Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I see. Where is it from?
let me ask around, but other than zygarde complete, ash and ninjash cross arms, and Bonnie looking like she is about to eat Squishy, nothing new is in it
I see. Where is it from?
we really are embracing PokeIdol
Man what were they thinking with Johto
Let's have new types... but make most of them available post game!
Except for steel... oh wait let's limit it to trade except for that Magnemite fella!
Oh there's this Ghost gym leader huh? Oh nah, we won't make him use Misdreavous but we give him two Gastly!
Yeah let's give Janine two Magneton instead of Skarmory!
and all other distribution shit
Anyways, I really don't like Tierno. Sharna is also the worse rival to Serena.
Trevor is cool though.![]()
And before anything else, Sycamore showed the Pokedex Z (the hoenn thing) and gave them to Serena and Ash. In this case, the dex is for Mega Evolution data.
no next ep preview, instead we get an extended XYZ/ME4 trailer
Anyway I think I'm sober from the ep hype, so this was Ash's idea
People thought it was Ash using Pikachu's tail as a metronome. Well yeah, he uses it twice, first when Future Sight was initiated, and second when he goes for the kill. His actual plan is.count the Future Sight's length via metronome, then during the really well-executed tagteam of Frogadier and Talonflame (a frog riding a bird), they held onto each of the cats, then when it was the time for Future Sight to appear, they hurled them towards the attack
And that wasn't even the hypest part of the ep.
Mind if I ask where do y ou go to watch the newest episode?
If it's twitch can you tell me the name of the channel? I just put twitch on my PS4 and I'm tired of relying on Youtube for the latest episodes.
I'll pm
Can I also get a PM? My usual site didn't upload the raw version yet...
Can I also get a PM? My usual site didn't upload the raw version yet...
Also can anyone tell me what professor sycamore and the gym leader were talking about after the battle?
Put it in spoiler tags.
If it's not Ashs Sceptile, then chances are that it's also not his Noivern on the poster? :/
That's definitely his, it's part of the group shot yelling and his Noibat is missing there.
I'm surprised Ash doesn't have any Mega Pokemon yet, considering how far into the gen we are and how many of his Pokemon are capable of doing it. I haven't kept up with the show this season, has he expressed any interest in them?
I'm still betting Ash's Greninja is a Mega-type thing, whether it's actually called a Mega or not, which takes the visual characteristics of the trainer.
Looking forward to Pangoro Hat Greninja.
If that is the case, it'll be such a pain in the arse to catalogue.
Just to get my hype on check, what percentage are we expecting a Z announcement tonight?
And we expect it to be out before spring of next year or so?
Dont expect anything significant until Masudas appearance mid-november
You'd love it really. A form for each different hairstyle, for each hair colour and for each hat! Happy days.![]()
There are also slight changes dependent on TID. Have fun!Noooooo
Even though i was disappointed in XY and ORAS, I am still hyped for Z. That's what Pokemon does to me. I just can not be not hyped when a new Mainline Game is about to be announced![]()
And before anything else, Sycamore showed the Pokedex Z (the hoenn thing) and gave them to Serena and Ash. In this case, the dex is for Mega Evolution data.
What data? Megas don't have a Pokédex entry, so good luck using that.
well of course not, your outdated Pokedexs couldn't show information about megas
that's why we have Pokedex Z's now
If Game Freak thinks that giving Mega Pokédex entry will get me to accept that Megas are new Pokémon than form change then they can think again.
I will never accept them as new Pokémon.
I wonder if they're actually working on two games for next year. Z and a RBY remake. It would be completely against their pattern so far but I feel it could happen.