Either that or he's waiting for his 2nd term and/or a shift in public opinion so it doesn't fucks his re-election.GaimeGuy said:It seems ot be something he's wrestled with over the last 15 years. Personally, he believes that marriage is between a man and a woman, he has stated that, and believes in the government recognizing civil unions which provide equal protections, benefits, and recognition under the law for same sex couples. However, legally, and philosophically, he doesn't believe such a distinctioncan be enshrined in practice, as his reasons are entirely based on his faith; As a society, we must be able to justify our rules, laws, and regulations to people of all faiths, including those with no faith at all.
That's basically a paraphrase of the most nuanced statement I've seen or heard from him. You'll find little sound bits here and there where he says he supports same-sex marriage as well as bits where he says he opposes it, but in the more nuanced, in depth discussions of the issue, I notice a pattern of him covering this dichotomy of resolving his own religious beliefs with his stance from a legal perspective. He seems to understand that his religion-inspired reasons may not be logically sound and thus is constantly wrestling with himself over his personal moral stance, but is also able to keep it isolated from what he knows is the moral stance from a legal perspective.
I'm sure you'll hear otherwise from many posters about his "true" belief, but every interview and soundbyte and transcript I've heard or read, that's the view that comes through in the most detailed discussions with Obama on the issue.
His ability to isolate his personal morals (Which he may have a hunch are not quite morally just) from what is right as official policy is one of the reasons I voted for him in the first place. He gets it.
Me and father William of Ockham like it better.
LovingSteam said:Obama being in favor of repealing DOMA is somewhat curious to me. After all, we're past the half way point of 2011 and heading into the election year. Perhaps its just a coincidence that his view has 'evolved' on this issue heading into the election cycle but I doubt it.