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Police Officer Fired After Social Media Post (10/10/16)

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This makes me laugh as administrators who haven't been on patrol in over 10 years pass out body cameras and Verbal Judo books. I laugh as they talk about "how they know how it is on patrol" these cats never had an in car camera, much less their entire day taped and under review. They never knew the public out cry of Black Lives Matter. I hope I never forget where I came from!
To many Police Administrators forget about life on patrol. Thugs speak a foreign language. I happen to be fluent in their lingo. "Sir is there anything I can say to you to convince you to step away from the gun" , "Sir is there any way I can convince you to stop hitting me in the face" that BS doesn't work in my beat Mr. Mayor, Chief of Police, City Council. Sometimes you have to use profanity and threaten a persons well being to get their attention; sometimes you have to kill them. I am telling you this because I wouldn't expect you know anything about my job. You are placed in your position of power by a popularity contest called the democratic process. I believe in that process, but that doesn't mean you are qualified for the job! You elected officials and police administrators watch the news, and read a report or two. But when heart rates are elevated and law enforcement officer are fighting off tunnel vision and making quick decisions you are at home in bed. You get to come to the office, pull up your chair and review video and Monday Morning Quarterback the people out there getting their hands dirty! I doubt many of you have ever been in a physical altercation in your lives.
Police work in America is changing for the worst every single day. Everyone is scared of
offending someone and scared to death to tell them they are wrong in their actions or to adjust their schedule if they are offended! Just last week men from a local church in Tupelo, who have been coming to the Police Dept. EVERY SINGLE MORNING FOR MONTHS AT 5am, to pray for ALL THE OFFICERS well being were ask by Police Administrators to conduct their prayers in a separate part of the building. This was done because it offended 1 officer out of 110 man department. Instead of the admin telling that 1 officer to leave after briefing was concluded ADMIN had everyone else at the department move to a separate part of the building for prayer after briefing.

I hate to think about the next 15 years I have to do in Law Enforcement. I didn't sign up to beg people to do things that's required of them by law. I was trained to ASK, TELL, and MAKE someone comply with my commands as a law enforcement officer. This crap of begging people to comply is not how I am going to respond to the public and I strongly suggest to any and all officers wearing a body camera to not be intimidated by their administration and to do your job. Statistics show officers who wear a body camera are more likely to be injured in the line of duty because they are reluctant to act first to aggression fearing repercussions from Police Administrators.


WTVA said:
How much is too much when it comes to posting online?

On October 3rd at 10:40 p.m. former Tupelo Police Officer John Bingham took to social media to express his opinions.

In the post, Bingham criticized the use of body camera's and Tupelo city leaders.

Stating "I think these camera's are just a current issue that people think is a fix all to any problem they might have with law enforcement. I would personally like to see city council members, police administrators, the mayor and the citizen review board members be issued these same cameras."

Bingham has now been fired.

The Tupelo Police Department and city leaders did not want to be interviewed for this story but did release a statement.

Part of it states "The officer's remarks in no way reflect the philosophy of the City of Tupelo."

Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell didn't comment on the controversial post to Facebook, but he did say he trusts his deputies to not post anything damaging online about the department.

"Basically what I do is I ask and I encourage our deputies to not post anything on social media, or Facebook about any case or anything that goes on at the sheriff's department investigating these cases," said Cantrell.

He adds once it's posted, it is there for all to see.

"When you write things down and you write things about certain individuals it is hard to take back," Cantrell said.

Viewers have also voiced their opinions about Officer Bingham's post and firing.

They say in part: "While I agree with the things he said, he should have known better than to state that on his social media page."

And another viewer said "If wearing the camera is part of the job, just shut up and do your job."

Video at the source..

From another article:

Bingham hates to imagine what the next 15 years will look like in law enforcement.

“I hate to think about the next 15 years I have to do in Law Enforcement. I didn’t sign up to beg people to do things that’s required of them by law. I was trained to ASK, TELL, and MAKE someone comply with my commands as a law enforcement officer,” he wrote.

Funny that I've seen reports stating that cameras have actually helped certain departments. Guess dude had something to hide..oh well.

Make me comply if old..
I saw the thread and poster and I was like 'surely this is just Gordon's thread from last week, updated with new information'. Welp. Not as offensive as some of the stuff that cops have gotten fired for recently, but still pretty damn stupid.


Thanks for putting a date in the thread title.

I didn’t sign up to beg people to do things that’s required of them by law. I was trained to ASK, TELL, and MAKE someone comply with my commands as a law enforcement officer
Sounds like a power-tripping cop was removed from duty. That said, it is odd that the hammer went down on him so quickly and all he had to do was request accountability from his upper management.
I saw the thread and poster and I was like 'surely this is just Gordon's thread from last week, updated with new information'. Welp. Not as offensive as some of the stuff that cops have gotten fired for recently, but still pretty damn stupid.

Dating them now..😏

And yes, way tamer than the last couple. Just seems silly considering the cameras are for everyone's safety..


Why do I keep hearing about termination for insensitive social media posts, but suspensions for murder and physical abuse.


Bingham's post also said "thugs speak a foreign language" and "I happen to be fluent in their language."

"Sometimes you have to use profanity and threaten a persons well being to get their attention; sometimes you have to kill them,"
How do you have someone's attention after you've killed them?
I am willing to bet he meant "niggers" when he wrote "thugs". Fuck this cops and everyone who defends shit like this.
Good, another sociopath out of law enforcement. Too bad there are plenty of others.


Why do I keep hearing about termination for insensitive social media posts, but suspensions for murder and physical abuse.
Because there's an investigation to be had for the latter that needs time to complete.

The former just requires someone taking a screenshot and their boss checking Facebook.


Why do I keep hearing about termination for insensitive social media posts, but suspensions for murder and physical abuse.

That was my first thought. This was an incredibly stupid thing for him to say on Facebook but cops have gotten away with far worse.
So in a current climate of public mistrust, anger, and fear of the police, an officer thinks it wise to not only public oppose transparency, but to cast aspersions on the city leadership?

Bold. Very bold. This guy sounds like a powder keg.

Why do I keep hearing about termination for insensitive social media posts, but suspensions for murder and physical abuse.

Also, this.
Get fired for back talking your bosses on social media but not for having an easy trigger finger around unarmed Blacks. Levels to this shit.


Because there's an investigation to be had for the latter that needs time to complete.

The former just requires someone taking a screenshot and their boss checking Facebook.

Video.. exists.. of unarmed people being murdered.

The system is broken if you're fired for screenshots, immediately, but not HD 360 video.

Shouldn't they be put on leave while they investigate a screen grab for 2 years? I mean he could have been hacked, right?


Gold Member
I agree with him in wanting all these other people in power to have cameras on them as well though. I bet we could see the act of shit rolling downhill live as it happens.


Wait, this is the post that got him fired?!?!?

I think these camera's are just a current issue that people think is a fix all to any problem they might have with law enforcement. I would personally like to see city council members, police administrators, the mayor and the citizen review board members be issued these same cameras.


Because there's an investigation to be had for the latter that needs time to complete.

The former just requires someone taking a screenshot and their boss checking Facebook.

What if it was his brother who got on his account and wrote the posts?


listen to the mad man
The quoted excerpts don't seem fireable or offensive to me. I likely disagree with his perspective, but I was expecting this to be a racially-laced tirade rather than a cop expressing frustration about limits on cops.
The quoted excerpts don't seem fireable or offensive to me. I likely disagree with his perspective, but I was expecting this to be a racially-laced tirade rather than a cop expressing frustration about limits on cops.

Seems they've got rules against taking bad about the higher ups..


The quoted excerpts don't seem fireable or offensive to me. I likely disagree with his perspective, but I was expecting this to be a racially-laced tirade rather than a cop expressing frustration about limits on cops.

Bingham's post also said "thugs speak a foreign language" and "I happen to be fluent in their language."

"Sometimes you have to use profanity and threaten a persons well being to get their attention; sometimes you have to kill them,"
He talks about killing people who don't listen.


Gold Member
He talks about killing people who don't listen.

Depending on the situation, I can understand. I don't think he was talking about shooting someone running around hitting people with a pool noodle.

Edit: Well, maybe in today's climate...


I see we've started adding dates so people don't confuse threads with older one.

How do you have someone's attention after you've killed them?
I am willing to bet he meant "niggers" when he wrote "thugs". Fuck this cops and everyone who defends shit like this.
Good, another sociopath out of law enforcement. Too bad there are plenty of others.
If that quote is from this guy it should be added to the OP as well.
If you ASK, TELL, or MAKE someone comply within your legal bounds, the camera will only back you up! It literally will only get you into trouble if you do something you weren't supposed to do, and even then chances are you will get off scot-free. There really isn't any coherent argument to be made against them.


Unconfirmed Member
Nice of the shitty cops to openly protest the cameras and be fired for it ahead of time. Saves time.

And it possibly saves lives, too.

Meanwhile, officers like the one who murdered Terrence Sterling last month continue to violate proper camera protocols.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Now someone just needs to dox every racist fuck on the PoliceOne forums and we'll be in business.


As others have noted, we've got a lot more offensive and dangerous cop conduct that goes unremarked and unpunished.

Not sure I particularly disagree with his vantage point regarding cameras. While they are no magic bullet and don't offer us much without systemic retraining and recalibration of what we expect from our policy, I think body cameras are good for both the public at large (reduce police abuses) and for the police (they've stopped false civilian complaints.) But it's worth asking why you wouldn't demand a similar ability to scrutinize other public servants. If it's solely about police violence, the vast majority of police interactions don't involve any sort of violence, that doesn't mean abuse can't take place, and anyone who's ever dealt with city government knows there's plenty of ways to screw you that don't involve a weapon...


Bingham's post also said "thugs speak a foreign language" and "I happen to be fluent in their language."
"Sometimes you have to use profanity and threaten a persons well being to get their attention; sometimes you have to kill them," the post read.

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