The core point is that if
you want to disempower the extremists, becoming one is not a long-term option. What Obama is trying to do is represent reason in an age of emotion. The minute he stops doing that will be the moment the Palinites win. Until then, the fight continues. And it maddens me to see so many liberals walk off in a huff. Another writes: (reader letter now)
They call him weak, YET he defeated the Clinton Machine (remember she was the frontrunner for a lonnnnng time) ...
They call him weak, YET, within his presidential powers and influence, he with the help of then Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Leader Harry Reid. got major, HISTORIC legislation passed from Lily Ledbetter to Healthcare to DADT to too many others to have to keep repeating to prove this man is competent and serious ...
They call him weak, YET, while the GOP was crowing he was too weak to handle a hostage situation with Somali pirates, he had already sent over a team to get the remaining hostage and gave the order to shoot to kill ...
They call him weak, YET, he found and took out bin Laden ...
They call him weak, YET, he's been the one Democratic president to break the GOP's one-stop messaging that has been prevalent for over 30 years ...
They call him weak, YET, he predicted that he'd have this debt ceiling situation handled by the deadline - and by the end of tonight it will be.
If this is him being "weak", I'll take his "weak" over Bush and Cheney's faux-style of strength any day ...