added the whole list. If this list is updated, can the newest be dated or bolded? Thanks!!!
666 said:added the whole list. If this list is updated, can the newest be dated or bolded? Thanks!!!
In PBR on Wii, apparently you can store 32 teams.SuperPac said:Gawd, this game is so fun online. Though I wish you could save pre-made teams (maybe you can?) for fighting people at lower levels.
Ready for Bulbasaur/Charmander/Squirtle. FC 5154 9401 4937Jiggy37 said:In PBR on Wii, apparently you can store 32 teams.
Which, along with the character creation and random online battles, is perhaps the only reason I'm considering buying it at full price instead of waiting for a drop. >_> You'd think I wouldn't be a tightwad with the series when I own four copies of D/P, but eh...
Will be on shortly. Were you looking for eggs or hatched Pokemon with these three?Synbios459 said:Ready for Bulbasaur/Charmander/Squirtle. FC 5154 9401 4937
Also, my friend wants a squirtle real bad, he said he'd take an egg.
My friend and I say thanks. He said if you ever have a spare one he wants a Totodile.Jiggy37 said:No problem. Give me about 6-7 minutes to hatch some eggs and get one Squirtle egg, then I'll be on.
Jiggy37 said:I'm pretty sure it's your end... I just completed a trade with somebody else successfully.
Maybe. :lolVargas said:Are you still taking requests Jiggy?
Fuzzery said:FC 1332 4165 1348
Need an larvitar (Preferably adamant who loves to thrash about :lol , larvitar is Diamond Exclusive) You can find it on Route 207.
Will trade a bagon(Rare, and a Pearl Exclusive, evolves into SALAMENCE)/medicham/most anything you can find in pearl for it .
Btw, I love you jiggy
Wait, what? x_xMeier said:Doh, got a Combee egg from Jiggy and it turned into a male.. so it's basically useless according to Serebii.net. Bummer! :lol