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Police Officer Fired After Social Media Post (10/10/16)

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The only officers complaining about body cameras are the ones who know they're going to be on the news sooner or later. Accountability is only a hinderance to the guilty.
I literally had my jaw hanging open reading that entire post. We really just need to start from scratch with law enforcement . These officers don't seem to be trained to understand that citizens also have rights, and the most important of those rights is the right to live. You shouldn't have the right to decide to end a persons life because it's your opinion that they're not obeying your commands. Police need to be trained to de-escalate these situations and wait for other officers to arrive while they're at a safe distance if they feel they're in a dangerous situation. Way too many of these police shootings seemed to be caused by the officers themselves creating tense situations and then saying they had no choice but to end the situation they created by killing someone.


Aftershock LA
Glad he's gone.

This was actually a lot tamer than I was expecting, but the meaning behind his words is what bothers me. Body cameras are good for everyone, including the officer. They aren't there to "spy" on the officer. They're there to insure that if shit goes down, it mitigates a lot of The he said/she said that arises.

This guy sounds like he wants to power trip without being held accountable. Unlike the other instances where an officer wrote stupid shit on Facebook, I feel like this guy phrased his frustration and anger pretty clearly. I still think he's a twat, though, and glad that someone this prone to anger won't be interacting with the community he's sworn to "protect and serve." I guess he forgot about that part when he was too busy making them comply.

Edit: I forgot about the quote where he talks about killing people who don't comply. I'm so glad this fuckwit is gone.


"I hate to think about the next 15 years I have to do in Law Enforcement."

Welp, that's not a problem any more breh.
How is it that officers
1. Can't refrain from posting stupid shit on social media
2. Can get fired for shit like this but killing someone, someone's dog, damaging personal property, humiliating human beings is not a fireable offense?
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