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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Kosmo said:
Democrats are looking at the bigger picture - he doesn't resign, and they all suffer come 2012. He resigns and they can claim a little bit of the moral high ground saying "Look we made Weiner resign, while Vitter is still there!"
Yup. And he's been a massive distraction from everything else going on.
empty vessel said:
Your facts are, not atypically, wrong. I'm a moderate on a global (and, more importantly, rational) scale. For example, I don't endorse savagely killing innocent people for economic gain or for retaliation. Most self-professed "moderates" and "centrists" do. "Moderate" is a term that carries some substance in and of itself in that it conveys restraint--unlike "centrist," which is wholly relative (between two points). Everybody--including Stalin and Hitler--is a centrist given the proper arbitrary points of comparison, so that term is substantively meaningless except to situate a person within two arbitrary poles.

I think some people calling themselves a "moderate" is an abuse of the English language. You would be one such person. I'm certainly left on a global scale, but well within the mainstream. A quintessential moderate, even.

Yeah, I don't think so, but if you want to be delusional, this is a free country, go for. You are on the far left based on wealth distribution, framing everything as class warfare, trying to make out everything the US does as being a war crime, overuse of Chomsky, and extreme isolationism (which can be a right or left issue, but clearly in your case is leftist based).

You calling yourself a moderate, is a crime against the English language. Then again I guess you got banned for those moderate views about Osama Bin Laden then.


So, Weiner resigns. Cuomo sets up another special election. NY09 is D+5 according to Cook. Is it possible that the special election goes uncontested by the GOP or Conservative Party?


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Yeah, I don't think so, but if you want to be delusional, this is a free country, go for. You are on the far left based on wealth distribution, framing everything as class warfare, trying to make out everything the US does as being a war crime, overuse of Chomsky, and extreme isolationism (which can be a right or left issue, but clearly in your case is leftist based).

You calling yourself a moderate, is a crime against the English language. Then again I guess you got banned for those moderate views about Osama Bin Laden then.

To be fair, EV is right of those who would advocate outright killing of the rich before stealing their wealth to give to the poor. Perhaps this is the scale he is using.
GhaleonEB said:
Yup. And he's been a massive distraction from everything else going on.
This is such bullshit. Anthony Weiner is not responsible for the media's decision to pay a ridiculous amount of attention to him. Just because something is distracting doesn't mean you have to choose to look at it.


GhaleonEB said:
Yup. And he's been a massive distraction from everything else going on.

If I am Obama...I'm grateful for the distraction. As Libya opposition heats up, it's nice to have a Weiner for the plebes to grasp on to.
Kosmo said:
Your promotion of wealth redistribution puts you FAR left on any scale - it isn't even close to mainstream.

You don't get out much, do you?

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Yeah, I don't think so, but if you want to be delusional, this is a free country, go for. You are on the far left based on wealth distribution, framing everything as class warfare, trying to make out everything the US does as being a war crime, overuse of Chomsky, and extreme isolationism (which can be a right or left issue, but clearly in your case is leftist based).

You calling yourself a moderate, is a crime against the English language. Then again I guess you got banned for those moderate views about Osama Bin Laden then.

Yes, I got banned for advocating due process and rule of law. Doesn't this reinforce my point that you are the extremist and undermine yours? Everything you just described is quite moderate. You realize that Chomsky is not a controversial figure anywhere except in the US, right? (Well, and Israel, of course.)
eznark said:
What a fool Weiner was to think he could hang on. He drew this out longer than he needed to which I think hurts his inevitable return to politics in 2014. As soon as the leadership turned their backs on him, he should have resigned.
He could easily hang on. Why not? It is no different than Vitter. This would have died down after a while and he just would have been the guy that tweeted his dick like Vitter is the guy that hired hos.

I guess what you are telling me is that GOP really are just big fucking hypocrites on family values whereas the Dems don't campaign on it but take them more seriously.

I wonder if Republicans are going to regret asking for him to resign? The Dems will be the party that pushed out the dick tweeter whereas the GOP is the party that honors their hooker fucker.

eznark said:
If I am Obama...I'm grateful for the distraction. As Libya opposition heats up, it's nice to have a Weiner for the plebes to grasp on to.
Again . . . they need to be careful what they make issues of. If Ghadaffi falls, they are gonna look like petty partisans that just opposed Obama to oppose Obama and ended up on the wrong side of history.

BTW, does anyone know what we (the USA) are actually doing in Libya? There may be some small secret ops stuff . . . but I don't read anything about us flying sorties these days.
Gotta love the liberals in denial at Daily Kos, who continue to maintain the right is somehow still responsible for this Weiner stuff. "He took on Clarence Thomas and they got him!" Yea ok. Good riddance. Just a few weeks ago congressmen were having a blast beating republicans over the head with Medicare. Weiner deflated that momentum before the jobs report did.
speculawyer said:
He could easily hang on. Why not? It is no different than Vitter. This would have died down after a while and he just would have been the guy that tweeted his dick like Vitter is the guy that hired hos.

I guess what you are telling me is that GOP really are just big fucking hypocrites on family values whereas the Dems don't campaign on it but take them more seriously.

I wonder if Republicans are going to regret asking for him to resign? The Dems will be the party that pushed out the dick tweeter whereas the GOP is the party that honors their hooker fucker.
I was hoping Weiner would make an issue of it himself. "I'll go when Vitter goes," or something to that effect. Weiner could have done a much better job of leveraging this situation to his advantage.
PhoenixDark said:
Gotta love the liberals in denial at Daily Kos, who continue to maintain the right is somehow still responsible for this Weiner stuff. "He took on Clarence Thomas and they got him!" Yea ok. Good riddance. Just a few weeks ago congressmen were having a blast beating republicans over the head with Medicare. Weiner deflated that momentum before the jobs report did.

Weiner's an idiot, but the bulk of the blame rests with the media and Democratic party. I don't even think the American public gives a shit, except for the entertainment spectacle (which is of course why the pretend "media" took to it).


Fork 'em, Sparky!
speculawyer said:
He could easily hang on. Why not? It is no different than Vitter. This would have died down after a while and he just would have been the guy that tweeted his dick like Vitter is the guy that hired hos.

I guess what you are telling me is that GOP really are just big fucking hypocrites on family values whereas the Dems don't campaign on it but take them more seriously.

I wonder if Republicans are going to regret asking for him to resign? The Dems will be the party that pushed out the dick tweeter whereas the GOP is the party that honors their hooker fucker.

Come, come, we both know nearly all politicians, left and right, are pretty damn morally bankrupt. The few shining stars are dead or incapable of slumming up enough support to become president or anything else.
empty vessel said:
Yes, I got banned for advocating due process and rule of law.
Wasn't how the mod and others saw it.

empty vessel said:
You realize that Chomsky is not a controversial figure anywhere except in the US, right? (Well, and Israel, of course.)
Yeah, I don't think his genocide denialism is really popular with a lot of people in the former Yugoslav nations that aren't in Serbia. You have read his views about a concentration camp photo being fake, and being an free to leave refugee camp,and the death toll at Srebenica being inflated have you, or do you just choose to ignore that?


speculawyer said:
He could easily hang on. Why not? It is no different than Vitter. This would have died down after a while and he just would have been the guy that tweeted his dick like Vitter is the guy that hired hos.

I guess what you are telling me is that GOP really are just big fucking hypocrites on family values whereas the Dems don't campaign on it but take them more seriously.

I wonder if Republicans are going to regret asking for him to resign? The Dems will be the party that pushed out the dick tweeter whereas the GOP is the party that honors their hooker fucker.

Again . . . they need to be careful what they make issues of. If Ghadaffi falls, they are gonna look like petty partisans that just opposed Obama to oppose Obama and ended up on the wrong side of history.

BTW, does anyone know what we (the USA) are actually doing in Libya? There may be some small secret ops stuff . . . but I don't read anything about us flying sorties these days.

let him run again in the next election, the bullshit needs to die off


eznark said:
If I am Obama...I'm grateful for the distraction. As Libya opposition heats up, it's nice to have a Weiner for the plebes to grasp on to.

On that, what are the potential ramifications on Obama? I am sure that it will play out where we draw down our troops and all is forgotten, but is there really any consequences if a president denies the War Powers Resolution?


Weiner finally figured out what most of us had known for weeks. He was done. Time to get right with his family if he can.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Wasn't how the mod and others saw it.

Typically trash conservative "argument." When you learn how to do anything other than innuendo, get back to me. Here's a hint: try to argue the substantive point directly, not dance around it for show.

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Yeah, I don't think his genocide denialism is really popular with a lot of people in the former Yugoslav nations that aren't in Serbia. You have read his views about a concentration camp photo being fake, and being an free to leave refugee camp,and the death toll at Srebenica being inflated have you, or do you just choose to ignore that?

Feel free to quote, in context and at length, Chomsky on all these allegations. You won't do it.


speculawyer said:
I wonder if Republicans are going to regret asking for him to resign? The Dems will be the party that pushed out the dick tweeter whereas the GOP is the party that honors their hooker fucker.


we can probably tit for tat ad infinitum but we all know the truth...all politicians are scum bags.


besada said:
Weiner finally figured out what most of us had known for weeks. He was done. Time to get right with his family if he can.

Huma is more married to the Clintons than to Weiner - that marriage is done.
besada said:
Weiner finally figured out what most of us had known for weeks. He was done. Time to get right with his family if he can.
Him stepping down is definitely good for the Dems . . . but how is it good for his family? I think his family is best off if he stays and keeps a well paying and well respected job. Weiner has no law degree. No one is gonna hire him as a lobbyist now. What is he gonna do?

I guess he may have privately negotiated a job with a liberal think tank or something? . . . I'll leave if someone gives me a damn job!


speculawyer said:
Him stepping down is definitely good for the Dems . . . but how is it good for his family? I think his family is best off if he stays and keeps a well paying and well respected job. Weiner has no law degree. No one is gonna hire him as a lobbyist now. What is he gonna do?

I didn't say it was good for his family, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
eznark said:
we can probably tit for tat ad infinitum but we all know the truth...all politicians are scum bags.
Well . . . I guess you agree with my assertion.

Ancient history doesn't really matter, does it? The public can barely remember what happened last week. You brought up a dead guy who died 2 years ago and who's big sin happened 41 years ago.


Dems are like losers in high school who will do anything for the cool kids to like them, including turning on their own people. Republicans are like the football team that sticks together and covers for eachother, which is why they can better survive sex scandals.
empty vessel said:
Feel free to quote, in context and at length, Chomsky on all these allegations. You won't do it.

You know this picture don't you?



From On the NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia (transcript), Noam Chomsky interviewed by Danilo Mandic, RTS Online [Radio-Television Serbia], April 25, 2006
Video: The pertinent section is here (at 1:38 into the video). The interview video sequence begins here.

Chomsky: ... if you look at the coverage [of the Bosnia war], for example there was one famous incident which has completely reshaped the Western opinion and that was the photograph of the thin man in a concen - uh, behind the barb-wire.

Danilo Mandic [interviewer]: A fraudulent photograph, as it turned out.

Chomsky: You remember. The thin men behind the barb-wire so that was Auschwitz and 'we can't have Auschwitz again.' The intellectuals went crazy and the French were posturing on television and the usual antics. Well, you know, it was investigated and carefully investigated. In fact it was investigated by the leading Western specialist on the topic, Philip Knightly, who is a highly respected media analyst and his specialty is photo journalism, probably the most famous Western and most respected Western analyst in this. He did a detailed analysis of it. And he determined that it was probably the reporters who were behind the barb-wire, and the place was ugly, but it was a refugee camp, I mean, people could leave if they wanted and, near the thin man was a fat man and so on ...

Defend that.
Kosmo said:
Democrats are looking at the bigger picture - he doesn't resign, and they all suffer come 2012. He resigns and they can claim a little bit of the moral high ground saying "Look we made Weiner resign, while Vitter is still there!"

yes, whether weiner resigned or not would have impacted the democratic party in 2012.


where's my laughing smiley?


speculawyer said:
Ancient history doesn't really matter, does it? The public can barely remember what happened last week. You brought up a dead guy who died 2 years ago and who's big sin happened 41 years ago.

Whenever I think of honoring a hooker fucker I think of the Lion of the Left.

I actually think it does matter. For the most part, America has come to terms with the fact that our elected officials are scumbags. I think Weiner is being forced out 1. because there are pictures and 2. because he lied to people on his own team. The pictures make it exciting for the media while lying to his own team leaves him without any allies.

The scandal is meaningless, it's all about the circumstances.


speculawyer said:
Him stepping down is definitely good for the Dems . . . but how is it good for his family? I think his family is best off if he stays and keeps a well paying and well respected job. Weiner has no law degree. No one is gonna hire him as a lobbyist now. What is he gonna do?

I guess he may have privately negotiated a job with a liberal think tank or something? . . . I'll leave if someone gives me a damn job!

Considering his wife, who has published salaries in the $9-40K range the last 6-8 years or so working for Hillary paid $649K for an apartment in DC, I'd say money is coming from somewhere.
Kosmo said:
Huma is more married to the Clintons than to Weiner - that marriage is done.

Sucks she's pregnant too. She'll probably wait for the story to fall off front pages/people's minds, then divorce his ass in a few months. I wonder what Hillary's advice has been.

I can imagine Bill at a bar with Weiner saying "don't worry brother, she wasn't that attractive anyway"
besada said:
I didn't say it was good for his family, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Well if it is time to get right with his family then his goal should be to stay in office no matter how badly it hurts the Dems. If he doesn't care about the Dems then he was not 'done'. They can't fire him.


speculawyer said:
Well if it is time to get right with his family then his goal should be to stay in office no matter how badly it hurts the Dems. If he doesn't care about the Dems then he was not 'done'. They can't fire him.

I think long term stepping down was the right thing for his career. He'll be back in the next election cycle in some form or other. Maybe a city spot since his ultimate goal has been NYC mayor, right?
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:

You know this picture don't you?


From On the NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia (transcript), Noam Chomsky interviewed by Danilo Mandic, RTS Online [Radio-Television Serbia], April 25, 2006
Video: The pertinent section is here (at 1:38 into the video). The interview video sequence begins here.

Defend that.



Why don't you articulate the problem yourself? Construct an argument. For once. Instead of throwing out seemingly random anti-Chomsky talking points that you've picked up and about which you undoubtedly have no knowledge or personal understanding.


speculawyer said:
Well if it is time to get right with his family then his goal should be to stay in office no matter how badly it hurts the Dems. If he doesn't care about the Dems then he was not 'done'. They can't fire him.

It's time to get right with his family, because that's what he has left.

You've been delusional about his ability to hang on since this started. And no, they can't fire him, but they can pull all his assignments, censure him, and destroy his ability to work with Democrats in the future. And frankly, the ethics investigation was going to go poorly for him, because he likely used Congressional resources for his silliness.

He made too many mistakes to survive this.
I think my biggest confusion about Weinergate is that Weiner's wife is super hot. But that didn't stop JFK.

I hope Dems don't get complacent in holding his seat for the inevitable special election. Any momentum gained from NY-26 would be halted immediately.
empty vessel said:


Why don't you articulate the problem yourself? Construct an argument. For once. Instead of throwing out seemingly random anti-Chomsky talking points that you've picked up and about which you undoubtedly have no knowledge or personal understanding.

Considering you just did the same thing, that's pretty rich coming from you. I also think citing a random blogpost from 5 years ago, with few posts, from an incredibly biased writer, and no attribution to who the real author is is a pretty piss poor way to construct an argument. It's not exactly something a lawyer would want to present in court for evidence.

The other link shows him trying to explain well, these 3 people from Living Marxism got sued by a big evil corporation, therefore they are innocent.

Chomsky said:
well and there was one tiny newspaper in England, probably three people, called LM which ran a critique of this, and the British (who haven't a slightest concept of freedom of speech, that is a total fraud)…a major corporation, ITN, a big media corporation had publicized this, so the corporation sued the tiny newspaper for lible. Now the British lible laws were absolutely atrocious. The person accused has to prove that the, what he's reporting is not done in malice and he can't prove that. So and in fact when you have a huge corporation with batteries of lawyers and so on, carrying out a suit against the three people in the office, who probably don't have the pocket-money, it's obvious what is going to happen. Especially under these grotesque lible laws.

Yeah, that's not exactly a retort proving the people claiming the photo was fake were correct.

Look I understand that you're blinding loyalty to Chomsky means you have to defend him, but really you have defend things like claiming that picture is a fraud.

Nice try.
i swear, america's right wing party has the craziest politicians in the civilized world
they make our right-wing guys look like fucking hippies
I feel like a defeated man who woke up too late. I've been seeing signs for candidates for local elections for months now and today I decide to check out when the election will take place. I come to find out it will take place Saturday, while I'm at work, and that I already missed the early voting time. I have moved sense I last voted so I would need to register in a different county for me to vote locally and I wouldn't be able to make it on time if I left after work on Saturday.

I did have plans to vote for democratic, and with Texas being a heavy republican, it would not have made a big difference (I hate myself for thinking that). What gets me is I didn't look for information sooner. So I've printed out a form to update my information, and next election I'll have my stuff in order, but for now I just wanted to apologize.

I'm sorry.
Kosmo said:
On that, what are the potential ramifications on Obama? I am sure that it will play out where we draw down our troops and all is forgotten, but is there really any consequences if a president denies the War Powers Resolution?
I'm also concern about the flippant response to the act. Slippery slope indeed. I could understand if he, like Truman, went the UN approval equals congressional approval route. Still wish he got approval.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Kosmo said:
On that, what are the potential ramifications on Obama? I am sure that it will play out where we draw down our troops and all is forgotten, but is there really any consequences if a president denies the War Powers Resolution?
The thing is, the US military involvement is in accordance with a UN Security Council Resolution, which a congressionally approved US diplomat supported and had the power to veto. Furthemore, the UN Security Council Resolution of which I speak authorized the military action of the member nations in accordance with the UN Charter, which is a treaty ratified by Congress, which makes it, according to the constitution, the supreme law of the land in the United States, on par in legal priority with the Constitution itself, and superceding any laws that may come into conflict with it.

In other words, I'm not so sure the war powers act applies if military action is authorized under a UN Security Council Resolution, since the UN Charter would supercede the war powers act.
JCX said:
Dems are like losers in high school who will do anything for the cool kids to like them, including turning on their own people. Republicans are like the football team that sticks together and covers for eachother, which is why they can better survive sex scandals.

turrible analogy. Republicans are VERY quick to tear apart anyone who isn't toeing the party line.

Look at Gingrich and the fallout over "right wing social engineering."
Anslon said:
I feel like a defeated man who woke up too late. I've been seeing signs for candidates for local elections for months now and today I decide to check out when the election will take place. I come to find out it will take place Saturday, while I'm at work, and that I already missed the early voting time. I have moved sense I last voted so I would need to register in a different county for me to vote locally and I wouldn't be able to make it on time if I left after work on Saturday.

I did have plans to vote for democratic, and with Texas being a heavy republican, it would not have made a big difference (I hate myself for thinking that). What gets me is I didn't look for information sooner. So I've printed out a form to update my information, and next election I'll have my stuff in order, but for now I just wanted to apologize.

I'm sorry.
It's too late. You have failed to do your civic duty. All that is left is for you do the honorable thing: end yourself.

(Can't understand for the life of me why so many states seem to have laws that are antagonistic to the exercise of the franchise.)
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Considering you just did the same thing, that's pretty rich coming from you.

You may not have noticed, but I'm not the one making allegations and accusations, half-baked as they are.

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Look I understand that you're blinding loyalty to Chomsky means you have to defend him, but really you have defend things like claiming that picture is a fraud.

I don't have an ounce of loyalty to Chomsky. Liars and disingenuous character assassins (like Oliver Kamm, from whom you take your material) just rub me the wrong way.
Kosmo said:
On that, what are the potential ramifications on Obama? I am sure that it will play out where we draw down our troops and all is forgotten, but is there really any consequences if a president denies the War Powers Resolution?

Yes . . . all those thousands and thousands of troops that we have in Libya. Oh wait . . . we don't have any troops in Libya. (OK, there may be some covert special ops guys but does that count?)

Factually Challenged
(Today, 07:53 AM)
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empty vessel said:
You may not have noticed, but I'm not the one making allegations and accusations, half-baked as they are.
Nice try to ignore your craptastic defense attempts, which coming from a lawyer are even more pathetic.

empty vessel said:
I don't have an ounce of loyalty to Chomsky. Liars and disingenuous character assassins just rub me the wrong way.

Genocide denialists bother me personally.
Aaron Strife said:
I think my biggest confusion about Weinergate is that Weiner's wife is super hot. But that didn't stop JFK.

I hope Dems don't get complacent in holding his seat for the inevitable special election. Any momentum gained from NY-26 would be halted immediately.
They're going to hold his seat.

I highly doubt that area is going conservative.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Nice try to ignore your craptastic defense attempts, which coming from a lawyer are even more pathetic.

Seems more than adequate under the circumstances. You've not refuted the substance contained in the link I posted, I assume because you personally know nothing about the substance and wouldn't know where to begin. You really shouldn't start arguments about which you know nothing, even though you really didn't even present an argument, just tossed out phrases as if a succession of phrases constituted an argument. I humored you, although I shouldn't have bothered, knowing you as I do.

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Genocide denialists bother me personally.

I doubt that very much.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Invisible_Insane said:
It's too late. You have failed to do your civic duty. All that is left is for you do the honorable thing: end yourself.

(Can't understand for the life of me why so many states seem to have laws that are antagonistic to the exercise of the franchise.)

old white conservatives are dead set on voting everytime, laws are designed to keep the spur-of-the-moment, capricious riff-raff/voters out.
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