Looked it up. Either does 60 with boost or 80 no boost on fleeFor technician and Pursuit.... When a pokemon is switching, will it be 40 increased to 60 then doubled? Or just doubled, then not affected by technician?
Looked it up. Either does 60 with boost or 80 no boost on fleeFor technician and Pursuit.... When a pokemon is switching, will it be 40 increased to 60 then doubled? Or just doubled, then not affected by technician?
So, does no one have an Impish Ditto that I can borrow for a bit?
An Impish Immunity Gligar would work too ;P
Awesome. I have a pretty good Timid Gengar in the PC I could ring up for anti-spin measures. Should I or is he too squishy too? I'd go straight to Aegislash if I weren't so afraid of having two Pokemon already that share a Fire weakness.
You also need at least 1 person that can fly/has Levitate because of EQ so yeah Gengar would be a great choice.
Is there any way to get a poison move on Greninja such as Poison Jab or Sludge Bomb?
So, I really don't understand the benefit of technician for scyther/Mega. Only air slash is the only boost, unless when Mega he's no longer holding the 'ite then thief would be worth it. Aside from that, there's nothing. Iron head is better than metal claw since 30 percent flinch is better than 10 percent chance to increase attack - I'll just swords dance at that rate.
Unless he's got some great, secret, new egg moves it is a garbage ability.
Is there any way to get a poison move on Greninja such as Poison Jab or Sludge Bomb?
Yeah, true, with a SD I'd be fine. It's just so under utilized though. :/Bullet Punch
dat priority
there's always Hidden Power![]()
Nope, but he's in the Water 1 group which also has wooper, octillery, corphish, crawdaunt, gastrodon, tympole, and palpitoad who can all learn Sludge Bomb from a TM. So maybe they can pass it on. Serebii doesn't have a list of egg moves for Greninja.Change he learn it from the TMs?
Bullet Punch
dat priority
there's always Hidden Power![]()
Check out this tutorial on it.Can someone explain how Horde EV training works, anyways? Or, specifically, which Hordes boost which EVs?
Nope, but he's in the Water 1 group which also has wooper, octillery, corphish, crawdaunt, gastrodon, tympole, and palpitoad who can all learn Sludge Bomb from a TM. So maybe they can pass it on. Serebii doesn't have a list of egg moves for Greninja.
Gamefreak sure does love keeping a lot of pokes at the bottom of the fucking barrel don't they. Guess the little kiddies need some easy targets to beat up when going through adventure mode. Meanwhile kangaskahns and tyranitars run amok in online battles because if you don't have them or one of the other 10 or so super pokes in your party you aren't getting anywhere. A far cry from a series that insists on you to using your favorites.
But whatever.
but are they your favorite because they are good?lucky me, my favorites all happen to be good already
Can someone explain how Horde EV training works, anyways? Or, specifically, which Hordes boost which EVs?
but are they your favorite because they are good?
Holy shit. Horde EV training, where have you been all my life?
to add onto that, there's Jolteon (my favorite Pokemon period and OU for every gen but the 1st) and Starmie (Gengar status, OU every gen)
wait how come Starmie doesn't get recognition for that
oh and I used Talonflame and Aegislash on my Y ingame team :lol
Seriously, I got a Larvesta, Larvitar, and two Eevees done in like 15 minutes today. Shit was crazy.
On a related note, with the 122 base, a timid Greninja shouldn't need all 252 evs in speed to get 1st move on any non-priority matchup, right? I got the 252 in Sp. A, but am not quite sure where to go from there.
Problem is he's squishy enough that splitting some into the defensive stats won't help all that much, and timid means going for attack for U-turn or other physical moves is less viable.
That'll teach me to ignore OPs, lol. Thanks!All explained in this OP pic:
mega gengar outspeeds greninja with 130 base.
edit: also this is cool. didn't know serebii had this lol http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-xy/stat/speed.shtml
Starmie my faveto add onto that, there's Jolteon (my favorite Pokemon period and OU for every gen but the 1st) and Starmie (Gengar status, OU every gen)
wait how come Starmie doesn't get recognition for that
oh and I used Talonflame and Aegislash on my Y ingame team :lol
Starmie might feel some pain this gen as some teams start running Defog instead. Honestly the only thing she had over other fast special attackers was her ability to Spin.
Rain stopping me from maxing out my Togepi's speed EV. Just you watch, when I actually need rain to evolve my Sliggoo there won't be any lol.
What was the IV spread you wanted and the one you got?Couldn't get the exact IV spread I wanted but I think I'm done breeding Lucarios
Have 5 Riolu with Bullet Punch and 5 perfect IVs
cbf doing it now. PM me if you want one
What was the IV spread you wanted and the one you got?
GreatHey ramyeon, got a Togepi with Serene Grace and perfect IVs in all but attack. If you're free I can give you the two parents back.
Greatyou can keep 'em though, I've got mine so I'm good haha. Maybe there'll be someone else to pass them onto in the future!
Starmie is so killer.to add onto that, there's Jolteon (my favorite Pokemon period and OU for every gen but the 1st) and Starmie (Gengar status, OU every gen)
wait how come Starmie doesn't get recognition for that
oh and I used Talonflame and Aegislash on my Y ingame team :lol