Novid said:
Ok then, how you gonna make them middle class?
-Implement an actually sane tax policy where people are making 500k+ pay 40% in income taxes and 35% in capital gains.
-Invest in infrastructure, renewable energy to create more jobs.
-Implement universal health care to save us a ton of money and gain better health care.
-Legalize weed and tax the hell out of it. Decriminalize drugs so we can get those people out of prison and reduce drug cops, DEA, and legal fees wasted on prosecuting drug users.
- Actually support education, especially college education so that it doesnt put the student in severe debt or force the parents to take out a second mortgage
Universal health care, decriminalizing drugs and taxing should give the govt enough money to fund those infrastructure improvements and increased education funding
What this does is that it gives the middle class more money back through not having to pay such absurd health care costs or college tuition costs, and with that money actually freed up, they can actually buy more shit, which stimulates our economy, grows more jobs, makes the rich more wealthy, etc. Yes, the middle class buying more crap creates jobs, Supply side economics just gives us more debt..
Will that stop people from being poor? Of course not, but with universal health care and cheap college tuition, they will have a better chance of succeeding than they do now