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PnP RPGs OT || Come play the REAL RPGs


Doubt anyone knows, but what's the deal with the true20 forum? Seems like it will come back up eventually, but can't find any information on it. I sure hope so, because there are a bunch of threads I need to save on there.


Two months after stating the intention to play, because of some chaos for the holydays / some evening of board game playing and or random activities, yesterday night we finally started our new Fate Core campaign.
It's something like a mix of fantasy and steampunk (something like Arcanum, if you remember the game, and if you don't go to gog RIGHT NOW), set in a fantasy world we've been using for our campaigns for almost a decade, with the party as a group of thieves / conman.
For now the story has barely started moving, but it looks like we're having a lot of fun, and the change of pace from the usual d&d I play with this people is a breath of fresh air.

Speaking of other rpgs, does anybody here play Sine Requie? (yes, it's only in italian and I don't know how many italian rpg players are on gaf, but asking doesn't hurt :) )
Er, other projects seemingly going places on Kickstarter:

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/voidrpg/void-rpg Seems promising at least

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1235706284/journey-to-the-overland-a-solo-tabletop-roleplayin Stretch goal reaching seems to have this REALLY ramping up as to what it shall become.

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1176616619/shadows-of-esteren-a-medieval-horror-rpg-tuath Of course they are doing well

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/200664283/deluxe-mage-the-ascension-20th-anniversary-edition Probably going to break some records, what should've been a fair stretch goal assortment was crushed in a day so they had to scramble for the next one as opposed to the next several they will doubtlessly need real soon now...
So I finally get to play in a Fate Core game after all this time. The catch is that I happen to be the GM. I feel woefully unqualified and nervous about it. I don't know much about running games. I guess I should prepare by at least creating a couple of stat skeletons for NPCs. Though I have no idea how to make a cohesive story. I guess I could have the players help, since Fate asks the GM to get players involved in generating story details.


Mage: The Ascension 20th is doing really well.



PnP is something I've always wanted to try, but every time I manage to get in on a game or manage to get people together to play, it either dies two sessions in or never gets off the ground at all.

I've organized or gotten into 5 different games now and every one has fallen apart on me. :[ I've even designed the story/setting for 3 of them myself for the DM and still it fell apart. Seems to be less and less likely as time goes on. Dunno what to do about it either.


PnP is something I've always wanted to try, but every time I manage to get in on a game or manage to get people together to play, it either dies two sessions in or never gets off the ground at all.

I've organized or gotten into 5 different games now and every one has fallen apart on me. :[ I've even designed the story/setting for 3 of them myself for the DM and still it fell apart. Seems to be less and less likely as time goes on. Dunno what to do about it either.

Start with "why".
Are people bored? No time? Complicated rules? Too much railroading? Or are the players not just really interested in the game (in my experience, this is the worst. Never drag anyone to the game when they don't really want to. Reluctant player is not a problem automatically though)?


Start with "why".
Are people bored? No time? Complicated rules? Too much railroading? Or are the players not just really interested in the game (in my experience, this is the worst. Never drag anyone to the game when they don't really want to. Reluctant player is not a problem automatically though)?

Its mostly been groups of people who were already interested in playing that I happened to meet up with. :[


Its mostly been groups of people who were already interested in playing that I happened to meet up with. :[

So people are interested but the thing still falls apart? You sure they are actually interested in the specific games/settings/rule systems you're using?
What kind of characters do people play? Or does it just end up in people messing around (eg "I'll hit that thing with a hammer because lol")?
Once you know what's wrong, you can start correcting that and perhaps get a game running properly.


So people are interested but the thing still falls apart? You sure they are actually interested in the specific games/settings/rule systems you're using?
What kind of characters do people play? Or does it just end up in people messing around (eg "I'll hit that thing with a hammer because lol")?
Once you know what's wrong, you can start correcting that and perhaps get a game running properly.

I don't know all this stuff. I'm not the DM. I've never played before. People use what characters they choose to make and they typically only agree because they like the setting. This just somehow never work out.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Running a Shadowrun campaign with some friends, and I'm reminded today why I like PnP games: they're on assignment to guard a movie studio, and one of them sees the holographic effect used to make a "flaming prop sword" and is super jealous, so I improvise and let him contact one of the props guys stealthily to buy a holographic projector for his sword. He's super happy.

I'm going to let him use it to get a bonus on intimidation checks.


I think krypt0nian is gonna like this. Maybe remember a while ago that I posted about a Swedish RPG called Drakar och Demoner which were about a lot of Scandinavian inspired fantasy and focused more on the woods than the usual caves, dungeons etc. And kryp0nian wanted there to be a translated version.

Well, good news. Riotminds have announced that they are gonna update their online service with English versions of Drakar och Demoner and their other RPG called Götterdämerung.
Don't know which books it will include, I would think they will do them all, including the absolutely lovely Jorge's Bestarium.
That is some pretty spiffy news----seems they are making a big push into making the most of the digital means further down in the Q&A to boot. A world where most P&P fare perhaps goes the Conclave route....mmm....


I don't think I am exaggerating when I say that this is probably one of the most beautiful RPG books I have ever held in my hand.


This is the 30th Anniversary Edition world book of Drakar och Demoner, describing the world of Trudvang. Almost 400 pages of history, description of the inhabitants, geography, cities, towns, rites, cultures. Combined with the beautiful illustrations the series is known for. The book is a collection of all their released world books for the older editions of Drakar och Demoner.

And the cool thing is, in the whole book, there is not a single mention of any rules related to the game. There are no tables, no stats, no dicerolls mentioned. Its an entire book dedicated to world building. If you wanna adventure in the fairy tale world of Trudvang and have a system in mind you wanna use, go for it. It is a magnificent piece and I am so glad I decided to get this.

Edit: Right, forgot to mention as usual, the book is in Swedish. However, now with the great news that Riotminds is translating their online service to English, all the material here should be available sooner or later internationally as well.
Wow Keasar, that looks gorgeous! Hoping it does get translated and released.

Next purchase for me is the new Icons: Assembled Edition as it looks to be closer to the holy Marvel Super Heroes TSR game.

Also skimming the newly released DnD Basic Rules they released for free. Verdict is out.


Stop being dead, thread.

D&D Starter Set just arrived by mail. Looking over it. Seems like a really solid package. The art in the books is top of the line, although there isn't a lot of it unsurprisingly. I'll have to wait until fall before I can lure people to play.
I see nothing in DnD 5 that would convince me to leave a more balanced/fun 3.5e. Though I suppose it has to be better than the trash that was 4e.


5e would've had to come up with something incredible to lure me away from 13th Age. The size of the design and development team, combined with a large fan base and brand to manage, doesn't allow much room for the risk-taking required to accomplish such a task.

Meanwhile, 13 True Ways—an expansion book for 13th Age—was recently released to Kickstarter backers and is now up for pre-order with immediate PDF download. What they've done with this book wonderfully demonstrates the passion they have for this game. The longer wait for the extra material they added was totally worth it.

The 13th Age Bestiary has also been released and this is no ordinary bestiary. The 13th Age core book gave players the ability to create their own monsters and craft encounters with ease, almost on-the-fly. Considering that and how 13th Age does monsters with ability triggers, Icon connections, there was no way it could have been anything else. It's so much more than just stat-blocks, abilities and flavour text—multi-page spreads give you information on where they fit in the world, variants, ideas for building battles and adventure hooks using them. There's more, depending on the beast, but it's capped off with more info on creating interesting adversaries of your own.


Is anyone on GAF interested in doing a play by post? Maybe trying out 5th edition or just going with faithful Pathfinder? I think it would be a lot of fun. I would love to be a player but I am not much of a DM.
Is anyone on GAF interested in doing a play by post? Maybe trying out 5th edition or just going with faithful Pathfinder? I think it would be a lot of fun. I would love to be a player but I am not much of a DM.

There's a PF play-by-post going on right now. You can probably message the GM if you want to join in(he's the OP as you might have guessed).
I'm actually not sure I'll be accepting new players (for various reasons I would prefer to explain in PM), but ThLunarian is itching to run a new game, which will probably be a lot friendlier to a wide variety of players than my game is.


Sweden is too powerful, at least based on this art and some terse translations: Symbaroum



A dark fantasy RPG apparently.

Järnringen have been an excellent producer of RPGs here in Sweden. They are behind the game I mentioned back in the thread called Svavelvinter, based on the book series with the same name, where players played both a character and also a shadow power that acted behind the scenes, trying to influence the world with goals in their minds.


Any advice for dealing with gameplay, game mechanics, story, and other issues arising due to how our GM handles things?

He did suggest a session focused purely on improving the game itself (a good idea), and i'm going to push to get this sessions sooner rather than later. Or i will turn the next full party session into one right away if we can't get one arranged before that, if necessary, though forcing this may not be a good idea.

But i fear the session, however started, is going to be like "players versus GM". And that might not end well.
Me and another player have a lot of complaints about the game (it has been rather long running at 50ish sessions, so a lot of issues have arisen and become evident), and some are strongly impacting our ability to enjoy the game. The other two players have less issues with the game, though i'm not sure about their feelings really.
I know i'm going to be voicing my issues but i worry i can't make compromises, and i get argumentative fast easily.

We have voiced some issues before and he has acted upon the feedback... Partially at least. He is willing to listen, he isn't entirely set on on his ways.
Results have been mixed though, at least as far as our system is concerned, IMO, though arguably the flawed system makes improvement difficult (replacing it with another at this point isn't feasible).
We use homebrewn system deviced by the GM based partially on another player's homebrewn system we used before (also flawed, in retrospect).

One issue i believe GAF could easily help with is encounter design.
Our GM can't design good encounters. He has, with luck, managed to create some brilliant ones (once some of our own stuff started fighting us), but otherwise the encounters tend to be bland. And this isn't due to the GM's homebrewn system's fault, but rather he just can't make good encounters. They're unimaginative and lack variety, not to mention obvious issues like only one or two party members (out of 4) being effective often.
How do we deal with this? How to advice him at creating good encounters? Are there any sites/databases/etc. for encounter details and/or ideas? He might be more receptive to those.
And our GM cannot handle non-combat encounters as encounters at all really, though i have to admit those are difficult unless you go strictly round-by-round (as if it were combat) which isn't a good idea IMO.

Then there are story and worldbuilding issues. Dealing with these... How do you deal with a GM who insist the world should work according to his vision even though it is to detriment of the game? Some things cannot be changed of course, retconning isn't wanted, some could be changed by giving alternate PoVs or giving them more details, but how to convince the GM about this?

I know communication is important but.. well, it isn't exactly two-way street at the moment.

Sorry about this being a bit of a rant, just rather concerned. I know i will lose the last of my interest in the game unless we can fix things soon, and i really don't want to bail out as that might crash the whole game and cause issues later on.
I snagged a lot of Star Wars Saga Edition books off eBay just now, because I know the bug will hit me as soon as media from this new movie starts trickling out. The FFG products are slick, but I'm not a fan of "fuzzy" combat. Must be my inner wargamer.

Now the question is, do I buy up old SW miniatures, or go the lego minifig route? Although more expensive per figure and having less variety of species and such, the Lego would be fun and possibly more economical with the swapability and use of non-SW pieces...
Been watching WotC's YouTube play through of the starter set adventure, and there are some 5E things that I'm really liking. It really feels like DnD again, which is huge!

I'm awaiting thier PDF plan announcements for the core books, and I hope that they aren't planning on using their Morningstar app as their full digital plan for the books too.
So I've been brainstorming ideas including this Imperial Inquisitor as my "BBEG". I heard some rumored description of "Jedi hunters" in J.J. Abrams' new Star Wars movie, of agents dressed in all black and wearing helmets. My mind immediately went to Daft Punk so I used that as sort of a basis for this concept.

Been watching WotC's YouTube play through of the starter set adventure, and there are some 5E things that I'm really liking. It really feels like DnD again, which is huge!

I'm awaiting thier PDF plan announcements for the core books, and I hope that they aren't planning on using their Morningstar app as their full digital plan for the books too.

More DnD than 3.5e?
I'm not sure that I know how to answer this, considering how different most editions of D&D are from one another. That being said, as someone who wouldn't return to 3.5 and dislikes 4th, I think they have a really good game with 5th.

Why wouldn't you return to 3.5e exactly? I'm curious because I found 3.5e to actually be a really fun and balanced game once you ignored the core classes. Specialized casters (Beguiler, Dread Necromancer), and the Tome of Battle lessened the gap between melee and magical and I personally loved the feel of Tome of Battle melee classes. It was perfect. DnD feel, with balanced but diverse classes. DnD 4e was awful with its balancing. Meanwhile I've heard DnD 5e simply goes back to DnD 3.5 core balancing which wasn't very great.

Then again I care a lot about mechanical balance personally, rather than relying on the DM to specialize encounters to make "guy who swings sword really hard" just as big a contributor to the party as "guy who can mind control people, summon otherworldly spirits, fly, teleport, create shields, disintegrate people, etc..."


Why wouldn't you return to 3.5e exactly? I'm curious because I found 3.5e to actually be a really fun and balanced game once you ignored the core classes. Specialized casters (Beguiler, Dread Necromancer), and the Tome of Battle lessened the gap between melee and magical and I personally loved the feel of Tome of Battle melee classes. It was perfect. DnD feel, with balanced but diverse classes. DnD 4e was awful with its balancing. Meanwhile I've heard DnD 5e simply goes back to DnD 3.5 core balancing which wasn't very great.

Then again I care a lot about mechanical balance personally, rather than relying on the DM to specialize encounters to make "guy who swings sword really hard" just as big a contributor to the party as "guy who can mind control people, summon otherworldly spirits, fly, teleport, create shields, disintegrate people, etc..."

I wouldn't return to 3.5 because I feel like I've seen it all at this point. 3.0 was my first RPG(back in 2000), and I played 3.0/3.5 right up until 4th came out in 2008. I've played some Pathfinder since. System means a lot to me, and I've simply explored that system quite thoroughly with my friends. 5th is very similar, but introduces enough of its own quirks and identity to pique my interest.

Mechanical balance is definitely a consideration for me, but I hate when it comes at the cost of class identity. Consideration for balance went too far in 4.0, and I feel like everyone lost out for it.
Mechanical balance is definitely a consideration for me, but I hate when it comes at the cost of class identity. Consideration for balance went too far in 4.0, and I feel like everyone lost out for it.

Yuuuuuuuuuuuup. 100% agree. Everything felt so samey in 4.0.


Unconfirmed Member
Running the Wizard's Amulet with the Basic Rules as a warm-up for the Dragon Queen/PHB release. Group's not really feeling it yet- we haven't been following much about 5e, but it's a lot more like 3e than we expected (early 3e, even, before the interesting stuff in the latter days like the Book of Nine Swords and Magic of Incarnum), especially in so much that the fighter seems to have bugger all to do most of the time. Might be a result of the adventure, which is pretty generic. It feels a lot faster than 3.5 and 4e, though (both to make a character and to actually fight), which is a huge point in its favour. If it keeps up the pace when wizards reach demi-god status and fighters have a billion attacks, I'll be impressed.


Running the Wizard's Amulet with the Basic Rules as a warm-up for the Dragon Queen/PHB release. Group's not really feeling it yet- we haven't been following much about 5e, but it's a lot more like 3e than we expected (early 3e, even, before the interesting stuff in the latter days like the Book of Nine Swords and Magic of Incarnum), especially in so much that the fighter seems to have bugger all to do most of the time. Might be a result of the adventure, which is pretty generic. It feels a lot faster than 3.5 and 4e, though (both to make a character and to actually fight), which is a huge point in its favour. If it keeps up the pace when wizards reach demi-god status and fighters have a billion attacks, I'll be impressed.

One thing to keep in mind is that level 1 in this game is designed to be much more barebones and at a lower power level than in previous editions. The developers have stated that level 3 is actually going to be the assumed starting point for most campaigns, but levels 1 and 2 exist to give campaigns that want it a real "zero to hero" feel, as well as to better ease new players into the rules and their options.

End-game fighters swing four times baseline(there's room for more bonus attacks from their class abilities/play style) - all without compromising their mobility. There are definitely paths a fighter can take that will give them plenty of tactical flexibility, and if the player is newer and doesn't want to be burdened with all that, they can instead make their fighter a Champion, aka Fighter +.

End-game casters aren't quite the demigods they were before, and the amount of 6-9th level spells they get to cast daily are far more limited, but there's a real feeling of their entire kit being useful again(even the humble Sleep spell can be a powerful option throughout the Wizard's career, especially when cast using a higher level slot to power it up).


Unconfirmed Member
One thing to keep in mind is that level 1 in this game is designed to be much more barebones and at a lower power level than in previous editions. The developers have stated that level 3 is actually going to be the assumed starting point for most campaigns, but levels 1 and 2 exist to give campaigns that want it a real "zero to hero" feel, as well as to better ease new players into the rules and their options.

Yeah, most of the 3.5 games we did started at level 5 and 4e at around 3, so will probably try 3-4 start if I do a full campaign in it.
I'm designing a character for a 5e game that I'm joining tomorrow night, and I don't really like how they completely neutered the entire feat system. I feel like it makes it way more difficult to customize your character in a gameplay sense. I get that they are trying to get players to customize a lot more in a roleplay sense, but there should be room for both, IMO.
I'm designing a character for a 5e game that I'm joining tomorrow night, and I don't really like how they completely neutered the entire feat system. I feel like it makes it way more difficult to customize your character in a gameplay sense. I get that they are trying to get players to customize a lot more in a roleplay sense, but there should be room for both, IMO.

Eh they suck at designing feats tho. So many traps/bad options in the past versions of the game.


Eh they suck at designing feats tho. So many traps/bad options inctheirnpastnversionsnofnthe game.

This edition is better, but they still made a couple of feats that simply add DPR, instead of diversifying characters. I'm sorry, but there's nothing distinguishing "strong two-hand fighter guy" from "strong two-hand fighter guy with two-hand damage feat".

They even give the players options for taking stats instead of a feat now. Just take strength! There's nothing interesting about raw damage feats when the base concept already includes dealing lots of damage.


Well, taking Great Weapon Master isn't just giving you raw damage. It's giving you the old power attack and cleave feats bundled together, and retaining the caveats to each of them. Power Attack alone as a feature adds in some strategical elements that wouldn't be there otherwise, and cleave is still a nice flavor thing to have.

You could the two ability points (which I love that actually means something and is actually worth debating over whether you want more mechanics or more raw power) or you trade them in for mechanical rewards.

That said, yeah, they are definitely better here about not having the failings with feats that 3.x (traps, feat tax, unfair requirements) and 4e (feat tax and pointless numbers game) had.


Well, taking Great Weapon Master isn't just giving you raw damage. It's giving you the old power attack and cleave feats bundled together, and retaining the caveats to each of them. Power Attack alone as a feature adds in some strategical elements that wouldn't be there otherwise, and cleave is still a nice flavor thing to have.

You could the two ability points (which I love that actually means something and is actually worth debating over whether you want more mechanics or more raw power) or you trade them in for mechanical rewards.

That said, yeah, they are definitely better here about not having the failings with feats that 3.x (traps, feat tax, unfair requirements) and 4e (feat tax and pointless numbers game) had.

I do see you're point, and I don't think you're wrong, but the feat is pretty firmly in the "feat tax" category for strong two-handed fighters, even though they already fill their niche just fine without it. It just makes one style of fighting that much more tempting, and actually hurts diversity among great weapon guys. I think stuff like this should have been part of the fighting style class options(probably toned down, but numbers are malleable and not as important as the concept in this case IMO).

Also, I'm not sure that I like how they removed fighting style options from the ranger and paladin in the release version. If anything, there should be one or two more style options(add Polearm Master), and all of them should be available to any class that has the feature.

EDIT: I might consider moving moving Dual Wielder, Great Weapon Master, Heavy Armor Master, Medium Armor Master, Polearm Master, and possible Shield/Crossbow Master to the fighting style feature, in place of Defense, Great Weapon Fighting, and Two-Weapon Fighting. It'd require some minor rebalancing for the three classes that have access to fighting styles, and a buff to Archery, Dueling, and Protection styles.

EDIT 2: It would feel strange if Barbarian 20 couldn't get Great Weapon Master, though. =/


I do see you're point, and I don't think you're wrong, but the feat is pretty firmly in the "feat tax" category for strong two-handed fighters, even though they already fill their niche just fine without it. It just makes one style of fighting that much more tempting, and actually hurts diversity among great weapon guys. I think stuff like this should have been part of the fighting style class options(probably toned down, but numbers are malleable and not as important as the concept in this case IMO).
I think the fact that there is a massive trade-off for the extra damage (a -5 to hit is huuuuuuge in this game, even at 20th level) to where it reasonably won't be that tempting to players not willing to pay that price for the extra damage per hit, nor would they be punished for not taking it. There's just enough strategic/mechanical feats that work with great weapons that you could easily have multiple players building characters that use great weapons that go for different feats and nobody is coming out worse for it.

I did admittedly wonder why it wasn't just the inherent great weapon fighting style perk, but it dawns on me that none of the perks as they are now leave you off worse if they go wrong (the GWF perk that lets you reroll damage dice only activates if you roll a one, so it's not like you are worse off if you roll another 1), while the feat actively reduces your accuracy and will certainly end up making you whiff a lot of hits when you opt to using it.

Definitely agree that Paladins need more fighting style options.

Dual Wielder is probably a little closer to feat tax-y, though it still a tad bit fine for a player to never pick it up despite having that as a fighting style.


Speaking of Paladins can they still lose powers by morally impossible situations in 5e?
They can lose their powers for breaking their oaths, yes.

However, the tradeoff is that oaths are now actually framed around concrete ideals (which are different depending on what kind of Paladin you are) and not based around the idea that if your paladin ever acts not-Lawful Good, they lose their powers.
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