huzzah! So I decided to start Black all over again with a new party breakdown.
(my last party was Serperior, Unfezant, Zebstrika, Seismitoad, Gothitelle and Chandelure)
Now I want to have a different party setup and I'm thinking of going..
Oshawott, Tynamo, Sandile, Deerling, Archen and Mienfoo
The only thing I see in this setup is no psychic/ghost and no fire. But I don't want to use Litwick since I used it last play through.
I choose deerling as my grass because I need a normal in the party for countering ghost. I'm unsure if I should choose Mienfoo over Scraggy. I know you get Scraggy much earlier and added bonus of being dark... And I am thinking of Joltick over Tynamo for the bug infusion.
Anyway any thoughts to help me out here? :3
My opinion is more than a bit biased, but I think you should dump Minefoo for Scraggy for two reasons:
1) You get Mienfoo far too late in the game for it to evolve and be useful before the E4, plus it doesn't naturally learn many different types of moves
2) Scraggy has better abilities and type coverage plus it can sweep 3/4 of the E4 plus 2 Gym Leaders by itself. Also, its design is better, so there's that
Tynamo is a good pick if you can evolve it quickly. No weakness+great type coverage=awesome. Be sure to teach your Sawsbuck Jump Kick, Horn Leech, Double-Edge ans Swords Dance, as that's he only moveset with which it's really effective.
Also consider dropping Sandile (as amazing as its family may be) for Yamask should you choose to go with Scraggy. Your team is in need of a defensive type and is a bit oversatured with attacks, plus it would give you the Ghrost-type that you need.
Anyways, those are my two cents. Take 'em with a grain of salt if you'd please.