Stumpokapow said:
Talked to some other mods who figured it'd be best to merge in the thread "Spending under 2 presidents" into PoliGAF. Sorry for any confusion.
New faces always welcome.
On the California thing. I've calmed down a little. Several games of electronic pinball and an hour of swimming with children.
My frustration is largely based on the wasted opportunity. Instead of doing the rational thing, which is send electoral votes based on the actual percentage of votes received in the state, they've done this thing.
Proportional voting takes care of people's biggest gripe about the electoral college, which is its lack of representation for what the people actually voted. It also fixes the issue of politicians not campaigning in all the states, and lessens the potential for faithless electors.
This thing sort of takes care of the campaigning issue, while it trades away the representation issue, and increases the likelihood of faithless electors. The day that California's largely Democratic electors have to cast their vote for a Republican based on the popular vote is the day you're going to see an explosion of faithless electors. Although, technically, they'd be faithless electors if they didn't cast their votes according to the state vote.
What's more, this is going to hose traditional coverage of elections (not entirely a bad thing, granted.) Imagine a close race. Now imagine that North Dakota is taking a long time to get their popular vote counted. The whole country will have to wait, because so many states will be tied to the popular vote.
For me, this is like watching a friend who has a broken car, and I know it's the alternator, and yet he's replacing the water pump.
Jonm1010 said:
I feel like Obama and democrats best friends right now are republicans. Give them the rope and let them hang themselves with the crazy. Ohio, Wisconsin, MI, the debt ceiling debate, the complete aversion to tax increases on the rich, no job bills to point too.
I said this when the Republicans won the House. Give Republicans power and they overreach and destroy themselves. Give Democrats power and they argue amongst themselves and squander their opportunities. It's an old, old story.