Feel sorry for her, but you can't commit a heinous crime, escape custody and then be let off because you fled justice long enough.
I never looked into what he did...
He was 43 she was 13.
rape by use of drugs
lewd and lascivious act upon a child under fourteen
furnishing a controlled substance to a minor
Jesus Christ.
I feel awful for her. It wasn't enough that she was raped as a child but has constantly had to be reminded of it ever since. Not to mention the victim blaming that has occurred in that time even going as far to blame her mother instead of Polanski.
If anybody wants to see more info on the case check out the documentary Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired. It goes into detail about the crime as well as the shitshow that was the trial. Warning though, there are people interviewed that go the victim blaming route and they're infuriating.
I never looked into what he did...
He was 43 she was 13.
rape by use of drugs
lewd and lascivious act upon a child under fourteen
furnishing a controlled substance to a minor
Jesus Christ.
Yeah, she deserves to get on with her life, in whatever way she could possibly can.
Fuck Polanski, he deserves to rot, but that's never going to happen.
I'm not sure that the main people who have harassed her are Polanski defenders.sounds like a recipe for the rich and famous to get yet another pass on crime because their defenders will harass the victim infinitely
I'm not sure that the main people who have harassed her are Polanski defenders.
While that's probably true that still should not get him off the hook. The fact that he can't come to the U.S. and be treated like royalty in Hollywood burns his ass. That may be the best we are going to get.
He is still treated like royalty in France.
Everyone is screaming for justice but they never think of the victim, I'm sure this person just wants to move the fuck on and isn't interested in being dragged through another media circus for the entertainment of the public
What other Hollywood people did this?This shit happened every day in Hollywood in the '70s, and god knows how much since. Such is the license that being apart of the "nobility" will give you to do what you like.
Probably tons, corey feldman said the industry is filled with child predators.I think elijah wood said something similar.What other Hollywood people did this?
That's why I said probably.It's all hearsay, but many people have said to have had these experiences, but are not naming names.What solid evidence you present.
Probably tons, corey feldman said the industry is filled with child predators.I think elijah wood said something similar.
What other Hollywood people did this?
I still remember when they faked an entire awards ceremony to try and trick him out of the country, only for whatever-country he traveled via to refuse to hand him over.
Don't start this.What solid evidence you present.
If Polanski had not fled from justice in the first place and instead stayed, this would have ended decades ago for her. He's the primary reason this has dragged on for her.
legend166 said:If Polanski had not fled from justice in the first place and instead stayed, this would have ended decades ago for her. He's the primary reason this has dragged on for her.
I think she means harassment by both Polanski supporters and those against him.IIRC she said years ago that as awful as what Roman Polanski did to her was, her treatment and frequent harassment from the media has been worse.
Fuck Roman Polanski.