I find this creepy.
I've actually made a thread before when I admit "weight gain" and such is an embarrassing fetish of mine, but when it's done to real people like this via pictures, it's just really creepy to me. Like the whole feeder culture is something I don't want any part of, weight gain as a fetish is one I think needs to be pretty much kept to fantasy, because it's arguably a dangerous fetish to have when applied to real-life.
I agree, feeder culture is dangerous. Unlike most fetishes, you can't simply pack it under the bed when you're done. It's something you have to take into the real world, where there are plenty of real problems. I've been turned on by weight gain my entire life, it's literally my
only fetish, and as I've gotten older I've swiftly come to realize it's not sustainable.
I've been around the feederism scene since ~1998, and I've noticed several strong trends. The people actively championing not just body acceptance, but obesity acceptance, have
always been under 30, long before any major health concerns are realized. The ones over ~35 have
always mentioned health problems, whether needing to take medication, using powder for fold chafing, or being able to afford to eat everything they do. As I've grown up I've seen plenty of models/users get older and leave the scene, usually getting the oh-so-blasphemous "WLS" soon afterwards. The smart users know that their fetish is unhealthy and wish them the best, the crazies turn their backs as if betrayed. Tumblr seems to have turned up the crazy dial lately.
Every once in a while a member will die (and it's usually from a heart attack, if they say the cause), and among the responses is always "Oh no, she seemed so lively and happy! How could this happen?" I once had an argument several years ago with a user who insisted that extreme obesity was safe so long as that person was happy. I'm only 25 (I started visiting those sites
way too early), and have already outlived him. I've outlived a lot of people from the early days.
The fantasy was (and unfortunately, still is) incredibly alluring. People like Vavoom, who gained ~130 lbs in a year with detailed documentation, represent the absolute zenith of my fetish. But the more I come to realize how many models retire and lose weight, have health issues, and die, the more I've distanced myself from the scene. I
know that the wave of young Tumblr models haven't thought out the long-term ramifications of promoting such a culture, and once reality hits them they'll disappear, only to be replaced. Everybody's excited about who's going to be the next Brooke.
Probably could've said this better, but I'm incredibly sleep deprived at the moment and had to say something after seeing your comment. Truth be told, studying the feederism scene for so long has been fascinating; I could probably write a book about it were I more cognizant. But yeah, I'm glad I'm fit and healthy, and that my loved ones are too. I want to be around them for years to come, and feederism is such short gratification.