Cygnus X-1
besada said:I'm not terrified to be an American. Frankly, I think that's sort of an idiotic sentiment. We're not being attacked on our soil. The unemployment rate is actually lower than in was in the early 80's. (And nowhere near as bad as some of our European counterparts have had it.) The government isn't -- so far as I know -- selling arms to our avowed enemies. The President isn't using the FBI as his personal bugging army. We have two wars going, but they're both clearly winding down.
Does the current composition of the government suck giant donkey balls? Yes, it does. Is that a fixable issue? Yes, it is. Do we have systemic and structural problems with the government? Yes. Are any of them particularly new? Not really. We voted in a bunch of idiots, just like we've done a dozen times before. And they did what idiots always do, which is attempt to push government into a new, bad direction so fast that it's in the process of running over them.
I know some of the people in here are young, and I know your first big political crisis always seems like the worst thing ever, but you need to get some perspective. Most of you were raised in the best economic times of the last sixty years. But that's no more normal then the 70's are the norm. The country fluctuates, both because of bad decisions made by voters and politicians, and because shit happens. We're still shaking off the psychological and financial damage of 9/11 and we probably will be for a few more years.
This is no more a permanent state than the giddy 90s were. It's a classic mistake, and one we make over and over again -- this belief that there's such a thing as stability. There isn't. The world is chaotic, and we attempt to adapt. Sometimes we make good calls, sometimes we make shitty calls. If you want to improve that, go do something about it other than freak out, because freaking out helps no one. It makes you bitter, angry, and utterly ineffectual.
If people spent half the time doing things that they spend bitching about things on the Internet, the world could be a much nicer place. But it's esier to bitch and whine and act as if we share no culpability for the mess we're in, and to pump up the drama to give ourselves a feeling of importance. It's vanity. This time is no more apocalyptic than any other time has been. The idea that we're somehow in worse shape than, say, the Great Depression, is just a stunning admission of ignorance about what people have gone through before us.
I can pretty much guarantee that all of us are sitting in reasonably comfortable homes, next to boxes that allow us to talk to anyone in the world, nearly instantaneously. I'd bet that not a one of us is close to starving. No one here has probably ever had secret police kick in their doors and take their loved ones away. Painting ourselves as living at the end of civilization, as a few people here do, is the ultimate white whine. Get a grip and get some perspective.
Nice post.