I usually always choose the Primary Pokemon versions, with the exception of Soul Silver, because I originally had Gold back then and I wanted to try the Silver version for once.
I think people just pick the Secondaries to be different.
I honestly don't get how people like Sandslash. Easily one of the worst Ground-types in the entire series.
I usually always choose the Primary Pokemon versions, with the exception of Soul Silver, because I originally had Gold back then and I wanted to try the Silver version for once.
I think people just pick the Secondaries to be different.
If I trade a (for example) Blastoise to a game that doesn't have a Squirtle, Wartotle or Blastoise in its pokedex, will it gain all three stages of evolution its pokedex, or just the Blastoise?
Just the Blastoise.
Butterfree > Beedrill
Arbok > Sandslash (though Sandslash has a kewl design, I practically never used him.)
Primeape >>>>>>>> Persian
Arcanine > Ninetales (*summons UltimateIke*)
Victreebel > Vileplume (Victreebel was a total bro on my SS team. I didn't use him in RBY, though.)
Electabuzz > Magmar (The entire line.)
Scyther > Pinsir (Pinsir hardly gets any love)
I just realized that both Pokemon have this.
Arcanine Ninetails.
So since Red won the battle against Blue...
01. Primeape Vs Persian
02. Arcanine Vs Ninetails
03. Ariados Vs Ledian (lolbothsobad)
04. Ursaring Vs Donphan (lolbadagain)
05. Mantine Vs Skarmory
06. Ho-Oh Vs Lugia
Edit: Urasing and Donphan are only exclusive in the Japanese Versions, according to Bulbapedia. So cancel that one out.
they switch what version they are exclusive to between japanese & international versions, for some reason. it was switched back in hgss.
So since Red won the battle against Blue...
01. Primape Vs Persian
02. Arcanine Vs Ninetails
03. Ariados Vs Ledian
04. Ursaring Vs Donphan
05. Mantine Vs Skarmory
06. Ho-Oh Vs Lugia
Edit: Urasing and Donphan switched in the Japanese Versions
So since Red won the battle against Blue...
01. Primape Vs Persian
02. Arcanine Vs Ninetails
03. Ariados Vs Ledian
04. Ursaring Vs Donphan
05. Mantine Vs Skarmory
06. Ho-Oh Vs Lugia
01. Primape Vs Persian
02. Arcanine Vs Ninetails
03. Ariados Vs Ledian
04. Ursaring Vs Donphan
05. Mantine Vs Skarmory
06. Ho-Oh Vs Lugia
Always and forever Gold.
Your decision was made even easier in HGSS. Because Heart Gold and Soul Silver got Ursaring and Donphan switched (Donphan is now in HG, and Ursaring in SS).
Version exclusives have never mattered to everyone because we have the GTS and GAF.
Event News: Darkrai is now available through Mystery Gift in BW. A day early.
This would be my list as well.GOLD VS. SILVER
01. Primape Vs Persian
02. Arcanine Vs Ninetails
03. Ariados Vs Ledian
04. Ursaring Vs Donphan
05. Mantine Vs Skarmory
06. Ho-Oh Vs Lugia
Always and forever Gold.
There's a Darkrai event?!
Andrex you have failed me
So is it time to move onto the battle of Ruby vs Sapphire? Well i'm doing it, that's just the kind of reckless and impatient man I am.
Shiftry Vs Ludicolo (Dancing mexican pineapple duck thing is pretty awesome but the Tengu tree man just about edges this one, I'd probably like Ludicolo more if it weren't for Miror B and his rain dish team)
Mawile Vs Sableye (Mawile is oddly adorable, Sableye...is also oddly adorable? Well damn I just like Mawile more, these two need evos!)
Zangoose Vs Seviper (Arbok is the only poison snake I need)
Solrock Vs Lunatone (Solrock has those shifty eyes, Lunatone has the beak face, the sun rocks visual hilarity wins out)
Groudon Vs Kyogre (Best cover legends, despite the inflatable Kyorge I got with Ruby trying to tempt me otherwise Groudon is my man)
It's a Ruby version knockout for me.
I usually always choose the Primary Pokemon versions, with the exception of Soul Silver, because I originally had Gold back then and I wanted to try the Silver version for once.
I think people just pick the Secondaries to be different.
So since Red won the battle against Blue...
01. Primape Vs Persian
02. Arcanine Vs Ninetails
03. Ariados Vs Ledian
04. Ursaring Vs Donphan
05. Mantine Vs Skarmory
06. Ho-Oh Vs Lugia
Edit: Urasing and Donphan switched in the Japanese Versions
So is it time to move onto the battle of Ruby vs Sapphire? Well i'm doing it, that's just the kind of reckless and impatient man I am.
Shiftry Vs Ludicolo
Mawile Vs Sableye
Zangoose Vs Seviper Easily one of my fav gen 3 pokes.
Solrock Vs Lunatone
Groudon Vs Kyogre
It's a Ruby version knockout for me.
Superior Silver is SuperiorSo since Red won the battle against Blue...
01. Primape Vs Persian
02. Arcanine Vs Ninetails
03. Ariados Vs Ledian
04. Ursaring Vs Donphan
05. Mantine Vs Skarmory
06. Ho-Oh Vs Lugia
Edit: Urasing and Donphan switched in the Japanese Versions
Ruby vs Sapphire?
Shiftry Vs Ludicolo
Mawile Vs Sableye
Zangoose Vs Seviper
Solrock Vs Lunatone
Groudon Vs Kyogre (is this even questionable?)
So how did that work out for you before the GTS came about?
Ruby vs Sapphire
Shiftry Vs Ludicolo - Mexican/duck/pinapple thing vs Samurai tree. it just wasn't fair.
Mawile Vs Sableye - Sableye doesn't do anything for me, while Mawile is beyond adorable.
Zangoose Vs Seviper - Seviper > Arbok though.
Solrock Vs Lunatone - Sun > moon. simples.
Groudon Vs Kyogre - Kyogre's cool, but there's no beating the GOAT.
The king has spoken.