So I got a 3DS for Xmas, and I wanted to get a Pokémon game to play again. I could've gone with the more recent Black/White, or Black2/White2 but the last time I completed a Pokémon game was the GBC version of Pokémon Silver. I don't know how well they hold up, but Gold/Silver is the last generation of new Pokemon I still have fond memories of. Anything after that still feels foreign to me.
I was discouraged for a while, because even if I couldn't manage to find a copy of this game with a case at least. Once I found it with a box, but I couldn't seem to find a gamestop that had a complete copy of this game with the Pokewalker and outer box for a long time.
Luckily though when I went to a Best Buy today, for some reason they still had like 4 copies of Soul Silver brand new on the shelf. No Heart Gold sadly, but at least I was able to get Superior Silver. Lugia is awesome.