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Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Online Fun!


Because certain people need something to talk about.
Ok here it is, in the right forum this time. This thread is for all of the online portions of Pokemon diamond and pearl. Post your friend code and version along with pokemon that you want or want to trade. You can list as many or as few stats as you want. This is also the place for tournaments and anything else involving the online components of Pokemon diamond and pearl online. Begin!

Oh, and please give me as many suggestions as you want for this thread.

I guess my only option is a magby or a chimchar so can someone please trade me for one of those.


Thanks to CVXFreak for the link. Just add your code here. Much easier.

TJ Spyke

I will be getting Diamond later today, and will be willing to trade any Pokemon that you can you more than 1 of (i.e. I don't think I will trade away any legendaries).


Japanese Pearl: 1117 4858 3480
American Diamond (primary): (will have tomorrow)

PM me if you add me.



There's a good list of what's exclusive to D/P for cross-version trading.

I've got Pearl, here's my friend code:

3093 3473 2903

I've already got a couple of these pokemon for trading, which are only in Pearl:


I've also made a bunch of Chansey eggs. Let me know if you want one via PM.

I got a Cranidos already, thanks!


Carrying this over from the regular thread... And this will be updated frequently. I'm spoiler-tagging some stuff so that only the most necessary information is out in the open. I know a lot of people are new to this, so I want to keep it simple for their sake.

What am I doing right now? As in, between now and the time I last edited?
I'm taking care of some stuff in that whole "real world" deal. In about 3-4 hours after the last edit, I should be back and we can finish off a trading night like usual.

When would be a good time to set up a trade with me in the future?
These are all in Pacific time:
Saturday/Sunday - 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Monday/Wednesday/Friday - 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Tuesday/Thursday - 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM

By the way, this is important, so... I'll be the one to set up the trade invite in most cases, because I need voice chat to be off for, well, various reasons. ^^; Sorry if there's any inconvenience there.

Friend code:
2921 5550 6842
The name can be Jiggy or Haruhi (the name of my character in JP Pearl) or anything you like, but the code has to be right.

What I'm trading:
The starters from all four generations--pick any three for yourself. So that's a choice from Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup. If you don't know what any of these are, Wikipedia's Starter Pokemon section may help. :)

Eggs are easier for me to give away, so if you have no real preference, I'll default to eggs. To hatch an egg, just walk around with it in your party for ~5120 steps. If you want me to hatch the Pokemon instead before trading, let me know.

Other details that only the hardcore may care about:
Any Charmander I trade away has a decent chance of having either perfect HP or Attack stats because of the parents I was using to breed them. They also come with Crunch, Dragon Rush, and Dragon Claw... Moves only learned through breeding. You may or may not find them useful, but they're there.
Any Chikorita you get from me should have Leech Seed, which for that Pokemon is also a move only learned through breeding. I recommend keeping it on, since its best stats are the defensive stats and absorbing health helps it hang in there, but it's up to you.

What I want:
Anything. Give me whatever you have that you don't want--even a Bidoof or Starly.
If you want to make a donation and put a Rare Candy or a PP Up or a TM as a held item for the Pokemon you're trading me, and you're far enough in the game to have those items to begin with, that'd be great. If not, don't worry about it. This is one of my two favorite game series. I do for its community what I can. :D

(For those who are really concerned about these trades being unfair or one-sided...
There's no way for me to not benefit. At the absolute least, I'm getting a Pokemon from you that has a different trainer ID than mine, which helps win the daily in-game lottery, where I get PP Ups for having the last two trainer ID digits match the daily number. (PP Ups permanently increase the number of times an attack can be used before running out. Very useful.)

Who's reserved a trade spot already:
If you're on this list, I've got you accounted for. If you're not, I don't. If you sent me some request and I missed it, or I deleted it on accident, or I didn't get it, or my PM box was full when you tried to contact me, or whatever, try PMing me again. We'll make things work. :)

So send me a PM if:
1) You're ready to trade
2) I've left you off the list somehow
3) You've decided you want an egg or hatched Pokemon specifically
4) I wrote you down for wanting eggs/hatched when it's the other way around
5) You already got the starters you were looking for from someone else, so I can take you off the list

Akira (at least one hatched)
crawlingpeter (hatched)
dock UK
jon bones*
Kai Ozu
Oblong Schlong
Rexaur (eggs)
Ril (eggs)

* - I've had trouble trading with you... Not sure if the problem was on your end or mine, but sorry. ;_; Not sure if we're going to try again?

And special thanks to the 66 GAF traders I've dealt with in the past:
666, Aeana, Agent Dormer, aidan, ant1532, Big-E, biggyfries, bluemax, BrendenLee, BrodiemanTTR, burnfout, carlos, colinp, Crazymoogle, Cruceh, cvxfreak, Dartastic, DarthWufei, dfyb, Doytch, druie, ElryionX**, farnham, Giard, HallwayGiant, homez99, HomShaBom, ICallItFutile, japtor, JCX9, jvalioli, kiryogi, krypt0nian, Lavpa Jasai, Laramie, Littleberu, Mejilan, Mikewazowsk1, MindCollizion, pxleyes, purgeface, rafman400, RaidenZR, Ravager61, rdellw, Remy, RevenantKioku, rod, Rotanibor Eht, Rummy Bunnz, Ryuukan, Spooks, super funk, Super Johnson, SuperPac, Synbios459, tehjaybo, TekunoRobby, TheRisingSun, Thermite, timnich, TJ Spyke, TurtleSnatcher, UncleScr00ge, variance, and yeb

** - Even if we had to go through a friend of his!


Thanks Jiggy, I added your new friend code, can you tell when you're online so we can make my trade? :) Thanks a bunch again dude. EDIT: My friend code is 1074 7132 8479 if you havent added me ;P EDIT2: Also anyone that just wants to add me on this can, PM me though, I gots Diamond.


Anyone having trouble connecting? I can't seem to get in a game with a friend. :\ We traded codes, registered, but it always says the other person failed to respond or they've been disconnected.


SuperPac said:
Anyone having trouble connecting? I can't seem to get in a game with a friend. :\ We traded codes, registered, but it always says the other person failed to respond or they've been disconnected.
This was happening to me last night. I'll update this post with any news after trying some trades with others.
(Maybe the servers are being overloaded because of the sudden glut of new buyers?)

Edit: The most recent two trades went through.
Edit 2: And so did the third and fourth. The fifth had troubles...
Edit 3: The sixth worked. Seventh is working. I won't update past this. Looks like trades are mostly fine with only occasional problems.


Heh, this is the first time I've attempted to connect my DS to the network (no reason before), and it doesn't support WPA encryption. Oh well, that sucks.
Jiggy I believe Im ready for the eggs you have for me :D

Ive added you already and my info is

0086 8775 0747

Let me know when your ready!


pxleyes said:
Thanks Jiggy. I'll have more later.

Is there a way to change the names? I don't exactly read japanese. :)
According to the other D/P thread, the name will change into English when the Mudkip evolves. The eggs should hatch in English, I think. Not sure anyone's reported on that...


Ugh, looks like I'm having wifi troubles. :'( Getting the "firewall" error code for some reason. Yet I've played other WFC games no prob. :'(

But my friend code's

4252 9899 2375

edit: Added everyone in this thread so far.


I like how Nintendo's solution for the error I was having is to open all ports, from 1 to 65535. That seems like a perfectly rational, safe thing to do.

BTW, thanks for the stuff Jiggy! Your Pokes are in good hands.


I've added you ivy and SuperPac!

Sorry Jiggy! I got a bit carried away, but I am ready to trade now whenever you are =)


Because certain people need something to talk about.
I keep getting error code 53100. I try to connect with my wep key and it recognizes that there's my network when I do a scan but when I try to connect it gives me the error code. If I turn my encryption off then I can access the internet. I just don't get it. I did the MAC address exchange so that's not it. Any tips?
SuperPac said:
I like how Nintendo's solution for the error I was having is to open all ports, from 1 to 65535. That seems like a perfectly rational, safe thing to do.


I'm starting to think the best solution is to keep one's network on WPA and buy the USB wifi adapter for DS usage, so you can unplug it whenever to keep things far more (relatively) safe.

Picked up my game, should have a friend code soon...I tried configuring via FF3 but kept getting the 5300 error or whatever. hrm.


Pokemon Pearl, 0473 4178 9678.

Right now I'm giving away Gible eggs for random junky trade fodder. PM me if you're interested.


I've also added everyone on the list so far,

my code for pearl is: 2577 9569 4480 (carlos)

Oh and jiggy, you're probably busy with other trades, but if you get a chance, send me a pm; I'm ready to trade whenever you can (D +P starters; hatched or unhatched) thanks again


Both Ravi and Jiggy deserve high praise right now. Total class for doing this.

If anyone wants an early Psyduck, PM me.

TJ Spyke

US Diamond.

Trades or Fights, but I only just got the Coal Badge (the first badge):

2878 6065 0157

My game name is "Tim".


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Game: US Pearl

FC: 3050 4053 9365

Name: aidan

Looking for: Whatever!

This almost feels like a social networking site! Feel free to add me and drop me a PM if you do. I'm going to get to work adding the people on the list above me right now.

EDIT: Everyone above me has now been added!


Oh yeah, I have a bunch of Bulbsaur, so I'm willing to trade for random stuff. Just pm me or something. =D

I would like a female charmander or cyndoquil tho. Can trade a male one for it. xP


Because certain people need something to talk about.
Well my router won't let me online so I can only trade at school or Macdonald's. I still need a good fire type. Maybe as a gift for maintaining the OP?


Am I the only one having loads of trouble with getting Error 86420 (firewall) when trying to trade or battle?

Yesterday I opened all the ports (1-65535) on my router but still had trouble connecting to anyone but Jiggy, and that was once. :'(
SuperPac said:
Am I the only one having loads of trouble with getting Error 86420 (firewall) when trying to trade or battle?

Yesterday I opened all the ports (1-65535) on my router but still had trouble connecting to anyone but Jiggy, and that was once. :'(

Hmm. Never seen that one. It seems to be a port thing as you say; did you open all on TCP and UDP? (It looks like the DS needs all UDP ports for communication + TCP: 28910, 29900, 29901, 29920, 80, and 443)

Actually, if you have a good router you should probably just turn on DMZ for your DS system only and see what happens; DMZ will unblock everything but usually requires a specific local IP to apply to. If there's still problems with DMZ then it's not a port issue.

I'll definitely be around tonight if you want to try connecting and see what's going on.
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