Why? Because you got tired of encountering Deciplume Decks in the Standard Format? or because of the upcoming Grass type Phantump the Item Lock Trevenant from XY is about to blow up in the Expaded Format thanks to Forest of Giant Plants?Can we just ban Forest of Giant Plants?
Can we just ban Forest of Giant Plants?
Yep. As a GreninjaBreak player, it sucks and as someone who plays Wailord EX. It sucks moreWhy? Because you got tired of encountering Deciplume Decks in the Standard Format? or because of the upcoming Grass type Phantump the Item Lock Trevenant from XY is about to blow up in the Expaded Format thanks to Forest of Giant Plants?
Made top 32 in SLC regionals. Aww yeah.
Post what you got!!
Bring dice/damage counters and possibly energy cards if you have them.
I'm a TO and league owner in Pokemon TCG, but I haven't played properly in yonks.
Guys are the original set of cards from when Pokemon first came out worth anything? Reason I'm asking is because I found my binder filled with cards that I collected and gave them to my brother to show my niece since she loves Pokemon. I was thinking of just giving her the cards, but if their worth anything I could just sell them and get her something else instead. Is there a website I can check the value of the cards without having to use something like ebay? I know I have some 1st editions and multiples of some cards like the last evolutions of the three starters. I also got a hold of some pocketmonster cards somehow when I was a kid. Thanks for any help.
Is there a budget Standard deck people can recommend that is Ancient Origins and up?
Quad Lapras is probably the best budget deck right now
Something like this
The video is even funnier12 Tapu Leles in 1000 packs (9 RA, 3 FA, 0 RR)
113 Total RA GX's pulled
40 Total FA GX's pulled
15 Total RR GX's Pulled
9 Total FA Trainers Pulled
6 Total SR Trainers Pulled
I live in Taipei.
My nephews wanted me to bring them some Japanese cards when I head home to Canada in June for the summer vacation.
I have no idea why they insisted I should get the Japanese cards. Anyway, this is what I got them. Comments, opinions, suggestions? Is this a "good" haul?
I did. And yeah the numbers look the same as SuMo.
Will probably stop by at the game store today and pick some packs up. Stores that held prereleases can start selling early.
A new symbol will be appearing on some Pokémon TCG cards: the Yellow A Alternate symbol. This symbol may appear when a card is reprinted with a new illustration. For example, the Jolteon-EX that appears in the Mega Powers Collection is an alternate illustration of Jolteon-EX from the Generations expansion, so it has the Yellow A Alternate symbol in the bottom right corner of the card.
In the past, cards like these were typically printed as Black Star Promo cards. In some cases, that caused the card to be legal for tournament play in the Standard format for a much longer period of time. For example: Yveltal-EX was released in 2014 as part of the XY expansion, which is no longer legal in the Standard formathowever, the Shiny version of the same Yveltal-EX was released two years later as a Black Star Promo card, which continues to be legal in Standard long after the original card would have rotated out.
Yellow A Alternate cards will be legal for tournament play only in formats where the original card is legal. Any card with the Yellow A Alternate symbol will have the same expansion symbol as the original card, and the same collector number with an added a to denote that it's an alternate illustration. (If there are multiple alternate illustrations for the same card, those will be numbered accordingly28b, 28c, etc.)
Went to the Guardians Rising launch press event last night and pulled these within just 6 packs
Also a Wishiwashi GX but that was after
I'm happy
Pulls from 2 boxes. At least I pulled a Lele, and a secret rare leaf blower, but I'm totally cursed. Again I pull full arts and rainbow rares of the worst GX in the set. Solid trainer pulls, but didn't even get a play set of garbordor.
How easy is it to learn the mechanics and card synergy compared to something like MTG?
How easy is it to learn the mechanics and card synergy compared to something like MTG?
Haven't paid attention to this game in 15 years. I wonder if anyone uses any OG cards in modern decks.
You can't as they are not legal and are balanced in different ways. Ignoring legality look at the balance of Charizard for example, different damage, HP, resistances and card costings.
Big news regarding alternate art promos
Went to the Guardians Rising launch press event last night and pulled these within just 6 packs
Also a Wishiwashi GX but that was after
I'm happy
Regarding Guardians Rising there's not many cards I want from this set this time around so instead of buying any box I think I will simply wait a few weeks for prices to completely settle in and buy the singles I want online.
I see two positives and one negative that comes out of this change/update.
1-We are now more likely to get the reprint sets that have been exclusive to Japan so far in the West such as the Premium Champion Pack and Best of X and Y.
2-We can get new Alternative Artwork Cards without worrying about extending that card's life span in the Standard Format.
1-This further encourages TPCi to NOT make Full Art varients for future EX/GX cards in any given set so they can sell us that Full Art/Alternative Art Card later at obnoxious prices.
For example instead of giving Jolteon-EX a Full Art varient when it released they are now telling me to go buy a $50 box if I want 1 copy of it instead and I mean sure I can buy the card alone online but I get the picture.
Well of course they make sure your packs are loaded so you write nice things about them
The textures on those cards are fun to run your finger over imo.