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Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire |OT| Hoenn Finally Confirmed

The shiny Rayray is at all PCs, Tanabata Meteor is Tohoku only, yeah last year they had only one special Pikachu.

And so is this Hyper Training really real for IVs? Because I could fix the shinies of Latios (Timid), Dialga (Modest) and Giratina (Impish) with that.

Same goes with my shiny naive Bagon (it has like 20 in attack or something) and my near perfect HP Shiny adamant Scyther.

Just speculation for now (based on a screen shot about Hyper-training and stats from the screen shot).


You know as wonderful as this hyper training is, providing it pans out of course, lazy people will still cheat because lazy. :/


Guess they're doing codes in waves. I'll probably be last as neither email got it yet... LOL as I write this it comes in on one.

Edit: I swear if it doesn't come on other one I'm going to be very disappointed.
You know as wonderful as this hyper training is, providing it pans out of course, lazy people will still cheat because lazy. :/
Outside of hacked shinies it really won't matter that much. At least now people who don't want to reset for a week just to get an ice move on a Thundurus only have to aim for Timid (and potentially 3 usable 31s if they don't have ways to lower it).
Guess they're doing codes in waves. I'll probably be last as neither email got it yet... LOL as I write this it comes in on one.

Edit: I swear if it doesn't come on other one I'm going to be very disappointed.
I'm looking forward to getting screwed again. lol


Been having fun going through the games focusing on filling out the pokedex and using monsters in certain locations I'd never used before while keeping about half my favorites them rotating out based on type and if I need my pokedex filled with evo lines.


Outside of hacked shinies it really won't matter that much. At least now people who don't want to reset for a week just to get an ice move on a Thundurus only have to aim for Timid (and potentially 3 usable 31s if they don't have ways to lower it).

No, I meant, people will still use clones or hacked mons via PkHex or whatever because lazy.
Yeah, that's a given, but at least the people right on the edge will have less reason to "join the dark side" ^^

Also there'll be no actual competitive advantage to it (except for a handful of things (event giveaways / Pokemon who require previous gen tutors or catching) with close to 0 availability and excellent movesets ).


So PokeGAF can I finally beat my primary AS game by just catching a Naive or Hasty story Rayray and call it a day?

Edit: Because of the upcoming hyper training in SM.

I'm going to trample the E4 and endgame with 6 Shiny Rayzillas.
So PokeGAF can I finally beat my primary AS game by just catching a Naive or Hasty story Rayray and call it a day?

Edit: Because of the upcoming hyper training in SM.

I'm going to trample the E4 and endgame with 6 Shiny Rayzillas.

Sadly we don't know. The Hyper-Training being IV training is speculation based on the stats of the Pikachu shown with it (which matched 31 IVs). I've got a massive pile of Wonder Card legendaries I'd love to know for myself, could save myself so much time Soft Resetting.

(And I could finally fix whatever junk IVs those Pokebank legendaries got but they've still probably got rubbish natures)
Sadly we don't know. The Hyper-Training being IV training is speculation based on the stats of the Pikachu shown with it (which matched 31 IVs). I've got a massive pile of Wonder Card legendaries I'd love to know for myself, could save myself so much time Soft Resetting.

(And I could finally fix whatever junk IVs those Pokebank legendaries got but they've still probably got rubbish natures)
No, we know Hyper Training is IV Training because the site specifically says so. lol
Pokémon grow stronger by raising their levels and increasing their base stats. However, their power is still affected by the individual strengths innate to each Pokémon. Now, with Hyper Training, Pokémon that have grown to Lv. 100 will be able to increase their individual strengths, which has never been possible before.
"Individual strengths" is the official term for IVs so there you go.
I've been wonder trading some breeding 4IV rejects over the last week to see what I would get. I even gave away some 5 IV Pokemon as well, since I had multiple copies. I mostly received useless Pokemon in return, but last night I finally received something great and from a different region as well. 5IV Adamant HA Dratini in a Dreamball with Extremespeed. The catch: the 5IV's did not include HP which was actually a 0. Still could be useful though.

Also, last night I finally bred a 5IV contrary timid female Snivy. I'm looking for a 31/x/31/31/31/31 male field or grass Pokemon from a region other than NA to try to use the Masuda method to breed a shiny one. I'm also looking for a 31/31/31/x/31/31 male in the human-like breeding group to try to get a shiny Bisharp. If anyone could help, I would greatly appreciate it.

I finally getting around to breeding some Unova Pokemon that I have avoided for the longest time. When Black and White came out I didn't like any of the new Pokemon designs, but a few of them have grown on me, but only in their shiny form. Especially Shiny Virizion, which using RNG manipulation, I managed to catch in Black in a Heal Ball.


I just started playing this a few days ago. Been going pretty slow since the dex nav thing is pretty addicting, love this addition.

Just beat my first gym.. wow that was disappointing. Did they make it easier? I remember having more trouble with Roxanne's Nosepass in R/S/E.
Just beat my first gym.. wow that was disappointing. Did they make it easier? I remember having more trouble with Roxanne's Nosepass in R/S/E.
Nosepass lost a level and Rock Throw. Most likely it's because you have one or more of the ! Level Pokemon from Dexnav which are usually way over what anyone should have at that point. Could also just be the age difference or critical hits not doing as much anymore.


Does anyone have a list of which pokemon currently have unreleased HAs ?

To my knowledge:
Pumpkaboo Small
Pumpkaboo Large

Every breedable hidden ability is now available, as well as most legendaries, though few of the latter are widely available and some are not compatible with the pentagon rule.
To my knowledge:
Pumpkaboo Small
Pumpkaboo Large

Every breedable hidden ability is now available, as well as most legendaries, though few of the latter are widely available and some are not compatible with the pentagon rule.

So all Florges colours can get its HA ? (I don't care about this because the colors do nothing but just checking).

(I'm trying to put together a living HA dex atm. I think I've got everything but apparently I didn't have Flash Fire heatran on my unavailable list. Woops).

ETA - Finally got around to trading in my Pokemiles. Ended up with 99 Heart Scales, PP Up, Rare Candy and 25ish Ability Capsules. Not bad. This is what happens when you sit on Pokemiles on 4 game carts for a games entire life span.


So all Florges colours can get its HA ? (I don't care about this because the colors do nothing but just checking).

Oh, no I forgot those. White and Orange are also unavailable.

I have brought great shame upon myself as an encyclopaedic purveyor of almost entirely useless pokémon knowledge.


I may have forgotten to use my Miltank code, but it's only 8pm July 31st in Hawaii right now.

Think I'm okay to use it? I get off work in a hour. I'm in Japan, so... When I was spoofing the McDonalds Hoopa it went past Pacific Standard Time (then I got bored and felt I got enough).
I may have forgotten to use my Miltank code, but it's only 8pm July 31st in Hawaii right now.

Think I'm okay to use it? I get off work in a hour. I'm in Japan, so... When I was spoofing the McDonalds Hoopa it went past Pacific Standard Time (then I got bored and felt I got enough).

You're probably fine. Few of the codes have had hard deadlines.


Unconfirmed Member
For some strange chain of events I ended up with an extra Mew. It's already been redeemed in one of my games, so you won't be able to get the Wonder Card, but you can have the creature for free. If anyone's interested, send me a PM and we'll arrange to trade one of these days.


Was going to get Arceus today, but was out a lot of the day yesterday so figured one day in this weekend would be nice. Hope to go out next weekend for it now. I'm sure GS is still going to be a jerk to me. I really hope I don't have to go out a second time to get what I need. >< It's kind of a bummer because I usually get these first day, but ugh so tired.


Anyone have a Riolu they have sitting around? I'd love to get one and level that up, definitely one of my favorite pokemon. Message me!
ORAS has the superior endgame, but the selection of Gen III Pokemon didn't really appeal to me. My Fire type was Ninetales, a Gen I Pokemon.

Remember to get your Arceus from GS/EB.
It was a complete slog to get through though most Pokemon games are so similar that I really wouldn't recommend completing three in one year. I can barely get through one a year.

Sun/Moon seem to be going for a different structure at least somewhat.

And R/S was actually the game that introduced the really linear structure. R/B and G/S offered several possibilities once you got into the late game. Though the badge structure showed a clear planned route. And more than cosmetic differences, a handful of Pokemon and a Legendary different between versions. (Though Legendary are themselves incompatable with the trading / making friends theme since the only way to collect both legendaries is to own both games).


Neo Member
Would anyone happen to have a code for Cynthia's Garchomp/a clone of the event that they wouldn't mind giving away? It turns out the last match I did in the Sinnoh Classic didn't register as one of the three battles I participated in since it ended in a DC from my opponent.

I wouldn't mind trading a NA Arceus code and a NA Darkrai code for it either :eek:.


Thanks. Was able to catch it while it was still up. Just got Arceus today too. My living dex will finally be actually complete and not "complete."

Before SM releases anyway

Awesome, congrats. :) I take it you've managed to get the others up to this point as well?

Not sure if link is still active either, but if so hope others can jump on that need it.
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