APKmetsfan said:How would you pay for all your government programs you want if there wasn't enough workers?
APKmetsfan said:How would you pay for all your government programs you want if there wasn't enough workers?
In my experience, Trump is synonymous with competent financial stewardship.ToxicAdam said:Yeah!
AlteredBeast said:Man, jamessinclair and I could not be farther in political beliefs, it is nuts.
No matter what, even non-religious people in America always carry with them the religious baggage of a religious society, abortion will always be seen as an evil from day one from a great portion of Americans. What you need to do is end religious belief, which you would probably enjoy, abortion would come natural after that. Drive-thru abortions! 9 abortions and the 10th is free!
Wouldn't want anymore leeches on society running around. Won't some one think of the children and abort more babies?!!?!
APKmetsfan said:How would you pay for all your government programs you want if there wasn't enough workers?
An abortion is not insignificant. Not even pro choice supporters should think that. Its disgusting to see people just wantonly want more abortions. Its a tough and personal choice.
Well first, they should be using birth control properly.AlteredBeast said:On having tons of kids and being a big burden on the government and taxpayers:
I am the youngest of 10 kids. My parents never made more than 30,000 combined in a year while all 10 of us were still at home but we never received a dime of welfare, medicare, etc. My parents worked hard and we sacrificed. It is sad that people see no other way but to either hold out their hand or abort their baby. Grow a pair and work. This was an age before all the thousands of dollars that parents could get for having kids under 18 in the household. I don't remember hearing about how miserable people were and how they all suffered in the 70's and 80's before the age of huge tax credits for kids...perhaps it is for that reason that I hate the fact that everybody is so reliant on the government to live their day to day lives. The people with tons of kids that refuse to support them with handwork and self-reliance are irresponsible, plain and simple. What did all of these impoverished people do back in the 50's and 60's? Did the war on poverty do anything at anytime in it's history or is it a bigger joke than the war on drugs?.
AlteredBeast said:It would have to be up to professional degree, because bachelors degrees mean little right now and would mean even less if everybody had one. People need to be educated better in high school; college is less about education and more about a piece of paper (or training in the case of professional or doctoral degrees). People are graduating from high school and can't balance a check book, read a newspaper, or add fractions. That is unacceptable.
Then you have loser liberal art degrees that should be discouraged unless people want to be hobos or teachers.
I largely concur. Iraq cannot eternally rely on American troops to enforce confidence provisions and arbitrate disputes. Ultimately, these disputes must be solved by Iraq's political process. The transition will be perilous. It will be fraught with sectarian acrimony and likely violence. Moreover, a perpetual American military presence inhibits domestic reconciliation. It is imperative they resolve these disputes. Yet Iraq's government can shirk its responsibility because it realizes American troops will resolve the issue. Additionally, if Iraq's constitutional framework proves incapable of resolving these issues, then our efforts are futile. It is high time Iraq resolves these issues.planar1280 said:i think it is safe to say that it is OK for us to cut and run from Iraq and just say to hell with it we need to get rid of these 2 black holes in Iraq and Afghanistan. That should itself save 4 trillion dollars in 10 years.
Skiptastic said:PS. I also find jamesinclair's baby rants funny given the fact that I'm reading a book right now (The Next 100 Years) which talks about a labor shortage in the US in about ten to twenty years. The dichotomy is humorous.
ivedoneyourmom said:jamesinclair: Yeah, and educating people about the ramifications of having kids is a way of shrinking classroom size too. It really is a vicious cycle - lack of understanding.
I have no problem with any of that. Its the constant avocation of abortion that I disagree with. Prevention of pregnancy and family planning is very important. I am religious and disapprove of abortions, though.jamesinclair said:Yup, if you read through all my posts on the subject, I say it repeatedly, the lack of education is the problem.
Educate people on biology, on finance, on the true cost of a baby, on their choices etc...
And we'll get a much better society.
You are in deep denial on this one.AlteredBeast said:Free education as a government handout? That is about as retarded a statement as I have heard in a long time. A better comparison would have been to say that my parents had no tax burden and therefore didn't put anything in that way, while your parents were apparently unfairly taxed (as you made it sound).
AlteredBeast said:Free education as a government handout? That is about as retarded a statement as I have heard in a long time. A better comparison would have been to say that my parents had no tax burden and therefore didn't put anything in that way, while your parents were apparently unfairly taxed (as you made it sound).
I myself said too many people unneedingly get benefits, many of those affect all.
But the important thing is the fact that we weren't raised in the backwoods of Mississippi to collect as much government money as possible. We were raised to work hard and now we put in far more in taxes than we ever took out as kids. That is what is important. It shouldn't be anybody's business how many kids anyone has, just that they are raised right.
I think my idea of forced education and maintaining criteria to keep your free benefits going sounds like a good idea to me. 0 kids or 29 who cares.
moop2000 said:Your childish and impetuous response speaks volumes about your lack of understanding and the inability to actually speak without insulting people is kind of ridiculous. Of course you don't see free education as a government handout. Otherwise you and your irresponsible parents would be part of the problem that you seem to despise. But you in fact did benefit from other people's hard work and your parents took advantage of that. Once again, your parents and you and your siblings were a drain on society. You provided nothing and yet took plenty from the government handout of public education.
Gonaria said:Ouch, thats a little harsh
You can kindly fack off.moop2000 said:Your childish and impetuous response speaks volumes about your lack of understanding and the inability to actually speak without insulting people is kind of ridiculous. Of course you don't see free education as a government handout. Otherwise you and your irresponsible parents would be part of the problem that you seem to despise. But you in fact did benefit from other people's hard work and your parents took advantage of that. Once again, your parents and you and your siblings were a drain on society. You provided nothing and yet took plenty from the government handout of public education.
RustyNails said:You can kindly fack off.
AlteredBeast said:Free Healthcare as a government handout? That is about as retarded a statement as I have heard in a long time.
quadriplegicjon said:I wish this was the thought process of people in America.
Indeed . . . such 'socialized' government spending *is* an investment. It is better for the community and pitch in to make sure all the kids are educated even if they are paying for other kids education because it will make the economy stronger for everyone.AlteredBeast said:Investment, not drain. That is what I am saying. Had we all been lazy turds i would agree with you, but we are now doing the subsidizing in our own communities. We did own a house and paid property taxes, though, so I wouldn't say all 10 of us were robbing our neighbors, more like 8 of us or so.
I do love the " provided nothing" comment, though. Damn, make us sound like thieves! I have worked since I was 8!![]()
speculawyer said:Indeed . . . such 'socialized' government spending *is* an investment. It is better for the community and pitch in to make sure all the kids are educated even if they are paying for other kids education because it will make the economy stronger for everyone.
Public education really is a good example where "socialism" works. And even libertarians pretty much have no problem supporting it . . . granted they would rather have the government hand out vouchers that can be used to pay for private school, by & large they do not dispute that all children should get an education that is paid for by the government (that is paid for with taxes).
Indeed. That and the fact that true low income people who want to go to school will probably qualify for pell grants and go to school Scott free. I should know, my first year of college was paid for this way when I was working at target!speculawyer said:Indeed . . . such 'socialized' government spending *is* an investment. It is better for the community and pitch in to make sure all the kids are educated even if they are paying for other kids education because it will make the economy stronger for everyone.
Public education really is a good example where "socialism" works. And even libertarians pretty much have no problem supporting it . . . granted they would rather have the government hand out vouchers that can be used to pay for private school, by & large they do not dispute that all children should get an education that is paid for by the government (that is paid for with taxes).
The voucher systems are a church/state separation quagmire.SlipperySlope said:I agree with the voucher system. Need to get private and public systems on a more level playing field, financially.
SlipperySlope said:Need to get private and public systems on a more level playing field, financially.
It wouldn't be a matter of a private businesses needing the handout or even gettingmit, it would be for the student to take their education to a private school. The handout would be for the child...FLEABttn said:![]()
Yes, nothing quite like a government handout for private industry, to make sure they can compete.
An unreasoned response is precisely the one you're throwing against posters without any semblance of substance and understanding of reality. You sound like you just took a crash course in liberalism and are way too trigger happy to test your theories on people who you don't know anything about. Why do people fuck so much? It's a question that bewildered ancient Sumerians and modern day thinkers, but the general idea is that in many societies, children are seen as dependable fixtures of social securities. Especially if they live in environment that has shorter life spans, or they might just prefer their children over government handouts. In 3rd world countries, children are used as extra-hands in farms, factories and auto repair shops, meaning extra income for the household. Many people don't have enough education about family planning, abortions, pills, etc. Many immigrants from poorer countries also fall into this category. There are many, many reasons, most up for debate. But there's absolutely no reason to get into a personal screed with someone in order to prove whatever your point is, and your attitude is precisely the elitist attitude that Limbaugh, Hannity and other fuckwits yell about in radio. I'm pretty sure they don't know such stereotypical people actually exist, yet you would be their typical poster boy. "why do you have 10 siblings? why do your parents like to make babies so much?" Pretty sure every family has its reasons and some excuses, but that's no way to start a convo. I severely dislike extreme left equally as much as extreme right. They should be thrown into a caged gladiatorial combat, if I had my way.moop2000 said:Here's another unreasoned response. Seriously? That's what you bring to the table?
I am shocked beyond belief!SlipperySlope said:I agree with the voucher system.
AlteredBeast said:It wouldn't be a matter of a private businesses needing the handout or even gettingmit, it would be for the student to take their education to a private school. The handout would be for the child...
That describes most Americans except they often don't admit to accepting it even though they do.moop2000 said:I don't get how someone who lambasts social welfare admits to accepting it and sees no problem with this. It's mind boggling.
speculawyer said:The voucher systems are a church/state separation quagmire.
And unless you live in a dense city area, it makes little sense having multiple schools because there are not enough kids. (Unless you start transporting the kids longer distances but that is pretty stupid since it is waste of time and the price of oil is on an upward march.)
RustyNails said:An unreasoned response is precisely the one you're throwing against posters without any semblance of substance and understanding of reality. You sound like you just took a crash course in liberalism and are way too trigger happy to test your theories on people who you don't know anything about. Why do people fuck so much? It's a question that bewildered ancient Sumerians and modern day thinkers, but the general idea is that in many societies, children are seen as dependable fixtures of social securities. Especially if they live in environment that has shorter life spans, or they might just prefer their children over government handouts. In 3rd world countries, children are used as extra-hands in farms, factories and auto repair shops, meaning extra income for the household. Many people don't have enough education about family planning, abortions, pills, etc. Many immigrants from poorer countries also fall into this category. There are many, many reasons, most up for debate. But there's absolutely no reason to get into a personal screed with someone in order to prove whatever your point is, and your attitude is precisely the elitist attitude that Limbaugh, Hannity and other fuckwits yell about in radio. I'm pretty sure they don't know such stereotypical people actually exist, yet you would be their typical poster boy. "why do you have 10 siblings? why do your parents like to make babies so much?" Pretty sure every family has its reasons and some excuses, but that's no way to start a convo. I severely dislike extreme left equally as much as extreme right. They should be thrown into a caged gladiatorial combat, if I had my way.
speculawyer said:That describes most Americans except they often don't admit to accepting it even though they do.
(and if you point out that they do they kick you out of their house. ;-) )
Gonaria said:Yea, I think the voucher system is a very short-sighted idea. Instead of giving parents and students the option to flee crappy school districts we should be making those school districts better. I mean, there is no way every kid can flee from a crappy school district.
To actually accomplish that though, I think the first thing we need to do is take school funding away from the local level and bring it up to the state. Every kid attending public school should receive the same dollar amount worth of education. Personally, I find it pretty ridiculous that some high schools in Texas have 10 million dollar football stadiums while others can barely afford proper materials, have insanely crowded classrooms and work in old, run-down buildings.
This is public school, a rich kid shouldnt get a better public education just because his parents are richer. That is for private schools.
moop2000 said:How did I personally attack him? How was my response unreasoned? You can't legitimately answer these questions so you tell me to "fack off". And then you spew some bullshit about fucking and third world ideals of having children? I also never stated that his parents shouldn't have that many children. I asked why they did and the question wasn't answered. I am fucking liberal and wear it as a badge of honor just like you wear your supposed centrism as one. This screed you posted reeks of bullshit and evasion and your elitism about where you stand is just as much a pile of shit as the next. But you can't see that either because you are above it all, aren't you? Fucking pathetic.
RustyNails said:I'd like to punctuate this debt conversation with Two Santa Claus Theory, hatched deep within the mind of a conservative political thinker.
Gonaria said:You were needlessly harsh. You called his parents irresponsible drains on society, and him, when he was their dependent, as well. I'd call that a personal attack. Seriously, tone it done a bit. Your posts in this topic are much too confrontational and abrasive.
moop2000 said:So, I'm kind of lost on the whole issue where it's okay that your parents made worthless livings and my parents didn't
moop2000 said:So, it's okay that he says my response is retarded which implies it as worthless and wrong and I point out the hard truth and that's wrong? You make no sense. They were irresponsible and drains on society which fits his generalization of welfare recipients and yet it's too harsh? Seriously?
Salazar said:If you think this was acceptable, you will go the way of other unlamented Poli-GAF bullies.
SlipperySlope said:Edit - I see zero downsides to the voucher system. Only upsides. No idea why democrats are so against a little competition in public schools.
That way you can leave the ESL students, the poor students, and the mentally handicapped in the rickety public school and the other kids can escape their Harrison Bugeroneqsue hell.Gonaria said:I see a definite downside. Those schools that the students are fleeing will remain abandoned shit holes and the students who are stuck there will suffer for it. Unless you think we should just create a bunch of new schools, but what is exactly the point of that? Seems like a waste of money. Better to just take funding up to the state level and fund public schools properly.
Yeah . . . that constitution . . . it is "just a piece of paper". Just toss it aside and let the government start funding religion. Great plan.SlipperySlope said:And finally, separation of church and state. I frankly find the education of our children to be a little more important than that issue. And the school wouldn't be getting the money directly anyway. It would be funneled to the child, for the parents to put towards the school of their choosing.
Edit - I see zero downsides to the voucher system. Only upsides. No idea why democrats are so against a little competition in public schools.
Salazar said:If you see the education of ANY child as a "drain on society", then we have no common conversational territory and I leave you to your puerile rage.
Which I am inclined to do in any case, because your tone is all fucked up.