The ones over ~35 have always mentioned health problems, whether needing to take medication, using powder for fold chafing, or being able to afford to eat everything they do. As I've grown up I've seen plenty of models/users get older and leave the scene, usually getting the oh-so-blasphemous "WLS" soon afterwards. The smart users know that their fetish is unhealthy and wish them the best, the crazies turn their backs as if betrayed. Tumblr seems to have turned up the crazy dial lately.
Every once in a while a member will die (and it's usually from a heart attack, if they say the cause), and among the responses is always "Oh no, she seemed so lively and happy! How could this happen?" I once had an argument several years ago with a user who insisted that extreme obesity was safe so long as that person was happy. I'm only 25 (I started visiting those sites way too early), and have already outlived him. I've outlived a lot of people from the early days.
The fantasy was (and unfortunately, still is) incredibly alluring. People like Vavoom, who gained ~130 lbs in a year with detailed documentation, represent the absolute zenith of my fetish. But the more I come to realize how many models retire and lose weight, have health issues, and die, the more I've distanced myself from the scene. I know that the wave of young Tumblr models haven't thought out the long-term ramifications of promoting such a culture, and once reality hits them they'll disappear, only to be replaced. Everybody's excited about who's going to be the next Brooke.
Probably could've said this better, but I'm incredibly sleep deprived at the moment and had to say something after seeing your comment. Truth be told, studying the feederism scene for so long has been fascinating; I could probably write a book about it were I more cognizant. But yeah, I'm glad I'm fit and healthy, and that my loved ones are too. I want to be around them for years to come, and feederism is such short gratification.
it has gone beyond that though. I understand the people who don't see me often. But my friends act like I was super unhealthy piece of shit before That always ate unhealthy. I know for a fact that isn't a case. Even before I lost weight I ate the same meals as my roommates and yet I had like 120 lbs on them.
Also yeah this isn't obese, I'm considered Obese and I'm 6'1 and 220lbs.
Pick for reference
I'm not mad about weight gain/BBW fetish but if you do that stuff, just say it, don't need to explain yourself.
And people who hate fat people should just say it, instead of hiding behind "I'm just worried about their health!"
Fat shaming has got to be the worst fucking trend of recent times.