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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Bishman said:
After I watched the Republican debate, I told myself - Obama has the election in '12 wrapped in a bag. Who ever wins the nomination, will be too far to the right. Independents will stick with Obama.

Perry Bachmann

Bachmann Perry

combos won't fix it?

Perry seems like a clone of GW without the learning disability, that is fucking scary.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
If it's down to Romney/Perry/Bachmann I could see a scenario where the candidate that wins the nomination can't fake being a centrist enough to woo independents in the general election. With those three it's going to truly be a matter of who can out-crazy the others to win over the conservative base.


Rick Perry to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 35%

Mitt Romney to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 30.5%

Sarah Palin to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 6.5%

Michele Bachmann to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 6.5%

Jon Huntsman to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 7%

Ron Paul to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 4.6%

Rudy Giuliani to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 1.9%

Newt Gingrich to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 1.2%

Deku said:
Perry Bachmann

Bachmann Perry

combos won't fix it?

Perry seems like a clone of GW without the learning disability, that is fucking scary.

The thing is, while he doesn't visibly display his general ignorance and idiocy by stumbling over phrases and poor rhetorical skills as Bush did, if you actually listen and analyze what Perry says he is clearly less intelligent than Bush.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Mortrialus said:
The thing is, while he doesn't visibly display his general ignorance and idiocy by stumbling over phrases and poor rhetorical skills as Bush did, if you actually listen and analyze what Perry says he is clearly less intelligent than Bush.

Perry is like a stereotype of the average American student: lackluster in every category except for confidence. He's a proud idiot.


Bishman said:
Rick Perry to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 35%

Mitt Romney to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 30.5%

Sarah Palin to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 6.5%

Michele Bachmann to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 6.5%

Jon Huntsman to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 7%

Ron Paul to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 4.6%

Rudy Giuliani to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 1.9%

Newt Gingrich to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 1.2%


here's one of the top betting sites



Pretty sure if Bush votes he'll vote for Obama.

Bush probably doesn't like the Republicans actually. He was very much a control freak and was greatly undermined in his position by Cheney. He probably considered the Republican party a tool, not his party. I think we never knew the real Bush, who was probably a lot more like his father than like Cheney. No doubt a terrible president, but I think his term was more about the people around him than about himself.

DOO13ER said:
If it's down to Romney/Perry/Bachmann I could see a scenario where the candidate that wins the nomination can't fake being a centrist enough to woo independents in the general election. With those three it's going to truly be a matter of who can out-crazy the others to win over the conservative base.

I think Romney won't play that game for long. The guy knows if that's the road to take he'll lose it, so he'll prefer to play the moderate all the way even if it means he loses.


Neo Member
Ron Paul is the only sane Republican that I've even consider voting for. He is a very smart guy and I agree with a lot of his policies.

He isn't crazy/stupid enough to win the Republican nomination unfortunately. I think that either Mrs. Pray the gay away or Mr. Pray for rain will win it.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
ViolentJ317 said:
Ron Paul is the only sane Republican that I've even consider voting for. He is a very smart guy and I agree with a lot of his policies.

He isn't crazy/stupid enough to win the Republican nomination unfortunately. I think that either Mrs. Pray the gay away or Mr. Pray for rain will win it.

I don't know whether I'd call his ideas sane, but he is politically consistent. Not that I think that is as valuable a trait as many say.


vcassano1 said:
I don't know whether I'd call his ideas sane, but he is politically consistent. Not that I think that is as valuable a trait as many say.
Compared to the rest of the right, he is sane.


mj1108 said:
Compared to the rest of the right, he is sane.

His policies would still totally fuck over our economy. The only benefit of having Ron Paul as president over the other republican loons is that at least he won't try to ram another patriot bill or some bullshit isp tracking law down our throats


Neo Member
vcassano1 said:
I don't know whether I'd call his ideas sane, but he is politically consistent. Not that I think that is as valuable a trait as many say.

He is definitely the most level headed and consistent. I don't agree with all of his ideas....But most of the time I've heard him speak I've find myself nodding my head in agreement with what he is saying, and that's a hell of lot more then I can say about these other candidates.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
worldrunover said:
He's different, he's not sane. Abolishing the fed and going back to the gold standard is not "sane" by any definition of the word.

Abolishing the Fed might be a good idea though. While it's limited in power, it has very little oversight. Why was the Fed even created? I heard it was some sort of scam, but it's a topic I need to look into. It just seems like a shady organization. What I do know is Greenspan's Ayn Rand attitude of removing government regulation was a cause of the financial crisis.


mj1108 said:
Compared to the rest of the right, he is sane.

For every great, sane idea Paul has, he has two horrible, insane ideas.

I kind of wish all the people hopping on Paul's bandwagon would just rally around some of his good ideas instead of the man himself, who, to put it nicely, is a very mixed bag.
i pray to the gods that Newt wins the nom and picks Bachman as the running mate. The amount of lulz that will stem from this duo.....omg, it will be too fuckin entertaining


Setec Astronomer
A Human Becoming said:
Abolishing the Fed might be a good idea though. While it's limited in power, it has very little oversight. Why was the Fed even created? I heard it was some sort of scam, but it's a topic I need to look into. It just seems like a shady organization. What I do know is Greenspan's Ayn Rand attitude of removing government regulation was a cause of the financial crisis.
Look up "Knickerbocker Trust".
ViolentJ317 said:
Ron Paul is the only sane Republican that I've even consider voting for. He is a very smart guy and I agree with a lot of his policies.

He isn't crazy/stupid enough to win the Republican nomination unfortunately. I think that either Mrs. Pray the gay away or Mr. Pray for rain will win it.
Yeah, I don't even think Business Owners want a Libertarian near the White House.


TacticalFox88 said:
Yeah, I don't even think Business Owners want a Libertarian near the White House.

I think they would. All of his crazy ideas would have no way of passing congress, and he would rubber stamp any bill that has spending and tax cuts in it


It doesn't really matter whether you like his policies or not, most of them won't get pass Congress anyways , but he's the only candidate that will bring all our troops home and that's a power he will have as president. That alone will save trillions.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Bishman said:
Rick Perry to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 35%

Mitt Romney to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 30.5%

Sarah Palin to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 6.5%

Michele Bachmann to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 6.5%

Jon Huntsman to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 7%

Ron Paul to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 4.6%

Rudy Giuliani to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 1.9%

Newt Gingrich to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 - 1.2%


Some good money could be made on that Giuliani chance. He still polls incredibly well and would poll even better this time. If only his campaign choices weren't so horrible.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
"While protecting tax breaks for the wealthy and big oil while proposing to end Medicare, slash Social Security and pile additional burdens on the middle class might win plaudits with the Tea Party, it's not remotely what the American people are looking for," Democratic National Committee Communications Director Brad Woodhouse said in a statement Sunday after Tim Pawlenty dropped out of the race.

"In a Republican field that has already pledged allegiance to the Tea Party and failed to present any plan that will benefit the middle class or create the jobs America needs to win the future, Governor Perry offers more of the same," Obama campaign spokesman Ban LaBolt said Saturday after Texas Gov. Rick Perry jumped into the race.

Source: Foxnews.com

You know, it's great that campaign spokespeople are saying this but Obama needs to be the guy shouting this from the rooftops starting NOW. Polls show the public is clearly against the GOP plan for this country. Obama just needs to take advantage of that.



His worst yet.

Meanwhile the nuttiest group of Republicans ever running for President are starting to present themselves as the alternative.

Please, Obama, figure out a way to get re-elected. :|


Canova said:
Watching Michele now, ...wow looks like the next US president is gonna be a hot MILF

*blech* Sorry I just vomited a bit in my mouth.

A Human Becoming: Going back to a gold standard is pretty silly anyway, the value of gold is pretty arbitrary due to technological advancements in the past few thousand years, and due to the fact that there aren't many governments buying it up to use to ornament their aristocracy and their architecture. It's actually quite amazing to me that modern people still buy into it just because it is shiny/pretty.
"While protecting tax breaks for the wealthy and big oil while proposing to end Medicare, slash Social Security and pile additional burdens on the middle class might win plaudits with the Tea Party, it's not remotely what the American people are looking for," Democratic National Committee Communications Director Brad Woodhouse said in a statement Sunday after Tim Pawlenty dropped out of the race.

"In a Republican field that has already pledged allegiance to the Tea Party and failed to present any plan that will benefit the middle class or create the jobs America needs to win the future, Governor Perry offers more of the same," Obama campaign spokesman Ban LaBolt said Saturday after Texas Gov. Rick Perry jumped into the race.

That's rich, given that Obama administration officials just went on record with the New York Times saying that's exactly what Obama wants to do in his second term. Well, not exactly, but close enough.
Deku said:
Perry Bachmann

Bachmann Perry

combos won't fix it?

Perry seems like a clone of GW without the learning disability, that is fucking scary.
Apparently you didn't see the stories about his academic career at A&M.
cartoon_soldier said:
Ok seriously, Fuck You Rick Perry. This is just disgusting:

"One of the reasons that I’m running for president is I want to make sure that every young man and woman who puts on the uniform of the United States respects highly the president of the United States," he said.


Wow. I'm not sure if I should be more disgusted by that slap at the current president or his own massive arrogance at expecting to be "respected highly".
Canova said:
Watching Michele now, ...wow looks like the next US president is gonna be a hot MILF

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