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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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gcubed said:
well then that would create some effort on the Dems part I guess. It does push it back, but meh. Its going to do nothing but backfire. Have there been any polling recently? Whats the consensus when all this is over, Dems end up +1?

True, didnt think about that
I honestly don't know.

I like how all of a sudden everyone is worried about perfectly legal gamesmanship, pretty sure quad in particular was championing the Fleeing 14. Nothing particularly different about this retarded tactic. Itsallowed so they are doing it. Laughable to think either side gives a shit about a few hundred k.


eznark said:
I honestly don't know.

I like how all of a sudden everyone is worried about perfectly legal gamesmanship, pretty sure quad in particular was championing the Fleeing 14. Nothing particularly different about this retarded tactic. Itsallowed so they are doing it. Laughable to think either side gives a shit about a few hundred k.

I'm not going to comment solely from the point of view that this isn't some gop tactic because its been done on both sides. Its stupid on both sides, but hey, more power to them, have fun. Has any of the fervor died down in Wisconsin? Lots of talk but not sure if the dem groups can pull off a Walker recall.


gcubed said:
I'm not going to comment solely from the point of view that this isn't some gop tactic because its been done on both sides. Its stupid on both sides, but hey, more power to them, have fun. Has any of the fervor died down in Wisconsin? Lots of talk but not sure if the dem groups can pull off a Walker recall.
It has certainly died down, the latest protest gathering have been a fraction of what they were (apparently teachers only want to protest during the school year when they can skip work) but if that means anything come time to vote who knows. I've been surprised that the unions have been able to keep it stoked at all this long so maybe they will be fired up for another year?

As far as the senate recall goes, I think at this point the conservative citizens don't really care. They got everything they wanted (budget fix, future budget passed, conceal/carry, voter ID) and its not like the dems will be able to do anything if they take the senate. I could see even right leang people deciding they got their important issues through, may as well bring in some gridlock. The only thing i can think of left on Walkers agenda is tax cuts, which won't come til next budget.
cartoon_soldier said:
Not sure if that's the best move politically.
i think going from "i support civil unions" to "i support gay marriage" is a pretty easy transition and it's not something you can really accuse him of flip-flopping over. Especially considering he basically supports gay marriage while saying "I don't support gay marriage" but still dropping the defense of DOMA, campaigning against Prop 8 etc.


Aaron Strife said:
i think going from "i support civil unions" to "i support gay marriage" is a pretty easy transition and it's not something you can really accuse him of flip-flopping over. Especially considering he basically supports gay marriage while saying "I don't support gay marriage" but still dropping the defense of DOMA, campaigning against Prop 8 etc.

1996. Yeah, you certainly can.

As well, you must have missed this hilarious video of poor Dan Pfieffer. "fake questionnaire" indeed. Although to be fair at least Obama has the intellectual honesty to say Pfeffer was wrong in this case. Instead he takes the position he, as a con law prof was ignorant on the law.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
eznark said:
I honestly don't know.

I like how all of a sudden everyone is worried about perfectly legal gamesmanship, pretty sure quad in particular was championing the Fleeing 14. Nothing particularly different about this retarded tactic. Itsallowed so they are doing it. Laughable to think either side gives a shit about a few hundred k.

There is a big difference in effectively filibustering a bill, and placing fake candidates in an election.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Man, I was listening to some Phil Valentine on my way home from work yesterday. Amazingly embarrassing. He had some ex congressman on there that now works for Newsmax magazine and the guy was on full asshat mode.

The field of potential GOP nominees was the discussion and this guy was flat out bashing Romney while insinuating that Rick Perry and Pain should run. If the whole of the Republican Party is this batshit insane, it would only be just for them to skip over a sensible candidate like Romney, you know the one with both real world and political success, for a complete bumbling/disingenuous boob like T-Paw, Newt, or Bachmann.
Gaborn said:
1996. Yeah, you certainly can.

As well, you must have missed this hilarious video of poor Dan Pfieffer. "fake questionnaire" indeed. Although to be fair at least Obama has the intellectual honesty to say Pfeffer was wrong in this case. Instead he takes the position he, as a con law prof was ignorant on the law.

It is still so funny how you get all apoplectic about this considering that Ron Paul would sooner give you a blow job than vote for gay marriage.
speculawyer said:
It is still so funny how you get all apoplectic about this considering that Ron Paul would sooner give you a blow job than vote for gay marriage.
I still wonder why he supports him considering he insults his orientation whenever the topic arises.


speculawyer said:
It is still so funny how you get all apoplectic about this considering that Ron Paul would sooner give you a blow job than vote for gay marriage.
Oh, I don't know. It makes some sense. It's a bit like the whole Weiner thing, where some people don't care as much as they would about a Republican simply because Weiner's not all "family values."

Obama's supposed to be supportive of gay rights and then he does wishy-washy bullshit like this. Whereas Paul... actually, now that I'm typing this out, it doesn't make sense. Paul's a libertarian, shouldn't he be all about individual rights?

TacticalFox88 said:
I still wonder why he supports him considering he insults his orientation whenever the topic arises.
I'm curious now. Do you have any citations?


quadriplegicjon said:
There is a big difference in effectively filibustering a bill, and placing fake candidates in an election.

There is also a big difference between filibustering a bill and fleeing the state to avoid quorum. The justification for fleeing the state was that it was the democrats only option and there is nothing illegal about it. I don't see why one who wanted to defend this gross tactic by the GOP couldn't say the same.

This is one beautiful of those "only my side can be shameless" moments that I follow politics for. Especially since this something the Democrats have done within the past handful of election cycles.

Two party politics is the best!


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
eznark said:
There is also a big difference between filibustering a bill and fleeing the state to avoid quorum. The justification for fleeing the state was that it was the democrats only option and there is nothing illegal about it. I don't see why one who wanted to defend this gross tactic by the GOP couldn't say the same.

This is one beautiful of those "only my side can be shameless" moments that I follow politics for. Especially since this something the Democrats have done within the past handful of election cycles.

Two party politics is the best!
They're both legal so they're both equal!


demon said:
They're both legal so they're both equal!

I can only hope that your inability to comprehend my post was willful. I'd hate to think a fairly prolific poster here was that dense.

The tacttics are similar in that the are both somewhat out of the political norm and both parties engage in them (well, the GOP hasn't fled the state but I have no doubt they will if faced with similar circumstances). That fake candidate are legal was a tangential point made relevant only by the fact that I think it some states it's actually prohibited (either explicitly or via party registration voting requirements).
Evlar said:
Supremes shot down the Wal-Mart sex discrimination class-action suit. Details still incoming.
I hope that the ruling was limited in scope. The argument for treating all those women as a class was a little shaky, but I'm thinking the unanimity of the ruling indicates that that's all the decision reflects.


Perry is entering, which essentially destroys every other "core" candidate. Once he officially enters it becomes a two man race. Perry v. Romney.
eznark said:
Perry is entering, which essentially destroys every other "core" candidate. Once he officially enters it becomes a two man race. Perry v. Romney.
What bothers me about that is that Perry's record isn't actually good. At all. But I don't expect anyone to challenge him on it. Maybe he'll think better of it and decide that running isn't worth being exposed.


Invisible_Insane said:
What bothers me about that is that Perry's record isn't actually good. At all. But I don't expect anyone to challenge him on it. Maybe he'll think better of it and decide that running isn't worth being exposed.

I'm not making a value judgement, I just think he is someone that the GOP base will love.
eznark said:
I'm not making a value judgement, I just think he is someone that the GOP base will love.

can't argue with you there. The GOP base responds well to strong personalities and bombast, which Perry has in spades.

I don't think Romney does at ALL, so this will be highly entertaining.


RustyNails said:
How so? I thought Perry wasn't as completely batshit as Bachmann or Herman Cain.

Well right now, Romney is coasting because he doesn't need to do anything really and all the minor candidates will kill each other off. Perry might solidify that crazy support behind him, forcing Romney to actually do something.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
eznark said:
There is also a big difference between filibustering a bill and fleeing the state to avoid quorum. The justification for fleeing the state was that it was the democrats only option and there is nothing illegal about it. I don't see why one who wanted to defend this gross tactic by the GOP couldn't say the same.

This is one beautiful of those "only my side can be shameless" moments that I follow politics for. Especially since this something the Democrats have done within the past handful of election cycles.

Two party politics is the best!

Of course there is a difference between an actual filibuster and fleeing in order to stop a quorum... but you can't equate that and setting up fake candidates. They are two completely different things... and it's disgusting no matter what side does it. Don't assume I wouldn't find it repugnant of the Democrats for doing something similar.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Invisible_Insane said:
What bothers me about that is that Perry's record isn't actually good. At all. But I don't expect anyone to challenge him on it. Maybe he'll think better of it and decide that running isn't worth being exposed.

Romney will take him to task on it, I believe.


quadriplegicjon said:
Of course there is a difference between an actual filibuster and fleeing in order to stop a quorum... but you can't equate that and setting up fake candidates. They are two completely different things... and it's disgusting no matter what side does it. Don't assume I wouldn't find it repugnant of the Democrats for doing something similar.

To me they are the same in that they are both shitty and cowardly (and break no rules or law) tactics of last resort made possible by partisans who will defend anything their party attempts as long as it furthers their agenda.
Perry entering could knock the wind out of Bachman's sails. I thought she looked good at the debate, but the praise she's receiving is quite puzzling; she didn't look crazy which is a feat in of itself, but most of her answers were Cain-esque talking points or crowd red meat.

She'll probably still win Iowa, but Perry could challenge SC if he gets in soon. Or he could be another Wesley Snipes/Fred Thompson: the late entry who entered with all the hype and didn't deliver.
Plinko said:
Romney will take him to task on it, I believe.
Does he really want to go there? I've heard claims that his record as governor isn't really all that strong to begin with; it might be in his interest not to go after Perry on that point.


polyh3dron said:
God dammit Rick Perry, you're going to ruin my dreams of a Bachmann nomination by splitting the crazy vote.

What's crazy about Perry? (I'm really asking, I don't know a ton about him other than litmus-test conservatives seem to like him).

Don't say the secession thing since he never really said he wanted Texas to secede, just said it was a possibility if the country keeps going to shit.
eznark said:
What's crazy about Perry? (I'm really asking, I don't know a ton about him other than litmus-test conservatives seem to like him).

Don't say the secession thing since he never really said he wanted Texas to secede, just said it was a possibility if the country keeps going to shit.

He's committed murder, for one. If you care about that kind of thing.

Perry might well be the stupidest man alive, and I say that without hyperbole. Nothing about him is not crazy.


eznark said:
What's crazy about Perry? (I'm really asking, I don't know a ton about him other than litmus-test conservatives seem to like him).

Don't say the secession thing since he never really said he wanted Texas to secede, just said it was a possibility if the country keeps going to shit.

The only real problems the Republican base is going to have with Perry is his controversial call on the HPV vaccine and the Trans Texas Corridor -- an enormous failure that was designed as one of the biggest government land-grabs, ever. I don't think either of them is going to cause him too much difficulty with the base.

In nearly every other aspect, he's in lock-step with the base. Of course, the rumor in Texas, for decades now, is that he's secretly gay. But if it hasn't managed to surface in his tenure as Lt. Governor and Governor, I doubt it will.

From a Democratic perspective, he's an unholy nightmare, but the base likes him just fine, and more importantly, the money-men absolutely fucking love him.
empty vessel said:
He's committed murder, for one. If you care about that kind of thing.

Perry might well be the stupidest man alive, and I say that without hyperbole. Nothing about him is not crazy.
Come on EV. More than Palin or Michelle?
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