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PnP RPGs OT || Come play the REAL RPGs

If you guys recall, I started a play-by-post campaign here on Neogaf in May of 2012.

Well, it recently finished - as in, the story actually got completed and all the characters got closure, as opposed to most campaigns, which typically fall apart long before that happens.

I am unreasonably proud of this, and I wanted to share. If you'd like to give the thread a read, it's about 4,600 posts and is probably about equivalent to a novel's worth of story. I'm a little biased, but I think it's a good read.



If you guys recall, I started a play-by-post campaign here on Neogaf in May of 2012.

Well, it recently finished - as in, the story actually got completed and all the characters got closure, as opposed to most campaigns, which typically fall apart long before that happens.

I am unreasonably proud of this, and I wanted to share. If you'd like to give the thread a read, it's about 4,600 posts and is probably about equivalent to a novel's worth of story. I'm a little biased, but I think it's a good read.


Wow, congrats. That's a rare sight.

This has me so nostalgic lol:


That's pretty amazing. Yeah, most games I've been in just fizzle out. I can only remember one that actually ended properly.


Quick question do you guys have any recommendations for an easy and cheap RPG to play with people for the first time? ( like this will be some of these peoples first time ever ) we have a bunch of time scheduled for games and stuff at work tomorrow and I know some of these people would love a RPG.

even something I could just print and add some dice too would be good.

I might be going with the print and play free version of Dragon AGE since its pretty easy and its based around D6.

any other recommendations?

Quick question do you guys have any recommendations for an easy and cheap RPG to play with people for the first time? ( like this will be some of these peoples first time ever ) we have a bunch of time scheduled for games and stuff at work tomorrow and I know some of these people would love a RPG.

even something I could just print and add some dice too would be good.

I might be going with the print and play free version of Dragon AGE since its pretty easy and its based around D6.

any other recommendations?

Dungeon World!


Starting a new campaign, finally.
The only defined things for now are the group and the system (Fate Core). The rest is still up for deliberation by me and my group.
I can't wait, mainly because I noticed in the endgame of our 4 year long D&D4 campaign that the group playstyle could work extremely well with a lighter, more freeform system...
Starting a new campaign, finally.
The only defined things for now are the group and the system (Fate Core). The rest is still up for deliberation by me and my group.
I can't wait, mainly because I noticed in the endgame of our 4 year long D&D4 campaign that the group playstyle could work extremely well with a lighter, more freeform system...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

edit: I just noticed our avatars.


bitch I'm taking calls.
That was my favourite avatar trend on GAF. Scribblenauts fever and Neorice pixle art are close seconds.
If anybody wants to be a 5th player in my upcoming Pathfinder play-by-post, send me a PM. It'll be a sort of sidequel to the one ThLunarian ran.

EDIT: Got a taker.


Sooooo, looking for some advice. I've got a large amount of D&D Essentials stuff that I've NEVER used. I bought it all when my friends were interested in trying to play some PnP stuff, but then we never did, and it's just sort of hanging out in my closet.

To be perfectly honest, I find D&D fairly complicated, and between my real job taking up brain cells and other hobbies, I just don't feel I'll ever have the time (or the people) to use any of it (though looking through the lore is kind of cool).

In any event, I think I might look to sell or trade it in the FS/FT thread (is that still around).

However, my friends still like to get together and play board games, party games, etc. so I'd like for us to try out this, but I'm debating what to invest in. Quite frankly, if I have to go to another get together and play Cards Against Humanity one more time I think I'll scream - my friends' recent fascination with party games that are completely based on subjective opinions to determine the outcome really just annoys me.

FATE Accelerated sounds less complicated for me (who'd be GM-ing anythin we do) and more open to let the group build whatever world they want to do. I can also potentially see me holding on to the monster compendium stuff from D&D just to use as a base for building some stuff in FATE if it comes to that.

But I'm also contemplating just investing in Descent 2nd Edition for a totally pre-fabbed straight-forward game experience - but I'm unclear how complicated it can be from a mechanics viewpoint.

Does anyone have any suggestions on the best course of action to take here?


Due to my Cyberpunk 2077 hype, I want to get into Cyberpunk 2020. Not sure if I can get a group of friends into it or not, traditionally every attempt to play DnD (even though everyone works really hard to meet up) ends in people getting frustrated or bored. Is this something I could explore on my own? Like are their companion books, or solo campaigns? Just sort of curious to take a look into it all.
Sooooo, looking for some advice. I've got a large amount of D&D Essentials stuff that I've NEVER used. I bought it all when my friends were interested in trying to play some PnP stuff, but then we never did, and it's just sort of hanging out in my closet.

To be perfectly honest, I find D&D fairly complicated, and between my real job taking up brain cells and other hobbies, I just don't feel I'll ever have the time (or the people) to use any of it (though looking through the lore is kind of cool).

In any event, I think I might look to sell or trade it in the FS/FT thread (is that still around).

However, my friends still like to get together and play board games, party games, etc. so I'd like for us to try out this, but I'm debating what to invest in. Quite frankly, if I have to go to another get together and play Cards Against Humanity one more time I think I'll scream - my friends' recent fascination with party games that are completely based on subjective opinions to determine the outcome really just annoys me.

FATE Accelerated sounds less complicated for me (who'd be GM-ing anythin we do) and more open to let the group build whatever world they want to do. I can also potentially see me holding on to the monster compendium stuff from D&D just to use as a base for building some stuff in FATE if it comes to that.

But I'm also contemplating just investing in Descent 2nd Edition for a totally pre-fabbed straight-forward game experience - but I'm unclear how complicated it can be from a mechanics viewpoint.

Does anyone have any suggestions on the best course of action to take here?

Honestly I would just stick with DnD. Its not the most complicated nor is it the least, and if you can learn it you can learn anything else. You could look for a pre-fab adventure to run and cut down on the time spent creating stuff from scratch. If that runs smoothly enough THEN you can decide if you want to put more effort into it.

As far as using rules during game-play don't get bogged down trying to come up with every single possible bonus or penalty to every single roll and be ready to just come up with something that sounds reasonable on-the-fly. You can always look stuff up later.

I don't have any experience with FATE at all. The simplist game I have played has been Call of Cthulu. The most complex ones I have are Shadowrun and Eclipse Phase.


Is there any internet resource for character ideas, personality ideas, backround ideas, etc.?
And what about hints and help for staying in character and having a reasonable goal/motivation?

My character took a few bad hits and caused an... incident. An incident equal to a small cobalt bomb (for those who don't know what that is: a bomb that spreads radioactive cobalt isotopes). Lost an arm and my life.
Surprisingly the rest of the party survived though people in the area are not too happy.

So, gotta make new character. I have pretty good concept but i need something to help with above ones. I'm not that good at roleplaying (and better at rollplaying, har har). Specifically that motivation thing.
Doesn't help that my characters tend to be somewhat morally questionable though not outright evil...

EDIT oh, googling found something right away. http://rpg.ashami.com/
Still, more is better, especially since that seems to be directed at those who create their characters with some randomization.
Hmm... perhaps i should try that too? Especially for small traits, otherwise i may end up using myself for those...

EDIT i realized, i have problems staying in-character. I've had motivations etc. thought out before i but i can't hold on to them well. Any advice about that?
I'd also like tips for helping to stay in character. I find that once a game starts, my character devolves into whatever the rest of the party is (which tends towards chaotic neutral) regardless of my original intent.
I'd also like tips for helping to stay in character. I find that once a game starts, my character devolves into whatever the rest of the party is (which tends towards chaotic neutral) regardless of my original intent.

It can be really hard to go against the flow of the rest of the party esp. if what they do can work pretty well.

So do what I did and sacrifice your character for the greater good and roll a neutral ranger.
Don't do this.


Yes... going against the party is hard.
We've got one sort of lawful good character, who is nominal leader of our party, and the others are chaotic-neutral-goods with generally selfish motives though they do good, and i'm something else, or try to be but tend to devolve into something occasionally-rebellious neutral, who is rather passive.

Hmm. Perhaps it would help if the others had some strength of personality too.
I'm afraid i'd dominate the party if i were to push my character more. That or antagonize them.

Mike M

Nick N
I can't stay in character at a table top session for the life of me, I always devolve into buffoonery. Not that I don't still have a good time, but it's frustrating to me that I waste what I otherwise think are fairly good concepts on it.

Mike M

Nick N
Man, I've got character concepts coming out my ears. Doubt struggling to come up with a character will ever pose much of a problem for me.
I can't stay in character at a table top session for the life of me, I always devolve into buffoonery. Not that I don't still have a good time, but it's frustrating to me that I waste what I otherwise think are fairly good concepts on it.
Yeah, I have this same problem. One of the reasons I prefer PBP (besides the fact that I don't have the attention span or a consistent sleep pattern to play a real time game.)

Passive, flat character is annoying. But so will be a character that is not believable, real, ie a mary sue. It is easy to design a character that is too good, too perfect, too nice.
Actually maybe do sacrifice your character and roll a neutral Ranger. Good way to get rid of Mary Sues
only for the DM to bring them back.

Man, I've got character concepts coming out my ears. Doubt struggling to come up with a character will ever pose much of a problem for me.
That's one thing I like about being a DM so far, I get to play a ton of characters.


Hmm. It didn't take long to work out what's wrong with my characters.
They're too single-minded, narrow-minded in a way. Too focused. But how else can i have it?
And are not most people rather narrow really? Do you care about things outside your interests?
And i'm very bad at choosing a character who does something because it is a duty but perhaps yearns for something else... i could ask my GM to place me somewhere, give me limits to work with!
LIMITS! Work within limits. Perhaps that helps? Perhaps a character should try to break limits? But my character of my concept is already doing that, though perhaps a bit too literally though.
Hmm. Perhaps my character would like to break free of something to really achieve his/her goal. But even then my character is perhaps a bit focused.
Perhaps i need to give my character more impulsiveness, more experimenting outlook.
Basically something that is not quite me, break away from myself?
But i've tried that before and it hasn't helped. It helps in designing a character BUT it doesn't help in roleplaying that one.

Sorry about train-of-thought post.

EDIT i don't actually play mary sue characters ever but i noted that slipping into one is easy, in design phase that is.

EDIT ah, i need to figure out how to explain my characters motivation. Or talk about it. Why am i doing this? How? When? What afterwards? Do i have doubts? What do you think, should i do this or that?
It can be really hard to go against the flow of the rest of the party esp. if what they do can work pretty well.

So do what I did and sacrifice your character for the greater good and roll a neutral ranger.
Don't do this.

Well actually most of my party are kind of stupid, but they barely know the system so I can't blame them.

One dude is the Bard, and he has such bad spell selection that he shoehorned himself into the "I use Inspire Courage during battle turn 1 and do nothing" role. So he tries to hog every. last. interaction. with npc characters. Mostly I let this pass since he has the highest diplomacy. But this also means my lawful good dude has really no choice but to do some pretty shady shit to get along with the group leader/party. :(


Is there any internet resource for character ideas, personality ideas, backround ideas, etc.?
And what about hints and help for staying in character and having a reasonable goal/motivation?

Abulafia is a great resource for random generation of a variety of things. Have a search for "concept", "personality", "trait", "quirk" or any number of other keywords that might turn up something useful to inspire you. A couple of pages I might point you to that may have something worth stealing and making your own:

Masks is a great book, should you or anyone else feel like buying something appropriate. It has many characters for different genres, themes and situtations. There's plenty of information to crib from and roleplaying tips to use. Little quirks in speech and action make characters memorable, though some are only suitable for short-term use and would be grating on peoples nerves if used by a player character.

It may be obvious to you and many others here, I'll mention this for anyone new to roleplaying. Making secret things about your characters is not a wise thing to do and generally doesn't work well in actual play. It usually makes both you and your character seem guarded and defensive, not mysterious and interesting like you'd hoped. If your character has a secret, make sure to tell the other players what it is, they may be able to help you build on it or create something of their own to link up with it in some manner. Also, by telling other players, their characters can "accidentally" bring up a topic or construct a situation related to it and make things interesting.

While most games as written don't put written character backgrounds and concepts into play in their entirety, very little in most cases, it does help to use these to get inside your own characters head and know what possible reactions they could have in any given situation. Feel free to write a 3 page account of your characters life; don't expect anyone else to read it, but it will be immensely useful to you in envisioning this character, how they think, react, behave and interact with others.

Look at the background you've created and make some bullet points on the most important aspects, things that will frequently come up during play and help you think on your feet. You may find yourself making little revisions to the history as you go, realising that the events in the characters life changes who they are and what they're like, as those changes impact what they do in the future. Eventually, you'll be able to see what the character believes, what's important to them and what it is that drives them (the latter two could be the same or completely different).

These aspects expanded into succinct points will make it so much easier to play your character because you'll have motivation based on important life events. At any point you should be able to look down at these points and come up with a character-believable response to almost any situation. They'll provide guidance without being restrictive, allowing you a range of choices within the scope you have created. If you feel that in most instances, based on these points you've made, if anyone asks "why did you/your character do that?" and you have a justifiable answer in most cases, you've done well.

This is the way I do things and I hope I have articulated it well enough. It's an enjoyable process that I find it works well in practise, especially if you're able to bounce a few ideas off someone to see if it makes sense.


Heh, about secrets: I was going to tell right away what i am going to do in the game when my new character will meet the party. Before reading your useful post.
An honest and more open character, not secretive and guarded. A good starting point for me, i think.
In the past, i've preferred guarded character, perhaps because openness is difficult for me. But it is not me in the game but a character.

EDIT and thanks for the links. And the advice. Especially advice.


Can anyone recommend me a good RPG to get me and a group of 4 rolling?
I had a look at DnD 4th edition and it looks ultra complicated to just get started...
Is there anything else you guys recommend?
Can anyone recommend me a good RPG to get me and a group of 4 rolling?
I had a look at DnD 4th edition and it looks ultra complicated to just get started...
Is there anything else you guys recommend?

Fate Core or Accelerated. Core takes a bit of doing setting up the characters, since character creation is so involved. Accelerated is far faster/simpler.
simple rules, easy set up, quick play

Is the game called "Fate Core" and "Accelerated" ?

Fallengorn answered your question, so I'm just going to try to sell Accelerated to you.

The rules are simple. Character creation takes no time at all using Accelerated. All "skills" are divided into categories: Forceful, Flashy, Clever, Careful, Sneaky, Quick. Meaning that you don't have to worry about what your character can do, just how they accomplish things in general. Players create a few aspects and stunts. And can use them for bonuses in certain situations. Aspects describe things about your character. For example, I played a game and one of my aspects was "Suicidal Overconfidence." I invoked it for bonuses when charging into danger. Stunts are more specific things that help narrow down your character. For example, you can have a stunt called "Grappler" that says "when using Forceful to grapple in a fight, get a +2 bonus."

The system is flexible enough to handle any sort of setting. Accelerated more so than Core if only because Accelerated divides skills into those basic categories, whereas Core's default skill list would need to be modified depending on setting.

Accelerated is mostly geared for one shots, but if you end up wanting to do a longer term game you can, with a bit of work, port your character to Core. Or just keep it in Accelerated. It isn't ideal but Accelerated apparently can handle longer games.

Oh both use FUDGE dice, but you can handle FUDGE dice by using D6 dice in their place. Just select two numbers to be +, two numbers to be -, and two numbers to be 0.

*Another selling point: The digital versions of Core and Accelerated are available legally and as Pay What You Want.


There has been indeed.

Timewatch has me hook, line and sinker. Kevin Kulp knows GUMSHOE like nobody's business, and then there are additions by the likes of Kenneth Hite and Jason Morningstar. Add in the campaign style to accommodate one or two players only to replicate Quantum Leap to the other great styles and it's better still. With the support of Pelgrane Press, this will be nothing short of spectacular, much like everything else they produce.

Iron Edda: War of Metal and Bone is likely to catch the eye of Fate players here, if it hasn't already. Not to say that it won't sound appealing to those unfamiliar with the system – it is likely to reach the stretch goal where it will be adapted to the Dungeon World/Apocalypse World. I'll let their description sell it, as it should:

Dwarven Destroyers march across Midgard, laying waste to all before them.

Brave human warriors abandon clan and holdfast to bond themselves to the bones of dead giants, hoping to push back the Destroyers.

The Runescribed harness the magical power of the sacred Runes, wielding magics that could level cities.

Seers advise and divine the future, but the fate of the world is murky and dim.

Jarls, thralls, and warriors fight in common cause, shouting "victory or Valhalla!" as they charge into battle.

Ragnarok has come. The War of Metal and Bone. Will you dine with the gods in Valhalla, or dance with the dishonored dead? Choose your fate.

The second line alone does it for me. Also knowing that Tracy Barnett is a truly nice guy and will surely do a fine job of this.


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