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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Black Republican said:
didnt lawrence o'donnell swear up and down tim pawlenty would win the gop nomination too?

A lot of Democrats have been convinced that a nice moderate would win, whether it was Huntsman or TPaw. It's a mix of wishful thinking and a misunderstanding regarding who votes in primaries.
On one hand I am loving Bachmans rise to serious Republican nominee but on the other hand I am somewhat concerned since crazier things have happened than her getting the nomination and winning the general. Is it likely? Of course not. But you never know...
Jackson50 said:
No. Irrespective of the unlikelihood of everything progressing smoothly, Libya will encounter onerous, intractable problems. The slow, protracted civil war has decimated their country. Moreover, our involvement has only begun. While we may avoid contributing forces to a peacekeeping mission, we will fund such an endeavor. I hope the situation improves rapidly, but I do not foresee it.
How closely have you been monitoring the situation on ground? I've been reading every tweet from NATO, Aljazeera, Reuters, AP and tweets from rebel commanders/foot soldiers. For the past 3 months, NATO has been holding up rebel advance until last week when the stalemate ended. Rebels launched a 3-pronged offensive, surrounding the lifelines of Tripoli. Rebels just yesterday captured the gates of Zawiya and are advancing to the center as we speak while coming under heavy sniper fire. As they predicted, they got popular support from Zawiya residents. Tweets are just coming in that the Port city of Surman has fallen completely to rebel hands
More on the fighting in Surman from the Reuters news agency:

"The revolutionaries today entered the centre of Surman. They are now in full control of the town. There is no fighting
there now," Abdulrahman, a rebel spokesman, told Reuters via telephone from the town of Zintan.
The third front of the assault is in Gharyan, where the most intensive battles took place and where dozens and dozens of rebel soldiers died. I think it's the only city where battle has been indecisive so far, but in a day or two everything should be clear.

As for decimating the country, yes. Gaddafi loyalists have bombarded Misrata, Brega and Ajdabiya, turning many of them into ghost towns. But freedom has been sweet for some. For example, the Berber community is returning in form. We will see more forms of cultural expressions as the wall of fear is dismantled brick by brick.


Bishman said:
University of Houston?

Yup. Texas really needs more tier one institutions if it wants to be the "Silicon Valley" of the South, like Rick Perry loves to talk about.

UH needs to focus on rebalancing its cost/benefit ratio for its degrees. Even before the recession mess hit they steadily hiked tuition every semester since I started there in Spring 05.

This as ewll. I started in 09 but my tuition has gone up every semester.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Gary Whitta said:
Anyone think Giuliani is going to come in? Right now he's the only one who beats Obama in a poll matchup.
the idiocy of Guiliani's first failed campaign was that he thought he could avoid the early primaries and just ride a wave of victories on name alone. it didn't work then, and won't work now.
So T-Paw is out, eh? I bet Cenk Uygur is having a good laugh right now.

Though it's nice to see a candidate not waste all their suppoter's time and money when they know they're finished.

Vestal said:
How can anyone right now take Bachman seriously?

Guys seriously the only two Republicans with any shot at the nomination are Romney and Perry... A CATACLYSM of massive proportions would have to occur for Bachman to win the nomination.. I believe there are still enough sane republican voters that would not allow Bachman to get the Nomination.

Yes Bachmann doesn't stand a chance herself , but right now she's the one thing that's standing in the way for Rick Perry to win the nomination. Rick Perry HAS to kill Bachmann before the South Carolina primary. As long as Rick Perry and Bachmann are splitting each other's votes, Romney will remain competitive through the South in the primaries. Mittens has the midwestern states on lockdown but those don't come into play until later in the primary season.

Rick Perry has a strong chance of becoming the nominee but his sole goal for the next 12-16 months should be to quash Backmann before the Iowa caucuses. Otherwise she might try to hang on like Hukabee if she wins Iowa.
Oh, Bachmann, you so crazy

Right now, 14 million unemployed Americans are struggling to make ends meet. 44.4 percent of these Americans have been struggling without a job for six months or more. While Republican lawmakers continually put off their “jobs” agenda, many of these Americans receive much needed financial support from the federal unemployment benefits program. These benefits, unfortunately, will expire at the end of 2011.

GOP presidential frontrunner Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has been touting a “jobs” candidacy and emphatically insists that she could spur some economic recovery within the first three months of her presidency, if “not the whole turnaround.” Her powerhouse plan? Fire Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, repeal “Obamacare,” and cut taxes for the wealthy. Indeed, today on NBC’s Meet The Press, Bachmann reiterated that, to ensure “job creation,” Congress needs to cut the coporate tax rate from 34 percent to “something that is far more competitive.” But when asked whether extending the much-needed jobless benefits is part of her jobs agenda, Bachmann flatly rejected the idea. “Frankly we don’t have the money,” she said:

BACHMANN: I think we need to focus on more than anything is, what will lead to job creation. And what will lead to job creation is taking the United States down from about the top corporate tax rate in the world at 34 percent down to something that is far more competitive.

GREGORY: What about extending jobless benefits for people who are out of work. Do you think that’s a necessary step?

BACHMANN: I think it would be very difficult for us to do because we frankly don’t have the money. That’s the bottom line in the United States. We are now, according to Mark Stein, he wrote a book called “After America,” and in his book he says we are the brokest [SIC] nation history. He said we have gone from the biggest creditor nation to the biggest debtor nation in a very short period of time.

GREGORY: So no on extending jobless benefits.
BACHMANN: Right now I don’t think we can afford it.

This woman frightens me with her ignorance


Junior Member
The Chosen One said:
So T-Paw is out, eh? I bet Cenk Uygur is having a good laugh right now.

Though it's nice to see a candidate not waste all their suppoter's time and money when they know they're finished.

Yes Bachmann doesn't stand a chance herself , but right now she's the one thing that's standing in the way for Rick Perry to win the nomination. Rick Perry HAS to kill Bachmann before the South Carolina primary. As long as Rick Perry and Bachmann are splitting each other's votes, Romney will remain competitive through the South in the primaries. Mittens has the midwestern states on lockdown but those don't come into play until later in the primary season.

Rick Perry has a strong chance of becoming the nominee but his sole goal for the next 12-16 months should be to quash Backmann before the Iowa caucuses. Otherwise she might try to hang on like Hukabee if she wins Iowa.

Problem is, like Chuck Todd pointed out(I know he has fallen from grace but made a good point) that both Mitts and Perry will have to go soo far to the right, and if this is not decided till june that they will have little to NO time to correct course in a General Election..

Perry is pure Poison for the Republicans as far as the WH goes. He is electable in the Primaries but he is a very POOR General Election candidate.

Honestly Perry joining the fight, and Bachman winning yesterday is the perfect storm that Democrats wanted. Because of Perry Romney will have to get into the mud, and swing to the right further than he has... So the only candidate with a possibility of beating Obama(Romney) has to go so far right that it will be impossible to come back center...
The Chosen One said:
Yes Bachmann doesn't stand a chance herself , but right now she's the one thing that's standing in the way for Rick Perry to win the nomination. Rick Perry HAS to kill Bachmann before the South Carolina primary. As long as Rick Perry and Bachmann are splitting each other's votes, Romney will remain competitive through the South in the primaries. Mittens has the midwestern states on lockdown but those don't come into play until later in the primary season.

Holy shit I can't believe I'm supporting Michele Bachmann.


I guess it's due to the fact that whenever I see Rick Perry it makes me have a gag reflex


I wonder what's best: that Perry becomes the sole likely candidate sooner, or later.


Junior Member
RustyNails said:

Holy shit I can't believe I'm supporting Michele Bachmann.


I guess it's due to the fact that whenever I see Rick Perry it makes me have a gag reflex

Either Perry or Bachman is a god send for Obama.. Mitts is the only one that stands a real chance of beating Obama.. But the further Mitts has to go towards the right the less chances he has..

Lets not kid ourselves, a hard right message will not win you the WH.


Junior Member
Ether_Snake said:
I wonder what's best: that Perry becomes the sole likely candidate sooner, or later.

For Democrats?? The later.. The more they have to fight in the far right, the harder it will be for them to recenter for the General Election..


TacticalFox88 said:
Oh, Bachmann, you so crazy

This woman frightens me with her ignorance

Sadly, every teatard who is currently unemployed would still vote for her if given the chance.

Vestal said:
Either Perry or Bachman is a god send for Obama.. Mitts is the only one that stands a real chance of beating Obama.. But the further Mitts has to go towards the right the less chances he has..

Lets not kid ourselves, a hard right message will not win you the WH.

A moderate Republican that can grab independents might be able to beat Obama. Unfortunately anyone who's considered a moderate Republican is pretty much on the left now since many have moved so far right it's ridiculous. Plus anyone who could be considered 'moderate' gets kicked off to the side and drowned out by the crazy.


Jeels said:
Yup. Texas really needs more tier one institutions if it wants to be the "Silicon Valley" of the South, like Rick Perry loves to talk about.

This as ewll. I started in 09 but my tuition has gone up every semester.

'"Silicon Valley" of the South' I'm sorry, what comes from Texas aside from beef and oil? I just don't see it. Is there a bunch of consumer driven technologies being created by intellectuals there that I'm just not aware of?


cartoon_soldier said:
Democrats this time want a bruising GOP primary like they had last time.

Yep, the longer the primaries run, the more likely they'll tear chunks out of each other, and the more money they have to spend. You always want the opposing side to have a long messy primary. It's one of the reasons being an incumbent is an advantage, because it allows you to lay back while your opponents kick the shit out of each other and then drop a money-bomb when the real race starts.

Romney's trying hard not to break Reagan's 11th Commandment, but now that Perry's in it, I suspect he's going to have to get his mittens dirty.

ivedoneyourmom said:
'"Silicon Valley" of the South' I'm sorry, what comes from Texas aside from beef and oil? I just don't see it. Is there a bunch of consumer driven technologies being created by intellectuals there that I'm just not aware of?
Video games, cell phones, military planes, software companies, rockets, etc. Texas is the second largest economy and the largest international exporter in the U.S. and it's not all oil, cattle, lumber, and cotton.
besada said:
Yep, the longer the primaries run, the more likely they'll tear chunks out of each other, and the more money they have to spend. You always want the opposing side to have a long messy primary. It's one of the reasons being an incumbent is an advantage, because it allows you to lay back while your opponents kick the shit out of each other and then drop a money-bomb when the real race starts.

Romney's trying hard not to break Reagan's 11th Commandment, but now that Perry's in it, I suspect he's going to have to get his mittens dirty.
And then everyone is going to sing kumbaya when it's over endorsing the Primary winner wholeheartedly
I don't know who is scarier, Bachman or Perry. Bachman's scary in a 'I can't believe she just said that' sort of way. Perry is scary in the 'I can't believe this guy has been governor of Texas for 10 years'. Wasn't this the guy talking about secession not too long ago?

I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I'm rooting for Romney or Ron Paul (lol)to win the nomination. I'm a democrat, but I really hope Republicans don't nominate either Perry or Bachman as candidates, because the thought of either being elected is terrifying to me.


ivedoneyourmom said:
'"Silicon Valley" of the South' I'm sorry, what comes from Texas aside from beef and oil? I just don't see it. Is there a bunch of consumer driven technologies being created by intellectuals there that I'm just not aware of?

You obviously know nothing about Texas, (not saying that rudely btw) there is an entire thread where this was discussed. There are a shit ton of tech companies in Texas. (Intel, HP, Dell, Google has offices now right off the top of my head) as well lots of general engineering companies in just about every field. (Foxconn, Siemans, etc etc).


Junior Member
besada said:
Yep, the longer the primaries run, the more likely they'll tear chunks out of each other, and the more money they have to spend. You always want the opposing side to have a long messy primary. It's one of the reasons being an incumbent is an advantage, because it allows you to lay back while your opponents kick the shit out of each other and then drop a money-bomb when the real race starts.

Romney's trying hard not to break Reagan's 11th Commandment, but now that Perry's in it, I suspect he's going to have to get his mittens dirty.

There was an Interesting point raised in Meet the Press today, that I think is something we need to consider.

When Obama and Hillary went all the way in the primary, they were fighting basically in the Center they were not off in lala land on the extreme left..

Right now the Republican Primary is extreme RIGHT thanks to the tea Party.. I mean 10-1 spending to revenue ratio and all of them said no?!?!


Junior Member
TacticalFox88 said:
And then everyone is going to sing kumbaya when it's over endorsing the Primary winner wholeheartedly

It won't matter.. They will be so far to the right that they will not be able to convince Independents..

Independents win elections.


GillianSeed79 said:
I don't know who is scarier, Bachman or Perry. Bachman's scary in a 'I can't believe she just said that' sort of way. Perry is scary in the 'I can't believe this guy has been governor of Texas for 10 years'. Wasn't this the guy talking about secession not too long ago?

Yup, that was Perry who was talking about wanting to secede. God forbid, if he makes it in the general you know that will come back to bite him in the ass with independents....but the teatards/right wing will eat it up.


RustyNails said:
How closely have you been monitoring the situation on ground? I've been reading every tweet from NATO, Aljazeera, Reuters, AP and tweets from rebel commanders/foot soldiers. For the past 3 months, NATO has been holding up rebel advance until last week when the stalemate ended. Rebels launched a 3-pronged offensive, surrounding the lifelines of Tripoli. Rebels just yesterday captured the gates of Zawiya and are advancing to the center as we speak while coming under heavy sniper fire. As they predicted, they got popular support from Zawiya residents. Tweets are just coming in that the Port city of Surman has fallen completely to rebel hands
The third front of the assault is in Gharyan, where the most intensive battles took place and where dozens and dozens of rebel soldiers died. I think it's the only city where battle has been indecisive so far, but in a day or two everything should be clear.

As for decimating the country, yes. Gaddafi loyalists have bombarded Misrata, Brega and Ajdabiya, turning many of them into ghost towns. But freedom has been sweet for some. For example, the Berber community is returning in form. We will see more forms of cultural expressions as the wall of fear is dismantled brick by brick.
Closely. I do not read tweets. And I mostly discount news from rebel sources. Understandably, they have an agenda. And instant news is prone to misinformation and hyperbole. Rather, I allow the media to vet the information.
speculawyer said:
Dude. This only started in February. And the actual fighting has largely been limited to skirmishes a road that stretches from Benghazzi and Tripoli.
Considering the geography, close proximity of the major population centers, and the aid provided by NATO, it has proven protracted. And the fighting is slow. Furthermore, that road also contains major population centers and economic infrastructure. And the skirmishes have involved artillery bombardments and urban warfare. A recipe for decimation.


Jeels said:
You obviously know nothing about Texas, (not saying that rudely btw) there is an entire thread where this was discussed. There are a shit ton of tech companies in Texas. (Intel, HP, Dell, Google has offices now right off the top of my head) as well lots of general engineering companies in just about every field. (Foxconn, Siemans, etc etc).

Those are littered all throughout Arizona too IIRC, and I believe that those are all satellite campuses right?

Oregon has Intel too, but I wouldn't call Oregon "The Silicon Valley of the Pacific Northwest". While it's true I don't know a bunch about Texas, I don't know what distinguishes it from any other state technologically. What might I have in my place that was made in Texas? I've got a copy of Metroid Prime, Retro was in Texas right? That's about all I can think of.

What's the name of the thread so I can better learn about Texas?

Edit: Besada, thanks for the list.


Bachman and Perry have no chance of beating Obama. It's really just common sense, and a waste of energy to worry about any possibility of it happening
Cubsfan23 said:
Bachman and Perry have no chance of beating Obama. It's really just common sense, and a waste of energy to worry about any possibility of it happening
If Perry has no chance, then everyone is wasting their time.


TacticalFox88 said:
If Perry has no chance, then everyone is wasting their time.

Exactly. Paul would have a slight chance since he would steal some of the young vote away, but fox news seems keen on not giving him any coverage.
Cubsfan23 said:
Bachman and Perry have no chance of beating Obama. It's really just common sense, and a waste of energy to worry about any possibility of it happening

Excluding Romney, Perry has the next best chance to win and if he wins the primary he going to electrify the Christian Conservative base, giving him solid momentum. Also, the Economy is going to hurt Obama significantly. As I've said before, people blowing off Perry are drastically underestimating him.


Cubsfan23 said:
Bachman and Perry have no chance of beating Obama. It's really just common sense, and a waste of energy to worry about any possibility of it happening

Agreed on the former, not at all on the latter. First, once he's out of the primary, I'm positive Perry can make himself look more moderate. Just read some of those articles talking about how great he is at campaigning. He's going to have lots of big donors, plus this will be the first post-Citizens United presidential election. There is going to be endless, fucking endless corporate money backing him. Throw a stagnant economy and a completely impotent current president into the mix and you have President Perry a year from November.

Dude Abides

Cubsfan23 said:
Bachman and Perry have no chance of beating Obama. It's really just common sense, and a waste of energy to worry about any possibility of it happening

Sure they do. Presidential elections are largely determined by the fundamentals. Individual candidate personalities matter only at the margin.
besada said:
New primary poll out. Perry's already ahead of Bachmann and just behind Romney:

Romney 17%
Perry 15%
Giuliani 12%
Palin 12%
Paul 12%
Bachmann 7%
Gingrich 5%
Cain 4%
Huntsman 4%
Pawlenty 2%
Santorum 2%

http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2011/images/08/11/gop2012poll.pdf (PDF)

He'd probably be ahead of Romney if Palin wasn't included in the poll. Unfortunately we'll have to deal with more Palin nonsense until after the Iowa fair or whatever, in September; I doubt she'll jump in, with Perry and Bachman splitting her base.


Clevinger said:
Agreed on the former, not at all on the latter. First, once he's out of the primary, I'm positive Perry can make himself look more moderate. Just read some of those articles talking about how great he is at campaigning. He's going to have lots of big donors, plus this will be the first post-Citizens United presidential election. There is going to be endless, fucking endless corporate money backing him. Throw a stagnant economy and a completely impotent current president into the mix and you have President Perry a year from November.

hope you don't bet on it


I have a feeling Perry will get the nomination--and he will put up a good fight against Obama with Obama ultimately winning.

Romney has no charisma, and he comes off as an arrogant prick. His hard on for corporations is immense.
besada said:
New primary poll out. Perry's already ahead of Bachmann and just behind Romney:

Romney 17%
Perry 15%
Giuliani 12%
Palin 12%
Paul 12%
Bachmann 7%
Gingrich 5%
Cain 4%
Huntsman 4%
Pawlenty 2%
Santorum 2%

http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2011/images/08/11/gop2012poll.pdf (PDF)
I still wonder if/when Palin's going to make it official. So many wildcards in this elections. From the candidates, to the economy, to an unknown year till November '12.


An an article about Goodhair:
Perry, of course, can't come right out and print bumper stickers that say, "Rick Perry -- 2012 -- Not a Mormon." But he doesn't have to. He's wearing his faith like a power tie while Romney stays quiet as a tabernacle mouse on the topic of religion.

I don't agree with the final opinion, but it kicks Perry in the balls a lot, so it's worth a read.

It also includes a scary, but I think unworkable, idea: Perry/Palin 2012.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
In 2004, Bachmann told the National Education Leadership Conference that homosexuality was "part of Satan."

"If you're involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it's bondage," she declared. "Personal bondage, personal despair and personal enslavement. And that's why this is so dangerous."

"We need to have profound compassion for the people who are dealing with the very real issue of sexual dysfunction in their life, and sexual identity disorders. This is a very real issue. It's not funny, it's sad."

"That is the view President Bachmann would have of gay Americans?" NBC's David Gregory asked Bachmann Sunday.

"Well, I'm running for the presidency of the United States," Bachmann replied. "I'm not running to be anyone's judge."

"But you do judge them," Gregory noted.

"I don't judge them," Bachmann disagreed. "I am running for presidency of the United States."

"Congresswoman, do you think that anyone hears that and thinks you haven't made a judgement about gays and lesbians?" Gregory wondered.

"That's all I can tell you. I am not judging," Bachmann insisted.

The candidate added that she would be willing to appoint a gay cabinet member if they shared her views.

This fucking woman...


Junior Member
TacticalFox88 said:
I still wonder if/when Palin's going to make it official. So many wildcards in this elections. From the candidates, to the economy, to an unknown year till November '12.

Palin Jumping in pretty much means that Mitts would get the nomination. He would be the only one standing in the Center Right, while Palin/Bachman/Perry have to fight for the far right.
Vestal said:
Palin Jumping in pretty much means that Mitts would get the nomination. He would be the only one standing in the Center Right, while Palin/Bachman/Perry have to fight for the far right.
I'm not so sure. Perry can paint himself as a moderate. I may hate the guy, but I can't deny he's a master campaigner, almost on the level of Obama himself, dare I say it.


TacticalFox88 said:
I'm not so sure. Perry can paint himself as a moderate. I may hate the guy, but I can't deny he's a master campaigner, almost on the level of Obama himself, dare I say it.

Hopefully the WH has the sense to wait until he's the candidate to drag out the skeletons. If they fire early, the people will be bored with the dirt, and he'll have time to meander away from his craziest moments. It's a given that as soon as the primaries are over, he'll stop kissing Tea Party ass and start whacking Obama with the economy non-stop. And he's good at staying on message.


Junior Member
TacticalFox88 said:
I'm not so sure. Perry can paint himself as a moderate. I may hate the guy, but I can't deny he's a master campaigner, almost on the level of Obama himself, dare I say it.

Problem is, in the Primary he can't really have it both ways.. There is no real middle ground in the Primary, particularly this one. The TeaParty has painted anything outside their principles as LEFT. If you go outside of those you lose their support.
cartoon_soldier said:
And the media is spineless to keep her pressing on it.
You want the media to talk about more irrelevant issues? Everyone with half a brain knows her views on homosexuality. They should be asking her policy questions on the economy and foreign affairs. That alone is enough to paint her as crazy by most moderates and independents. Social issues have become a huge distraction in this country.


Junior Member
besada said:
Hopefully the WH has the sense to wait until he's the candidate to drag out the skeletons. If they fire early, the people will be bored with the dirt, and he'll have time to meander away from his craziest moments. It's a given that as soon as the primaries are over, he'll stop kissing Tea Party ass and start whacking Obama with the economy non-stop. And he's good at staying on message.

Oh the WH needs to stfu about any of the candidates till next year. They have no business in this right now.. The only thing they could do is try and maneuver the message to make Romney Un electable in the primaries, thus only have to deal with the far right candidates.

But seriously with Perry in the fight now, the WH can sit back and look pretty, cause Mitts will have to get off his current message


Dude Abides said:
Sure they do. Presidential elections are largely determined by the fundamentals. Individual candidate personalities matter only at the margin.
True. Additionally, individual candidates matter insofar that one is more ideologically polarizing. Again, it matters on the margins, but that could prove significant in a close election. Honestly, I think Bachmann would be perceived as more polarizing in a general election. It seems there are a profusion of outrageous statements that will harm her candidacy; e.g., her statements about homosexuals will not play well in a general election.


scorcho said:
the idiocy of Guiliani's first failed campaign was that he thought he could avoid the early primaries and just ride a wave of victories on name alone. it didn't work then, and won't work now.
thing is, the primaries are gonna be more drawn out now than before so Guliani actually has a better chance now (not that it is much of a chance at all)...

Imagine if California, the Northwest, and the Northeast were all battlegrounds for delegates. Guliani could actually put up a good fight there.

I'd love to see Guliani get involved due to his liberal social views which would play well in states beyond South Carolina. Iowa and South Carolina unfortunately have a heavy, heavy religious fundamentalist factor so it makes the Republican party look crazy, but there are still lots of moderates out there. Plus, some states have open primaries where independents and Democrats can participate, which can only help candidates like Huntsman and Guliani (and Paul and Johnson for that matter).


Vestal said:
Problem is, in the Primary he can't really have it both ways.. There is no real middle ground in the Primary, particularly this one. The TeaParty has painted anything outside their principles as LEFT. If you go outside of those you lose their support.

Yep, just look at what happened with Mccain last time. He had to go so far right alot of it even persisted in the general elections.


DOO13ER said:
UH needs to focus on rebalancing its cost/benefit ratio for its degrees. Even before the recession mess hit they steadily hiked tuition every semester since I started there in Spring 05.
Yup. They have increased tuition since I was a freshmen back in '06.


Vestal said:
There was an Interesting point raised in Meet the Press today, that I think is something we need to consider.

When Obama and Hillary went all the way in the primary, they were fighting basically in the Center they were not off in lala land on the extreme left..

Right now the Republican Primary is extreme RIGHT thanks to the tea Party.. I mean 10-1 spending to revenue ratio and all of them said no?!?!
After I watched the Republican debate, I told myself - Obama has the election in '12 wrapped in a bag. Who ever wins the nomination, will be too far to the right. Independents will stick with Obama.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
TacticalFox88 said:
I still wonder if/when Palin's going to make it official. So many wildcards in this elections. From the candidates, to the economy, to an unknown year till November '12.

I wonder who will split Palin's votes because I don't think she's coming in.
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