Why does the Pokémon articles on Bulbapedia end with "(Pokémon)", like "Heatmor (Pokémon)"? Of course it's a Pokémon. What's the point?
It's talking about the species and not one member of the species that belongs to a specific trainer since trainers in the anime rarely nickname their Pokemon.Why does the Pokémon articles on Bulbapedia end with "(Pokémon)", like "Heatmor (Pokémon)"? Of course it's a Pokémon. What's the point?
Kriffix: Just what is that bird-like Pokémon from the released AR Searcher pics? Is it a secret?
Masuda:Good morning! Its been a long time since we last met! Oh, how perceptive of you! However I have to say no comment! (>_<)
So, apparently some guy on Pokejungle contacted Masuda about the silouhette seen in the AR Searcher screenshot from Nintendo Direct...
I guess this could be the New Pokemon that Movie 15 will feature, and next month's CoroCoro will reveal...it seems to play a role in the mini-movie, so it's probably not related to the Legendaries.
So, apparently some guy on Pokejungle contacted Masuda about the silouhette seen in the AR Searcher screenshot from Nintendo Direct...
I guess this could be the New Pokemon that Movie 15 will feature, and next month's CoroCoro will reveal...it seems to play a role in the mini-movie, so it's probably not related to the Legendaries.
Didn't Extreminieren already match it to Articuno?
Does the dialouge look "fun"?
I hope they go back to the style (for Black 2 and White 2 as well) they utilized in D/P/Pt and Ranger 2, which was loose and fun (excluding the numerous SA references) as opposed to the stiff, too-literal translations BW and Ranger 3 used. Everyone spoke so plainly.![]()
Didn't Extreminieren already match it to Articuno?
It looks to have the same air as Ranger 2 overall: fun, cheesy dialogue and a story that only takes itself seriously during important moments (i.e. Your meetings with Nobunaga).
I am rather curious to know if other people recieved different covers than I did (mine was Kenshin Uesagi and Mewtwo), similar to what NP did with DP and BW (some people got one legendary while some got the other).
Does the dialouge look "fun"?
I hope they go back to the style (for Black 2 and White 2 as well) they utilized in D/P/Pt and Ranger 2, which was loose and fun (excluding the numerous SA references) as opposed to the stiff, too-literal translations BW and Ranger 3 used. Everyone spoke so plainly.![]()
Legendary Birds to play a major role in BW2 confirmed?
Bah, Legendary birds. Give me my Regtrio!
But their (movie) cries!Worst Trio ever IMO. They're all the same and they're all lame.
Worst Trio ever IMO. They're all the same and they're all lame.
Man, you are always wrong. How do you manage to do that?
That fits the Lake Trio way better.Worst Trio ever IMO. They're all the same and they're all lame.
That fits the Lake Trio way better.
Question: If I leave a pokemon in the entralink, and go to the dream world, and wake up, will the new pokemon transferred over overwrite those still in the entree forest? Or will they just join them?
Worst Trio ever IMO. They're all the same and they're all lame.
Worst Trio ever IMO. They're all the same and they're all lame.
Pokemon will accumulate, but items will overwrite.Question: If I leave a pokemon in the entralink, and go to the dream world, and wake up, will the new pokemon transferred over overwrite those still in the entree forest? Or will they just join them?
But the Regi battle music was great.Worst Trio ever IMO. They're all the same and they're all lame.
Kyurem is hideous.
Are we talking original only, or Black and White Kyurem too?
Original only, fine.
Formes included... White Kyurem wants a word.
Birds: Zapdos > Articuno > Moltres (Zapdos is one of my favorite electric types)
Beasts: Entei > Suicune > Raikou (Entei's theme in HGSS is superior)
Weather: Groudon = Rayquaza = Kyogre (like them for different reasons)
Golem: Regirock > Regice > Registeel
Creation: Giratina-A = Dialga > Giratina-O > Palkia
Lake: Mesprit > Azelf > Uxie (meh...)
Tao: ZEKROM > White Kyurem > Black Kyurem > Reshiram > Kyurem
Kami: Tornadus > Thundurus > Landorus
Muskedeer: Cobalion = Terrakion = Virizion = Keldeo (all are cool)
Muskedeer = Tao > Weather > Birds > Creation > Beasts > Kami > Golem > Lake
(why must Lake Trio be so meh? I don't understand.)
It's about time we had another list war.
Original only. I need to see the alt forms up close and personal before making a final decision.
Original Kyurem is one of the best legendaries introduced in BW...