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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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1) creationism isn't taught in texas schools. perry's making that up.

2) http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2011/...log&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

Texas Gov. Rick Perry used to be pretty frank when it came to the country’s Social Security system. In his fiery anti-Washington book, “Fed Up!”, published last fall when he had no plans to run for president, Mr. Perry called the program, which turned 76 on Monday, “a crumbling monument to the failure of the New Deal.”

He suggested the program’s creation violated the Constitution. The program was put in place, “at the expense of respect for the Constitution and limited government,” he wrote, comparing the program to a “bad disease” that has continued to spread. Instead of “a retirement system that is no longer set up like an illegal Ponzi scheme,” he wrote, he would prefer a system that “will allow individuals to own and control their own retirement.”

But since jumping into the 2012 GOP nomination race on Saturday, Mr. Perry has tempered his Social Security views. His communications director, Ray Sullivan, said Thursday that he had “never heard” the governor suggest the program was unconstitutional. Not only that, Mr. Sullivan said, but “Fed Up!” is not meant to reflect the governor’s current views on how to fix the program.



TacticalFox88 said:
Evolution IS just a theory....that happens to be fact.

He's being horrendously stupid.

Lamens definition of Theory and science description make so many people look like assholes for not understanding it. Theory is more backed than a law because we can explain what is happening. Gravity is not a theory because we still cant prove the things we think create it are what actually create it.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
NihonTiger90 said:
The latter. The unions are coming out HARD in Ohio over this.

You'd think Obama would be doing everything to support and provide lip service to unions. Unions alone could hand him Ohio next year, almost guaranteeing re-election.

We might look back at 2010 as the election that won Obama's second term, thanks to Ohio and Florida's governors.


Krauser Kat said:
Lamens definition of Theory and science description make so many people look like assholes for not understanding it. Theory is more backed than a law because we can explain what is happening. Gravity is not a theory because we still cant prove the things we think create it are what actually create it.

There is certainly a theory of gravitation. There's no requirement we "prove" what's causing gravity to have a theory, we just have to show that that theory has not been falsified.


A Human Becoming said:
I wonder how Obama's vacation days compare to Bush at this time.


So far, President Obama has taken 61 vacation days after 31 months in office. At this point in their presidencies, George W. Bush had spent 180 days at his ranch where his staff often joined him for meetings. And Ronald Reagan had taken 112 vacation days at his ranch.

So, about 1/3 of what W. Bush had taken in the same time frame.

EDIT: Beaten.
And Holy SHIT

Bachmann: The American people are worried about the rise of the Soviet Union!

Of all the candidates vying for the GOP presidential nomination, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) perhaps has the most colorful record of flubbing historical facts. Just this week, she wished Elvis Presley a happy birthday…on the day he died. But today, on the right-wing Christian attorney Jay Sekulow’s radio show, the congresswoman evinced a far more disturbing lack of basic knowledge about world history. Specifically, Bachmann said the American people are worried about “the rise of the Soviet Union.”

Apparently no one’s told her that America’s one-time Cold War nemesis has not existed for 20 years:

BACHMANN: What people recognize is that there’s a fear that the United States is in an unstoppable decline. They see the rise of China, the rise of India, the rise of the Soviet Union and our loss militarily going forward. And especially with this very bad debt ceiling bill, what we have done is given a favor to President Obama and the first thing he’ll whack is five hundred billion out of the military defense at a time when we’re fighting three wars. People recognize that


Junior Member
TacticalFox88 said:

You just can't make this shit up... Seriously.. W T F

To Michelle I say..

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
It fucking disgusts me to hear politicians decry even just the possibility of pairing back our astronomical defense spending in these economic times.

Unemployment benefits? Lazy fucks just need to get a job. *slash*

Infrastructure? You got roads, quit your bitching. *slash*

Education? Fat cat teachers' unions need to be taken down a peg. *big slash*



Military industrial complex is too powerful. Why do you think crazy old Ron Paul never gets a serious chance?

Cause he would end that shit.


mckmas8808 said:
And we (Texas) really teach creationism in school?

The weirdest part of that statement is that Perry doesn't seem to know that we don't teach creationism or ID in schools here. At least not if teachers are following the curriculum.


TacticalFox88 said:
Disgusting. All of you. Once again, I hold back vomit reading your vile words.

It was Republicans that kept the Soviets and bay and we need them back. Obama's been in office too long, destroying our childeren, our families, and our jobs. Expanding the governemnt, taking away your rights. It's enough that her husband is trying to help the gays out of bondange, and the GAF hivemind just jumps all over him!

You wait. The day will come when you awake to a hand over your mouth and a smile close to your eyes. That will be the gay comrades come for you. That will be the day you believe in God. The day you believe that the Soviet Union is far from dead.

And, that will be they day you wish that there was a President Bachmann. You know what you need to do in 2012.
Flo_Evans said:
Military industrial complex is too powerful. Why do you think crazy old Ron Paul never gets a serious chance?

Cause he would end that shit.

He'd also end the separation of church and state as well. I'm not sure that is worth it.
TacticalFox88 said:
The hypocrisy of the right never ceases to amaze me.
I've come to expect the hypocrisy.

But what is more annoying is the complete detachment with reality. You can't have a useful discussion with people that just have basic facts wrong and won't hear otherwise. The number of vacation days is an objective fact. OK, sure there is fudging about times whether Bush is working when down at the Texas ranch. Of course you can say the same thing about Obama in Hawaii or Illinois. But we are talking about a 3X difference here.

But many people push the 'Obama is on vacation all the time' meme AND ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT. With views like that, it is down to a religion belief level and no longer worth even talking about
Snaku said:

LOL. I wouldn't be surprised if that is another one of those infamous Fox "mistakes". I think the Fox news management would be happy to see her go down in flames and thus give a few pushes. Kinda like they do with Ron Paul.

BACHMANN: What people recognize is that there’s a fear that the United States is in an unstoppable decline. They see the rise of China, the rise of India, the rise of the Soviet Union and our loss militarily going forward. And especially with this very bad debt ceiling bill, what we have done is given a favor to President Obama and the first thing he’ll whack is five hundred billion out of the military defense at a time when we’re fighting three wars. People recognize that.

Wow. I don't even . . . what? I guess she meant Russia but I don't know if I'd say they are 'rising' at all. They just have many billionaire oligarchs from selling Russia's natural resources. I don't think anyone feels threatened by the Russian's militarily except its immediate neighbors.


Veezy said:
Disgusting. All of you. Once again, I hold back vomit reading your vile words.

It was Republicans that kept the Soviets and bay and we need them back. Obama's been in office too long, destroying our childeren, our families, and our jobs. Expanding the governemnt, taking away your rights. It's enough that her husband is trying to help the gays out of bondange, and the GAF hivemind just jumps all over him!

You wait. The day will come when you awake to a hand over your mouth and a smile close to your eyes. That will be the gay comrades come for you. That will be the day you believe in God. The day you believe that the Soviet Union is far from dead.

And, that will be they day you wish that there was a President Bachmann. You know what you need to do in 2012.


A 4 1/2 star performance.
Is it legal to charge citizens to talk to politicians at a town hall meeting?

Paul Ryan apparently thinks so. And while he blames the establishment that he chose to host the event in... he could of just moved it to a place that didn't want to charge people.

Apparently a group of unemployed people are hanging out in his office. Just hanging there, not doing anything that could be illegal. Just sitting in protest because they feel they can't talk to their representative without paying 15 dollars (which they don't have)

Ryan called the cops, but since they aren't breaking any laws, the cops just tried to shame them into leaving. They aren't.


more money than God
Anyone remember that one episode of the Simpsons where Homer was put in charge of a nuclear sub? The UN meeting where the USSR returned? Well, Michelle must have been watching that.

It's back!!!!



SoulPlaya said:
Anyone remember that one episode of the Simpsons where Homer was put in charge of a nuclear sub? The UN meeting where the USSR returned? Well, Michelle must have been watching that.

It's back!!!!


That's what we wanted you to think!
Veezy said:
Disgusting. All of you. Once again, I hold back vomit reading your vile words.

It was Republicans that kept the Soviets and bay and we need them back. Obama's been in office too long, destroying our childeren, our families, and our jobs. Expanding the governemnt, taking away your rights. It's enough that her husband is trying to help the gays out of bondange, and the GAF hivemind just jumps all over him!

You wait. The day will come when you awake to a hand over your mouth and a smile close to your eyes. That will be the gay comrades come for you. That will be the day you believe in God. The day you believe that the Soviet Union is far from dead.

And, that will be they day you wish that there was a President Bachmann. You know what you need to do in 2012.
You're trying too hard.


balladofwindfishes said:
Is it legal to charge citizens to talk to politicians at a town hall meeting?

Paul Ryan apparently thinks so. And while he blames the establishment that he chose to host the event in... he could of just moved it to a place that didn't want to charge people.

Apparently a group of unemployed people are hanging out in his office. Just hanging there, not doing anything that could be illegal. Just sitting in protest because they feel they can't talk to their representative without paying 15 dollars (which they don't have)

Ryan called the cops, but since they aren't breaking any laws, the cops just tried to shame them into leaving. They aren't.

wow, that is disgusting. He should be voted out of office during the next election. Charging the people who you represent every time they want to talk to you and get their views across is just, well, not democratic...


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Flo_Evans said:
Military industrial complex is too powerful. Why do you think crazy old Ron Paul never gets a serious chance?

Cause he would end that shit.

You mean he would try his damnedest to end it. Congress holds the purse.
speculawyer said:
I'm actually feeling sorry for the guy now. He is being punished for being rational. That is fucking insane.

Don't feel sorry for him, he's obviously pushing a lamestream liberal agenda by believing in science.


I've been thinking a lot about the cautious nature of our current President. Do you think it's partially because he carries the weight of being the first minority President? Afraid to be too bold or risk the public turning against him and ruining it for future minority candidates ("Oh great, another Obama!")? In the same way that Jimmy Carter's presidency made it difficult for mainstream liberals to run thereafter.

I know it's wildly speculative and in no way something you can prove, but it strikes me as odd his first three years in office in comparison to his Senate career. Where he was not afraid to lash out at his opponents or carry an opinion that went against the majority. Obama is a student of the past Presidents, so you wonder if his place in American history has played any decision into his leadership choices.
ToxicAdam said:
I've been thinking a lot about the cautious nature of our current President. Do you think it's partially because he carries the weight of being the first minority President? Afraid to be too bold or risk the public turning against him and ruining it for future minority candidates ("Oh great, another Obama!")? In the same way that Jimmy Carter's presidency made it difficult for mainstream liberals to run thereafter.

I know it's wildly speculative and in no way something you can prove, but it strikes me as odd his first three years in office in comparison to his Senate career. Where he was not afraid to lash out at his opponents or carry an opinion that went against the majority. Obama is a student of the past Presidents, so you wonder if his place in American history has played any decision into his leadership choices.
While I don't think it is something that specifically crosses his mind before every decision he makes, it is certainly something that has entered his mind (maybe in between being elected and taking office) and shaped his approach. You don't know as much about history as he does and not consider how his presidency affects the future.

But, like you said, it is speculative and there is no way to quantify it but I will be very interested to hear his thoughts on this issue once he is out office (in January 2017, fingers crossed).


ToxicAdam said:
I've been thinking a lot about the cautious nature of our current President. Do you think it's partially because he carries the weight of being the first minority President? Afraid to be too bold or risk the public turning against him and ruining it for future minority candidates ("Oh great, another Obama!")? In the same way that Jimmy Carter's presidency made it difficult for mainstream liberals to run thereafter.

I know it's wildly speculative and in no way something you can prove, but it strikes me as odd his first three years in office in comparison to his Senate career. Where he was not afraid to lash out at his opponents or carry an opinion that went against the majority. Obama is a student of the past Presidents, so you wonder if his place in American history has played any decision into his leadership choices.

I think he wants to be viewed as the moderate, bi-partisan, above the fray, uniting leader. And he'll continue pushing that view even if the legislation suffers, even if his base hates him, and even if the other side is not - and never will be - acting in good faith.

It's either that or he's perpetually naive and can't learn from his mistakes. I'm guessing it's the former. Or it might be like your theory.


I don't have time to run it down because I'm doing a colonoscopy prep, but apparently there's a story out there about Perry funding porn.

Also, a corn dog picture that's nearly as good as Bachmann's.
ToxicAdam said:
I've been thinking a lot about the cautious nature of our current President. Do you think it's partially because he carries the weight of being the first minority President? Afraid to be too bold or risk the public turning against him and ruining it for future minority candidates ("Oh great, another Obama!")? In the same way that Jimmy Carter's presidency made it difficult for mainstream liberals to run thereafter.

I know it's wildly speculative and in no way something you can prove, but it strikes me as odd his first three years in office in comparison to his Senate career. Where he was not afraid to lash out at his opponents or carry an opinion that went against the majority. Obama is a student of the past Presidents, so you wonder if his place in American history has played any decision into his leadership choices.

while i don't think it has to do much with him being a minority, i think you are on to something. obama simply has a huge ego. he wants to go down in history as a bipartisan, compromising president, and he puts his legacy ahead of policy goals over and over again. it is the typical sort of hubris normally found in powerful men.
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