reilo said:
That's a damn inaccurate revisionist history type of thinking right there. He's had the majority of votes on nearly every piece of agenda. Where it fell apart ("the outliers") was in the Senate to break fillibuster. The minority outvoted the majority. The system is far more broken than the leadership.
So, why didn't he persuade Reid to change the filibuster when they had the chance? Why didn't he put enough pressure on the blue dogs to force them to bend the knee whether they wanted to or not. You act like I'm forgiving the Republicans and Blue Dogs. I'm not. They're shitbags, but they were predictable shitbags.
I think you're aware of my opinions regarding the shitasticness of the existing filibuster rules, but did Obama not know about these rules before he became President? Was he somehow unaware of how broken the body he came from was?
Did he not know that his role was going to have to be marshaling enough Democrats, and scaring enough Republicans to get over that bar? Again, I'm not saying he had an easy road, I'm saying he wasn't up to the road he knew he was going to have to walk, because he's terrible at playing the ugly game of politics, which involves scaring the fuck out of enough people to get what the country needs. You can do that directly, by beating up the Congress, or you can do it indirectly by firing up the people until they beat up the Congress, and he's been utterly ineffectual at either of those tactics.
reilo said:
The best punching back the republicans have had in decades resulted in a huge healthcare bill, auto bailouts, finance reform, DADT on its way to repeal, stimulus plan, defense cuts and more. If you dislike Obama this much, then you really must hate Clinton.
It's also resulted in a stagnant economy on the edge of plunging back down, and the real possibility of losing control of the government, which will allow his enemies to undo most of what he's done.
And again, I don't dislike Obama. I think he has many very fine qualities. I just don't think effective leadership is among them. Shit man, it's not like I'm not going to vote for him. Given the choices you'd have to be unstable to do that. But that doesn't mean it's my job, or your job, to defend him against something that's clearly true by ranting about how terrible Republicans are. I know how terrible this Republican House is. I know how shitty the Republicans, including the ones masquerading as Democrats, are.
As for his accomplishments, he managed to sign a huge healthcare bill that barely addresses the problems with healthcare, and financial reform that's largely toothless. That you consider either of those victories suggests how low the bar has been set.